
see reptiles diffenetly

   Feb 18

Time to help one of our own!

Rico Walder, one of’s most longstanding community members, and a good friend to all in the herp community, is struggling against Stage IV glioblastoma, the most common and aggressive form of brain cancer. Can we come together to help him win that fight?

Rico’s family and friends have established a fundraising effort to help with the staggering medical bills that come along with an illness like this. Let’s make sure that Rico can focus all his energy and thoughts on overcoming his illness instead of worrying about money.

Visit The Rico Relief Effort at to donate, and don’t forget to pass it on! …read more
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   Feb 15

Nearly one fifth of all reptiles heading rapidly toward extinction

The dark side of science, when it tells you things you don’t want to be true.

From NBC Science News:

Nearly one fifth of all reptiles — turtles, snakes, lizards and crocodiles — are on a slippery slope toward extinction due to loss of habitat, overharvesting and other factors, a new report says.

The study is the first of its kind to summarize the global conservation status of reptiles. More than 1,500 species were selected at random from around the world for conservation assessments in an effort to gain a representative sample.

The results highlight “conservation priorities and knowledge gaps which need to be addressed urgently to ensure the continued survival of the world’s reptiles,” more than 200 researchers led by Monika Böhm at the Zoological Society of London write today in the journal Biological Conservation.

“Nearly one in five reptilian species are threatened with extinction, with another one in five species classed as Data Deficient.”

Read the whole article, and view images, here; the study abstract can be viewed free, and the complete study be downloaded for $31.50, on the journal website.

Photo: NBC Science News …read more
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   Feb 15

Sea turtle swimming again after shark attack, thanks to prosthetic fins

Sea turtle vs. shark doesn’t usually end too well for the turtle, but some human intervention has a sea turtle named Hu swimming again. From Mashable:

Hu, a 25-year-old female loggerhead, was discovered by fishermen in mid-2008 when they accidentally pulled her up in their fishing nets. After noticing the creature was missing large portions of its two front fins, presumably from an assailment, the fishermen turned it into the Suma Aqualife Park in Kobe, Japan.

Since Hu’s arrival, the aquarium’s researchers have experimented with 27 pairs of artificial limbs in an attempt to aid the injured animal. Finally, they say, they’ve found the right fit.

The most recent development is comprised of two rubber fins, held together by a slip-over vest to prevent Hu from breaking free. The aquarium’s staff say the fins have helped Hu swim just as easily as before the accident — a pretty remarkable feat, considering the turtle’s 32-inch long shell and 220-pound body.

Read the whole story here.

Photo: …read more
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   Feb 14

Biodiverisity helps protect amphibians from parasite that causes deformity

A University of Colorado study published today in the journal Nature tags biodiversity — a large number of different species — in pond environments as a major factor in protecting amphibians from the parasite Ribeiroia ondatrae.

From Science News:

The richer the assortment of amphibian species living in a pond, the more protection that community of frogs, toads and salamanders has against a parasitic infection that can cause severe deformities, including the growth of extra legs, according to a new study by the University of Colorado Boulder.

The findings, published Feb. 14 in the journal Nature, support the idea that greater biodiversity in larger-scale ecosystems, such as forests or grasslands, may also provide greater protection against diseases, including those that attack humans. For example, a larger number of mammal species in an area may curb cases of Lyme disease, while a larger number of bird species may slow the spread of West Nile virus.

“How biodiversity affects the risk of infectious diseases, including those of humans and wildlife, has become an increasingly important question,” said Pieter Johnson, an assistant professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and lead author of the study. “But as it turns out, solidly testing these linkages with realistic experiments has proven very challenging in most systems.”

Read the story here. The study can also be previewed on the Nature website.

Photo: Freshwaters Illustrated; University of Colorado at Boulder
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   Feb 12

Connecticut seeks to ban boa constrictors, Burmese pythons, more

The state of Connecticut has introduced House Bill 5832, which amends the state’s exotic pets law as follows:

That section 26-40a of the general statutes be amended to provide that the sale, transfer or breeding of certain exotic animals is also prohibited and to add tigers, mole vipers, boa constrictors, burmese pythons and sea snakes to the list of prohibited animals. Further, to provide an exception to such prohibition for persons who lawfully possessed such animal prior to July 1, 2013, provided certain conditions are met and to further clarify the current exemption from the prohibition for certain educational and zoological organizations.

The current status of the bill, and a link to its complete text, can be found here.

The United States Association of Reptile Keepers (USARK) has issued an action alert on the bill, and is asking concerned citizens to use this link to contact the lawmakers. …read more
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   Feb 12

Python kill total stalls around 50 as Florida's bounty hunt comes to an end

With the tally of pythons hunted and killed in Florida’s much-hyped “Python Challenge” stalled at around 50, the retroactive lowering of the success bar is in full swing.

