
see reptiles diffenetly

   Apr 04

Herp Photo of the Day: Chameleon

It’s snack time for this Parson Chameleon in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user rocknreptiles . Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

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   Apr 01

Herp Photo of the Day: Rattlesnake Friday!

It is clear fromour Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user Craig_V_Rensburg why some people call Naja nigricollis nigricincta Zebra Snakes! On Rattlesnake Friday, we celebrate ALL things venomous! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

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   Apr 01

Rapid transformation turns clinging tadpoles into digging adult frogs

By Herp News

The Indian Purple frog skeleton undergoes dramatic transformation as tadpoles clinging to underwater rocks become adults digging their way underground, according to a new study.

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   Apr 01

Indian dancing frog’s secretive tadpoles unearthed from sand beds

By Herp News

A new tadpole that burrows through sand has been unearthed from the streambeds in the Western Ghats of India, according to a recent study.

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   Mar 31

A fossilized snake shows its true colors

By Herp News

Ten million years ago, a green and black snake lay coiled in the Spanish undergrowth. Once, paleontologists would have been limited by its colorless fossil remains, but now they know what the snake looked like and can guess how it acted. Researchers have discovered that some fossils can retain evidence of skin color from multiple pigments and structural colors, aiding research into the evolution and function of color.

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   Mar 31

‘Homing turtles’ go back to familiar grounds

By Herp News

A new study has found turtles released back into the wild almost always return home — even if they have to swim more than 100km or have spent more than a year away.

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   Mar 31

Herp Photo of the Day: Leopard Gecko

What stunning colors on this male Sceloporus orcutti in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user eve. Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

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   Mar 31

Carrot-tailed Viper Gecko

Small, stock, and with a distinctive tail and scalation, meet the carrot-tailed viper gecko.
Once quite commonly seen in the pet trade, for twofold reasons the little carrot-tailed viper gecko, Hemidactylus imbricatus (formerly Teratolepis fasciatus) is now harder to acquire. Firstly, there are almost no shipments coming to the USA from the Pakistan homeland of this gecko and secondly, for reasons not yet understood some breeders have found the hatchlings delicate. Hatchlings are said to often succumb within the first few weeks of their life.

This gecko of the rocky deserts attains an adult length of about 3 inches and is of stocky build. Despite its small size, once past the rather delicate hatchling stage, this is a hardy gecko that can live for many years in captivity on a diet of vitamin-calcium dusted baby crickets and tiny roaches.

The polygonal body scales are relatively small and only weakly imbricate. However the scales on the carrot-shaped tail are large and strongly imbricate.

My first examples came from a Pakistani friend in the early 60s. All arrived alive, bred readily, and within a year I had added several hatchlings to the growing colony.

Be these Hemidactylus or Teratolepis, they are an alert, primarily terrestrial, easily kept gecko, that is well worthy of consideration.

Additional reading: Bauer, Aaron M.; Varad B. Giri, Eli Greenbaum, Todd R. Jackman,
Mahesh S. Dharne and Yogesh S. 2008. On the Systematics of the Gekkonid Genus Teratolepis Günther, 1869: Another One Bites the Dust. Hamadryad 32 (2): 90-104

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   Mar 30

Herp Photo of the Day: Spiny Lizard

What stunning colors on this male Sceloporus orcutti in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user arkherps . Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

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   Mar 30

Spider Gecko

The name of spider gecko is derived from the long, spindly legs.The air mail letter from Jerry had just arrived from Karachi when our customs broker called and mentioned that we had an unexpected shipment from Pakistan at his facility. He could find neither packing list nor invoice within. Could we supply any info? I asked the broker to wait for a moment, opened the letter and found the needed documentation—a now forgotten number of leopard geckos, and a half dozen each of 3 other gecko species, 2 rat snakes, 2 whiskered vipers, and an Indian python were contained. I would fax it to him immediately. This was back in the 60s, at a time when U. S. Customs was easy to work with and there were virtually no state or federal regulatory laws. I expected no problems from this shipper’s oversight nor did we have any. The next morning the shipment was at our facility and I was eagerly unpacking it. I was familiar with most of the species from earlier shipments, but 2 species of geckos were new to me. One of these was the spider gecko, Agamura persica. What was this (remember there were few herp books and no computers/Google in those days)?

