This was a time in summer when I as usual was free and always ready to go herping. Diveghat is half an hour away from my house where before the dawn deer’s were spotted and every Sunday I rode there in the hope to see something new and that day I was lucky enough to encounter something.
As you know saw-scaled viper is ranked as one of the 4 venomous snake in India and smallest on of all. I think by now you people may have guessed who it is. Yes! It is the saw scaled viper-the venomous and the tiniest. I suppose of you my friends must be remembering about the Russell’s viper and its young ones which I mentioned in one of my previous blogs.
So as usual I arrived at the place, saw some deer’s and started with my search of scorpions and saw-scaled vipers. The best part about herping in this place is that you don’t need to observe the bushes or enter in a dense forest, the only thing you need to do is checkout under small rocks by lifting them so this makes your herping a bit easy.
In the starting I found a couple of scorpions and centipedes but I had a feeling that some bigger surprise is waiting for me. Within half an hour I encountered one of the best moments of my herping, a healthy female saw-scaled viper with her six young ones. What a moment of happiness, can’t define that happiness in words. After seeing this family I was completely refreshed, the tiredness vanished within seconds. We clicked some beautiful pictures and left them, to be frank I wanted to take all of them home and nurture them but couldn’t do so because after all it was mother nature’s belonging.
Photo: riyaz khoja
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Read more here: King Snake
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