From the Miami Herald:

The haul from Florida’s much-ballyhooed Python Challenge, which wrapped up at midnight Sunday, may not sound impressive. After all, nearly 1,600 people signed up for a month-long hunt to win cash for catching an invasive species that has gobbled up everything from egrets to alligators in the Everglades.

In reality, the effort bagged pretty much what many scientists, reptile experts and Florida wildlife managers expected — lots of publicity, also known as public awareness, and lots of data for researchers. It also produced what may wind up ranking as a record monthly count of Burmese python skins, though the bounty hunt was never envisioned as a way to eradicate them.


“The only thing that comes close to generating the same number of pythons was a historic freeze,” [University of Florida wildlife ecologist Frank] Mazzotti said. “I think the challenge did a darn good job.”

From the New York Daily News:

The month-long 2013 Python Challenge, designed to cull the population of the non-native snakes, saw participation by more than 1,500 hunters from 38 states and one Canadian province.

Despite the sizeable turnout, the hunt, which went from Jan. 12 and to midnight Sunday, bagged only about 50 of the Burmese constrictors as of Friday.

But Carli Segelson, a spokesperson for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, says not to be fooled by the number.

“Burmese pythons are difficult to find,” Segelson told The News, “and are very-well camouflaged for that area.

“And they’re tricky to capture even if you do find one,” he added.

Science news service took a more cynical view:

State wildlife officials are calling the invasive-snake bounty hunt a success, but for all the pomp and urgency, some hunters are not pleased.

“I don’t feel the epidemic is as bad as they’re saying,” said Mike Singleton, 39, of Tampa, who participated in the hunt the first weekend, but became disillusioned and quit.

By the numbers, it doesn’t sound good. At least 1,563 hunters registered to participate in the contest, which lasted a month. The number of Burmese pythons in the Everglades is said to be in the hundreds of thousands.

In the end, even they seemed to think the prospect of a pile of python carcasses would have been a good thing — despite the apparent post-hunt assurances that such a goal never crossed anyone’s mind. …read more
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   Feb 10

Happy Year of the Snake!

Happy Year of the Snake from all of us at!

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   Feb 08

Turtle reproduction can be sticky

Turtle moms have a way to “freeze” the development of their eggs until conditions are right, according to a study published in The American Naturalist.

From LiveScience:

Pregnant turtles hit the pause button on their eggs’ development until the time is just right to lay them in a nest, researchers say. The careful moms do this by producing a gooey substance in their reproductive tracts that cuts oxygen to the embryos, a study shows.

Female turtles must be choosy about when and where they lay their delicate eggs to make sure food resources are available and environmental conditions are safe.

Read the full story here! …read more
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   Feb 08 launches has completely rebuilt its reptile breeders and business directory, launching it not only on the main site, but also as a standalone website called has completely rebuilt its reptile breeders and business directory, launching it not only on the main site, but also as a standalone website called

Businesses listed in’s current business directory system will be listed there as well as being listed on the new site for the same flat annual fee, but with a new platform that will allow us to expand the feature sets available to businesses and hobbyists. Currently, the system allows a user to have not only a link to their website, but a map link if they have a retail location, links to a their Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube pages, as well as the ability to post a description and searchable keywords.

Both and’s business directories are geographically oriented, with a click map interface, a zip/postal code search, as well as a keyword search. State-by-state listings also include links to upcoming local events, and localized classified ads. also uses’s standard banner sizes and rotations, including the brand new, low-cost, high visibility “Banner Pool” system.

As part of our “Sweet Sixteen” celebration event, listings are on sale through Saturday, Feb. 9, at midnight Central Time for only $50 each, a $50 savings over their regular price. What’s more, now that it gets your event listed on two websites for the price of one, it’s twice the deal.

To order a reptile and amphibian business directory listing for only $50 a year, click here! …read more
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   Feb 08

Music has no aphrodisiac effect on Galapagos tortoises

Apparently it takes a little more than romantic music to get tortoises in the mood.

The Associated Press reports:

Galapagos tortoises at London’s zoo lumbered around impassively as famous French pianist Richard Clayderman serenaded them with music from his latest album, “Romantique.”

The music — an attempt Thursday to put the reptiles in the mood to mate — appeared lost on the slow-moving giants.

Even a rousing rendition of “Chariots of Fire” did little to lift the tortoise’s spirits. They only seemed to perk up when zookeepers brought them some carrots.

Read more here. …read more
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   Feb 07

Man steals snake from pet expo, leaves his child behind

In what has to be one of the most bizarre snake-related news stories ever, a man attending the Great Lakes Pet Expo walked off with a corn snake, and left his little boy behind.