When after opening the bag I got my first look at this slender, big eyed, long legged, skinny tailed, creature I realized that I had never even imagined such a creature existed. I noticed too that they were devoid of toepads, and that when adult they are easily sexed, the males having pronounced hemipenial bulges as 5 of my 6 did. I also was quick to learn that the adult males were incompatible. The 6th individual, then a not sexable subadult, was a male.

Querying the shipper, I learned that this semidesert gecko was a saxicolous species, a terrarium type that was/is easily duplicated. In such terraria I found these geckos undemanding and very hardy.
And for this experience I say many thanks, Jerry.

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   Mar 29

Herp Photo of the Day: Crested Gecko

It’s Two for Tuesday with this pair of Cresties in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user MOC_Reptiles . Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

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   Mar 28

World’s most endangered sea turtle species in even more trouble than we thought

By Herp News

Researchers used novel approach with historic film to discover just how endangered Kemp’s ridley sea turtles are. Kemp’s ridley turtles are currently classified as critically endangered on the IUCN’s Red List of Threatened Species. The species was on the brink of extinction in the 1980s, but a Mexico-U.S. bi-national conservation program initiated in 1978 was able to reverse its decline.

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   Mar 28

Herp Photo of the Day: Cribo

LOVE this Cribo in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user steve fuller ! We are so jealous! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

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   Mar 26

Land bridges linking ancient India, Eurasia were ‘freeways’ for biodiversity exchange

By Herp News

Before the final collision of Eurasia and the Indian subcontinent, land bridges between the landmasses may have served as ‘freeways’ of biodiversity exchange that flowed in both directions, new information shows.

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   Mar 25

Herp Photo of the Day: Rattlesnake Friday!

What a gorgeous pair of (V.r.raddei) Radde’s Rock Viper in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user tjern d! On Rattlesnake Friday, we celebrate ALL things venomous! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

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   Mar 25

The Tiniest Salamander

The dwarf salamander ranges from Texas to North Carolina and southern Florida.
It wasn’t crossing the road. It was lying quietly parallel with the yellow line and it was only 1 ¼ “ in length with a diameter hardly greater than a broom straw. It was a newly metamorphosed dwarf salamander, Eurycea quadridigitata. It was probably the smallest salamander that Jake or I had ever road hunted, and yes, I still wonder how either of us, never mind both of us, ever saw this creature that looked upon closer inspection like nothing more than a fine crack in the pavement?

Having an average adult length of 2 ¾ to 3 ¼ inches (and a record length just a hair over 3 ½ inches), at its largest the dwarf salamander is aptly named. As currently described this is probably a species complex. It is a salamander of southeastern swamplands and is small enough to hide beneath even tiny pieces of vegetative debris.

In keeping with its swampland habitat, this is a dark colored salamander. The dorsum is lighter than the sides, often bears a vague herringbone pattern and is divided by a narrow, dark, vertebral stripe that may be continuous or broken, and usually shades to a yellowish or sometimes orange color with no stripe on the tail. A dark dorsolateral stripe is present on each side. The sides and venter are grayish. There are only 4 toes on each foot.
I assure you that it was for the possibility of seeing other herp species that we had travelled to Florida’s Panhandle, but the finding of this little dwarf among dwarves was certainly noteworthy.
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   Mar 24

Herp Photo of the Day: Sulcatta

This African spur thigh tortoise in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user dinahmoe is just munching away without a care in the world. We are so jealous! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

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   Mar 23

Green light stops sea turtle deaths

By Herp News

Attaching green battery powered light-emitting diodes (LED) to gillnets used by a small-scale fishery reduced the number of green turtle deaths by 64 per cent, without reducing the intended catch of fish, new research demonstrates.

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   Mar 23

Using frog foam to deliver antibiotics

By Herp News

Scientists have shown that the foam made by Trinidadian frogs represents a new, non-toxic antibiotic delivery system that may help to prevent infections. Researchers have been analysing the frog foam, showing that it is highly stable and capable of taking up drugs before releasing them at a stable rate.

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   Mar 23

Herp Photo of the Day: Monitor

What a sassy girl! Check out the attitude on this Kimberly rock monitor in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user bob. Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

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   Mar 22

Herp Photo of the Day: Kingsnake

Love this in situ shot of an alterna climbing the rock cuts in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user StuTennyson . Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

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   Mar 22

Gophers—Frogs That Is

An adult male Florida gopher frog.
Living in a region where a goodly number of anurans exist has its herpetological ups and downs. The ups are that on almost any rainy night throughout the year we can see or hear some species of frog, toad, or treefrog. The downs are that to find some species we have to brave the chilly nights and cooler waters (remember, we are Floridian wimps!) of seasons other than midsummer. But, when we do tailor our searches a bit and search out cool weather species, we may find the gopher frog, Rana capito aesopus, a localized and secretive taxon that awaits heavy rains and flooding conditions to begin its breeding sequence.

