By Herp News
The latest weird effect from climate change [Washington Post] Climate change is affecting wildlife in a lot of serious, and sometimes even weird, ways. Scientists have revealed another weird effect: climate change may be disrupting the sex ratio among baby sea turtles. Is this planned killing of 18,000 necessary? [Mongabay] The government believes that bats have become a “pest,” and a culling event to reduce bat population by 20 percent is scheduled to start mid-October. Conservationists say this decision to cull is not backed by scientific evidence, may drive the species to Endangered status, and is “unacceptable.” The list no one wants to be on, and how it works [] It wasn’t that long ago when the concept of an endangered species didn’t even exist. Today, both the ESA and the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources’ Red List define endangered species and identify extinct ones. A Female Fiji Iguana. Fiji is one of the Pacific island nations requesting future help for climate change consequences. Photo by Rhett Butler. These nations are already pleading for help in preparation of climate change [The Guardian] Pacific island nations have started begging wealthy countries to help their people migrate and find work if they are forced to flee their homelands because of the effects of climate change. Why this country is losing their birds in shocking numbers [Mongabay] New research in Ghana’s highly-biodiverse Upper Guinean rainforests has found that logging has taken a tremendous toll on wildlife.…
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