Exhibitors at State Fair Park said they were just starting to pack up Saturday night at the Great Lakes Pet Expo when the incident happened.

Cindy Steinle runs the reptile exhibit and said a volunteer was showing a corn snake to a boy when the boy’s father walked off with the snake.

“In the 20 years I’ve been doing education like this, we’ve never had someone steal an animal and leave a child behind,” Steinle said. “He (the volunteer) had given the snake to the child to pet and to hold, and the child handed the snake off to his father and his father left, leaving his child behind.”

Organizers said the snake is only worth about $40 so they were baffled by the theft.

The child is now with his mother, and the snake has been returned as well.

Read more, and see a video interview with Steinle here. …read more
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   Feb 06 launches

ReptileShowGuide.comIs there a reptile show coming to town, but you don’t know when or where or even how to get there? That’s why we’ve launched

Is there a reptile show coming to town, but you don’t know when or where or even how to get there? That’s why we’ve launched! has completely rebuilt its reptile events system, launching it both on the main site and as a standalone site. Reptile shows, meetings, and other events listed in’s current event listing system will be listed there, as well as being listed on the new site with the same flat per-show fee for commercial events — and still free for non-profit events!

The new events platform allows us to expand the feature sets available to show promoters who list with the service. Currently, the system allows a user to have not only a link to an events web site, but a map link to the event site, and links to their Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube pages. We plan on adding more features, as well as making listing user-manageable shortly.

Both and’s revised events systems are geographically oriented, with a click map interface and a zip/postal code search. State-by-state listings also include links to local reptile businesses, and localized classified ads. also uses’s standard banner sizes and rotations, including the brand new, low-cost, high visibility “Banner Pool” system.

As part of our “Sweet Sixteen” celebration event, listings are on sale through Saturday, Feb. 9, at midnight Central Time for only $50 each, a $50 savings over their regular price. What’s more, now that it gets your event listed on two websites for the price of one, it’s twice the deal.

To order a reptile and amphibian event listing for only $50, click here! …read more
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   Feb 01

Jump into's banner pool!

Ever wanted to run a banner on, but were stopped by the cost? Help is here!

Buying display based advertising on the Internet industry per-view (known as “CPM”) basis is cost-prohibitive for most small reptile and amphibian businesses and hobbyists. You buy $100 worth of views, and they run out before you even see your own banner. To address both of these issues and create ultra-low-cost display advertising opportunities, has developed a new “Banner Pool” program where, for one very low price, you can get big name display advertising presence for a fraction of what traditional banners cost.

Here is how it works: has categorized a number of its existing banner locations, and created new ones, as being part of a “banner pool.” Anyone wishing to add their banner to the pool will pay a low fixed fee, and their banner will be displayed equally along with other members of the banner pool. The number of views your banner receives will be based on the day’s visitor traffic divided by the number of banners in the pool.

Some special things about the pool banners: Unlike in our standard banner locations, we will not be using the pool banner locations for Google or Amazon advertising. Nor will we use them for’s own “house” advertising.

That means you won’t be competing with third party or in-house ads. Only advertisers who have paid to be in the pool will be in the pool. * Additionally, membership in each pool will be limited so that each pool member will get a fair and appropriate amount of advertising for their purchase, with no less than 1000 views per day being the cutoff. Most will receive far in excess of that number.

How much does it cost to jump into the banner pool? There are a number of options based on display ad size and location, the most expensive being the large 300 x25 rectangle that appears on our index and other pages (the second display ad in the right column) for only $100.00 per year — 27 cents a day!

Other options include a full size (468×60) pool banner for $50 a year that will appear primarily in the footer as well as in classified ads and forum posts, and a half banner for $30 (234 x 60) that currently only appears in the footer but may see other locations added.

Finally, we’re offering a quarter-sized (120 x 60) banner that appears in the middle of most of our indexes, as well as the footer of every page on This is our best value, delivering hundreds of thousands of views daily. The cost for a banner in this pool is only $25 a year!

For more information on how to add your banner to the pool, or to purchase your banner pool slot, please go to Space in the pool is limited and …read more
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   Nov 23

jadablue333's Blog – spaz and spike

new to the turtle world found a map and a slider named them spike and spaz gave them a sweet home but they do not seem to be comfortable still not sure if they are happy or not …read more
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   Nov 07

karab723's Blog – Found some premature baby Musk Turtles!