And so it was on this night. It had rained, poured, rained, then misted all day and Jake decided this was the night when gopher frogs would be active. The problem was, he hadn’t cleared this with the gopher frogs. But Jake swore that that if I would just get him to where the frogs were he WOULD NOT come back to the car without a picture. So we headed westward to visit a known gopher frog locale.

When we arrived it was almost dark, it WAS windy, and it was cool. We could hear no gophers from the road so we, in shorts and flipflops, clawed and shoved our way through 100 feet of brambles and thorny shrubs to pond edge. By this time it was cold, windy and moonlit. But guess what? Gophers WERE singing. We got to the water and I said something to the effect of “they’re here, they’re singing, go get ’em Jake.” His response was “ummmmmm–I forgot my camera.”

By now the frogs were calling loudly so I suggested that Jake go and at least find one so he could add it to his life list. He went. I stood and shivered. Jake got 1/4 way across the pond and the frogs stopped singing. Jake stood. One frog called. Jake, sounding like a dyspeptic porcupine, produced an answering snore. Lo, the frog called again. Jake stalked s-l-o-w-l-y towards it. It was now a contest of whether the pond would evaporate or the frog would die from old age before he got to the calling site.

OK, so you’ve got the idea by now. The trip was a washout. Frogs 10. Jake and me, zero. But we had fun, and later that year, on a warmer and even rainier night, we were more successful. Jake got his photos.

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   Mar 21

Herp Photo of the Day: Wood Frog

We hope that this amazing field shot of a Wood Frog kicks off your Monday right in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user casichelydia . Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

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   Mar 18

Herp Photo of the Day: Rattlesnake Friday!

In for spring to hit this weekend, a beautiful photo from an outdoor shoot of an albino Western Diamondback in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user krantz d! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

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   Mar 18

Frankie Tortoise Tails – A Day in Frankie's Life (video)

Ever wonder what a day is like for Frankie? What can a sulcata tortoise do all day? The list isn’t all that long:

Get some beauty sleep
Bask in the glory of sunlight till the shell hums with warmth
Walk everywhere
Drink as much water as you want
Check out the sky
Make sure the trees are in their place
Look for exotic foods
Get the daily carrot
Check out the humans
Inspect the yard for intruders and strange objects
Hump anything resembling another tortoise
Ram invaders
Inspect buildings and fences
Wait for a walk around the block..

Okay, so the list gets long once you observe Frankie and his shenanigans.

Your turn to check our Frankie and his daily routine…..about four hours worth of Frankie business.

Video is three minutes and twelve seconds. Enjoy!

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   Mar 17

New golden frog species discovered in Colombia

By Herp News

Scientists have discovered a new species of pale-gold colored frog from the cloud forests of the high Andes in Colombia. Its name, Pristimantis dorado, commemorates both its color (dorado means ‘golden’ in Spanish) and El Dorado, a mythical city of gold eagerly sought for centuries by Spanish conquistadores in South America.

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   Mar 17

Could Ireland’s ecosystems cope if we introduced St. Patrick’s scaly foes?

By Herp News

The legend of St. Patrick banishing snakes from the emerald isle some 1,500 years ago is indelibly etched in folklore — even if science suggests snakes were unlikely to have colonized the country following the last ice age. But what would happen if St. Patrick’s scaly foes were introduced now? Experts believe snakes could certainly slither into Ireland’s ecosystems if introduced but would likely cause trouble for native ecosystems.

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   Mar 17

Herp Photo of the Day: Gran Canaria Giant Lizard

Now for something a little bit different. This pair of Gran Canaria giant lizard (Gallotia stehlini) are just trying to find a little privacy in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user John-C . Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

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   Mar 17

A Horned Frog Predicament

All brown, brown and green, or green are all common color variation of the Caatinga horned frog.
When the death of a pet occurs it is disturbing. When the death of a healthy pet occurs it is infinitely more disturbing. And this latter occurred a while ago when my male Caatinga horned frog, Ceratophrys joazierensis, was killed by my female during a breeding attempt.

