Looking into the Rattlesnake Pit – Sweetwater Texas – Photo Credit: Jo-Anne McArthur
Nothing says “quality family time” like beheading live animals with blunt force trauma to the head, or skinning them alive! If you have young children, they can paint in the blood of the recently slaughtered on the hand-print wall in the children’s section. There is even food and a beauty pageant, where the winner will prove she likes to skin animals alive!
Yes, it’s time for that disgusting annual event known as the Sweetwater Jaycees Rattlesnake Round-up, the largest and most infamous such celebrations of brutal cruelty toward wildlife — or as its proponents call it, a great way to celebrate a lovely spring weekend in Texas.
To most people who are non-herpers, it sounds like I’m exaggerating or even making it all up, but to those of us in the reptile community, this is all too real. The annual spring Rattlesnake Roundups are just as horrifying as they sound: Hibernating animals driven from their dens, in some cases being gassed out of their home. The gas poisons the dens, the soil, and the environment. The animals are left in squalid conditions for days, until they are beheaded or skinned alive. The venom milked is not able to be used in any legitimate manner as it milked in unsanitary conditions, so it is just wasted, despite the promise of being used in medical research.
There are several of these events each year. The events in Oklahoma are just as brutal, and in Apache and Magnum they give the added benefit of selfies with a live rattlesnake. If that sounds dangerous, don’t worry; it had its mouth completely sewn shut with garbage bag ties after having the fangs ripped out with pliers, so you need not worry about a snake bite while seeking your moment in the Instagram Hall of Fame.
Of course, that snake need not worry about drinking during the remainder if its life, either!
The solution isn’t easy. The Sweetwater event generates over 8 million dollars. For an economically depressed area of Texas, that certainly helps. The second issue is that these animals are rattlesnakes. Rattlesnakes do not get love from animal rights organizations, or most people in general.
The hardest part of stopping these events is explaining why it’s important to save rattlesnakes and their deadly venom. But rattlesnakes offer a lot to humanity. They are part of the natural balance of the environment, keeping keep diseases like rabies and Hanta virus. Both viruses are carried by rodents, and well that is their primary diet. In fact, preservation of all venomous animals is integral …read more
Read more here: King Snake