There is always a chance of such things happening when cannibalistic frog meets cannibalistic frog, but this surprised for vocalizations had led to amplexus and I was reasonably sure that all was well in the rain chamber. But this time I was wrong. For some reason amplexus was discontinued, and the female turned, grasped the male by one hind leg and faster than I could intercede swallowed the male to midbody. By then I had them in hand, pried her jaws open, released the male (who at that time seemed none the worse for that harrowing experience) and separated the pair.

But despite there being no outward sign of the aggression something detrimental had happened to the male because from that day, until his death 2 weeks later, he simply sat in one spot (not unusual for a horned frog) and he never again ate (very unusual for a horned frog).

Since that time I have been looking for a replacement male. I know this taxon has been bred in captivity so there are some out there somewhere. But until now I have neither seen nor heard of any being available. But I’ll keep looking…
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   Mar 16

Kenya Sand Boa Manopause?!

I will never forget my first Kenya Sand Boa experience. I was around 14 years old when I saw my first babies at the local pet store and I had to buy a pair. It took me over a month to pay for them and I took feeding them and making them breeder sized very seriously. By the time I hit 17 I was working at the shop where I bought them and when my female gave birth I called my boss at around midnight to tell him. I was excited, and he was exhausted!(LOL) But when I got to work the next day he had a big banner up across the isles of the store congratulating me. It was the first time I ever bred a Boa. As I inched towards 40 I had bred many species of snakes and learned that they all took up space, so that got me thinking about Sand Boas again. There are no fortunes to be made here, but the fact is that I find the process to be fun. Not sure if this is manopause or not, but here I am breeding these little worms again. Pictured is my holdback female from 2015. Call it what you will, I am guilty as charged! …read more
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   Mar 16

Herp Photo of the Day: Box Turtle

What an amazing field find! This baby 3 toed box turtle is emerging from it’s nest in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user relic37! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

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   Mar 15

Female frogs identify own offspring using inner GPS

By Herp News

The ability to recognize own offspring and provide preferential care is difficult for the poison frog Allobates femoralis. According to a new study male and female frogs have different strategies for offspring discrimination. Females remember the exact location where they laid their eggs and exhibit preferential behavior toward their own clutches. Males assume that all offspring in their territory are their own.

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   Mar 15

Herp Photo of the Day: Water Snake

In our opinion, Water Snakes, like the one in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user Lachesis1 are among the most under-rated and misunderstood of our non-venomous snakes. We, however, love them! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

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   Mar 15

Emerald Tree Boa—Finally!

A beautiful adult Basin emerald.
It seems it always happens this way. For about 20 years, on innumerable trips to Amazonian Peru, I and those who have travelled with me, have searched long and hard for what is considered by many the gem of the Amazonian rainforests, the Basin emerald tree boa, Corallus batesii.

Stated as succinctly as possible, despite the thousands of search-hours spent, we failed. We found 150 other species of herps, but when it came to the emerald, pure and simple, we failed. Years passed and this year (2015) I elected to retire. A few weeks after having done so, friend, Kenny (a biologist and geneticist) decided that he’d like to research the wildlife of what had become our major preserve, Santa Cruz Forest Preserve on the Rio Mazan in Amazonian Peru. He and his family moved to the preserve for a year long stint.

Four months into it Kenny texted me “You retired too soon” and attached a pic of the coveted emerald tree boa. It seems that Kenny, accompanied by his wife, Maria, and a village youngster, Cain, by name, were taking an evening stroll along the main trail when, only a few meters from the compound, Cain noticed the snake. It was hanging head downward, nose only a few inches from the leaf litter of the forest floor, in a small tree only a foot or so from trail edge. Kenny’s correct. I retired a few months too soon.

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   Mar 14

Herp Photo of the Day: Dart Frog

Our favorite type of blue Monday! Check out these stunning dart frogs in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user frogological! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

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   Mar 14

It's all in the details

Last week a friend bought a sexed pair of Spotted Pythons from me. It took him 4 weeks to save up the funds, and during that time he asked me all the right questions and got everything ready. Within two hours after arriving home and getting the snake put away he discovered that one had escaped…the female of course!

I hate the fact that people have to go through things like this, but most of the time it takes a loss and a bad mistake in order to learn. When it comes to keeping snakes it is a fact that there are forces working against us all at every turn. Even when it is legal and you go out of your way to do everything right, all it takes in one tiny detail to ruin everything and foul up all the fun. In my experience I have found that my work is never done and that it is best to always be on the lookout for how I can make things better. In this case the snakes were put in a baby rack made for snakes, but they still got out even though the snake was over 7 months old and no longer a baby. When I put baby snakes in a rack I fold up newspaper and put it under the box so that it is raised up and made even tighter with the top of the rack. Of course, that restricts air flow so I have to drill more holes to make sure my snake can breathe! It seems that every adjustment requires an additional adjustment! The work never ends, and if you think your work is done I bet something will go wrong while you are sitting back relaxing thinking that all is well! Be careful out there fellow snake keeper! It is all in the details!! …read more
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   Mar 12

Miraculous Mouse Mamas!

I recently took my daughters to their first reptile show. Once inside they were drawn to a booth with dozens of mounted rats and mice along with rat bone necklaces and mouse skull jewelry. I allowed each of my girls to select a specimen, and as I discussed the terms of the price with the two mouse women a long line formed behind me. I watched as everyone in the line attempted successfully to sell their dead rodents. The herp show had gone green and was recycling dead feeders! I learned that there was a demand for dead snakes too! My favorite item was a jumbo rat mounted on remote controlled wheels. I could sure have some fun with that! …read more
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   Mar 11

Frankie Tortoise Tails – A Seedy Problem

A reprieve….I have a day’s reprieve. It’s raining outside, Frankie is hanging out inside his greenhouse, I get to sit and write a Frankie Tortoise Tail.

New problem in the Frankie’s Backyard Paradise.

Two years ago when we moved here our neighbor let us know we had a fruit tree in our yard. The excellent tree that shades the back porch is some sorta exotic fruit tree that I had never hear about. I kept an eye on it that first year yet no flowers or fruit every appeared.

Frankie loved eating the non-toxic year round green leaves that fell in the yard. Pretty much, except for the excellent shade and delicious leaves I quit paying attention to the tree.

…..until this December. Tiny lovely white flowers began adorning the tree. What tree blooms in the middle of the winter?

The Loquot Tree does.

Not only does it bloom in the winter, it’s one of the very few trees that produces fruit in the winter.

Curiously I watched as the fruits begin forming. By January the little green fruits were thumb size. In February they begin to ripen into yellow luscious fruits.

Fruits are a no-no for sulcata tortoises. The fruit sugar wrecks havoc with the tortoise digestion system evolved for a scant grassland diet. Sugars cause intestinal bacteria imbalances, and contributes to the dreaded bladder stones.

Just say, “No,” to fruit Frankie. Just say, “No!”

Frankie camps out under that Loquot Tree like a beggar.

First thing in the morning I head out to the tree and pick up anything fallen from the night before.

Doesn’t matter. Frankie haunts the tree like a Florida retiree on a beach.

Posted Image Frankie under the Loquot Tree

Took just a couple of days to realize I was missing all the “pre-nibbled” fruit dropped to the ground by birds. Bits of fruit fall the ground hidden by grass and dirt and only the sharp nose of a tortoise can find the little sweet morsels.

And then there were the seeds. For barefooted me its like stepping on Tic-Tacs. I know they are there. I can feel them. The panic came when I realized that Frankie was eating the seeds.

An internet search reveals the seeds may or may not be poisonous, depending on the source. Thanks, Internet.

Time for Poop Patrol. I dissect three previous days’ poop. Yep. Frankie is eating the pits.

Good news: Frankie doesn’t chew. Bad news: Frankie swallows.

It’s been wait and watch.

Fruits been falling for three weeks. Frankie isn’t dead yet.

Still not taking chances. I am outside sweeping, raking, picking up the fruit all day long. I have to be vigilant. Frankie is.

Frankie does his morning bask and a quick …read more
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   Mar 11

Paleontologists discover 250-million-year-old new species of reptile in Brazil

By Herp News

A new fossil reptile that lived 250 million years ago in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, southernmost Brazil has been discovered by an international team of researchers. The species has been identified from a mostly complete and well preserved fossil skull.

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   Mar 11

Trail of eDNA helps uncover mysteries of alaska wildlife

By Herp News

Imagine exploring a wooded site along an Alaska stream or lake for evidence of animals. Maybe you’ll see moose prints in the soil or a bit of wolf fur in a berry bush. But some species don’t leave footprints. They still leave a clue. It’s their DNA.

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