They’re so little! Yolk sack still in tact. I’m scared for them! Really hope they make it. I’ve had some really awesome people help me out with finding out some great information on how to care for hatchlings. Can’t wait until they’re happy and healthy! …read more
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   Oct 05

Iluvturtles03's Blog – outside enclosure soil

I have two box turtles and they both need to start living outside. I live in Arizona so it is slowly cooling down. I made an outside enclosure for them with just natural dirt. It had a lot of rocks in it and I did my best to get them out. I talked to a friend of mine who said to get some mulch because one of the box turtles was eating the rocks. I got… …read more
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   Oct 03

Eric Purtee's Blog – Creating an in tank dry area

I want to use plexi glass to wall off about 1/4 of a 135 gallon tank. Has any one ever done this before and if so do you have any tips?

I was thinking that the wall would go about 3/4 of the way up the tank or a little bit more. I would have a shelf built into the front of it that would either have a ramp built into it or I could use the shelf to hold a… …read more
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   Sep 17


I bought blood worms the yesterday ( the frozen cubed ones) and I left them in a ziplock in the refrgerator ( NOT FREEZER) So when i took it out it was no longer a solid and it was soft! and once i put it in the water it does move or anything. I WAS WONDERING IF the food is spoiled and i was wondering if there is a way of saving the rest of the cubes (… …read more
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   Sep 12

Please Help, Humidity won't stay at 60-80% – Please help! Humidity won't stay up in my tank

Can anyone help me? I have a 10 gallon tank containing 2 50 cent piece size Easter Box Turtles (I Plan on moving to a bigger tank but can’t atm). Their bedding is a mixture of Forest Floor and Coconut Fiber, I have a 60 Watt daylight heat bulb on one side and a Repti-sun 5.0 UVB Bulb on the other. Im constantly spraying the inside but the after about 30… …read more
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   Sep 02

Underfallinstars' Blog – Help please

I just recently bought 2  baby red eared sliders at the local flea market. While purchasing them I noticed their eyes were closed and both had soft shell. I brought them home and put them in a 20 gallon tank with a heat lamp and I bought all kinds of medicine including  turtle eye drops and vita shell. I cannot get them into a vet for a few weeks where I… …read more
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   Aug 29

chris lanham's Blog – help id my turtle please

hi i got these to turtles from a friend and now i need to know what kind they are if yyou can id post a comment leting me know thanks …read more
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   Aug 03

snickersnocker11's Blog – our turtle has passed

A couple hours later my dad said that my friend had come over and said that the turtle was dead it had lots all motion in its body and did not respond to a touch so the turtle did die it had a couple hours of life and now he’s gone. he’s in a better place now.THANKYOU!!!! …read more
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   Aug 02

megan30paige's Blog – PLEASE HELP

Someone please help me out. so i got my baby red eared slider about a week or so ago shipped to me. he barely ate when he first got here and i figured hes just being a normal shy turtle. well now i have a real problem. he will not open his eyes theyre puffy looking. ive been researching and possibly and infection? also he will not do anything he sleeps on… …read more
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   Jun 14

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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   Dec 24

Fraud Alert: Brandon Patane – Brooklyn, NY

Brandon Patane
120 Hymen Court
Brooklyn, NY 11229
United States

Fraud Alert: Brandon Patane –
Fraudulent Use of Credit Card; Theft of Service

On December 24, 2011, received a chargeback notice from our credit card processor that the classified account purchase made on September 11, 2011, by the individual listed above was made with a stolen or unauthorized credit card.

If you were defrauded by this or any other individual through our classified advertising system, please file a formal complaint with our classified advertising department. For more information please visit …read more
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   Jun 18

I think it’s fair to call this season a success. I got 3 clutches of Florida kingsnake eggs–two of which have hatched so far, one of which still has a month to go. I didn’t get good eggs out of my house snakes–I got eggs, but they were bad. I’ll try again next year on them.

It was my first time intentionally setting out to breed. I bred a few geckos as a kid, mostly by accident (leopard and pictus geckos) but that’s longer ago than I want to admit.

I’ve got 11 healthy hatchlings thus far and 7 more eggs incubating. I got a group of 4 double het for axanthic and white sided out of one clutch. The other clutch gave me 4 double het axanthic/hypo and 3 axanthic het hypos. Hatching started while I was out of town (eggs pipping) but was done by the 7th. Most of them have eaten 2-3 times on frozen thawed pinky mice and are going to move up to fuzzies in a week or two. I’ve got two hold outs I’m going to try on live pinkies tomorrow.

It was, certainly, a learning experience. I need a bigger baby rack for next year, as well as a bigger incubator. I wish I’d bit the bullet initially and purchased a 32 or 64 tub baby rack. I’m not a huge fan of racks but for raising babies they’re functional and practical. I’m looking at getting both a bigger and better incubator; I’ve heard good things about Nature’s Spirit, I may go with them. I plan to breed more snakes year–3 house snakes, 2-4 more king snakes, my reticulated pythons. So Bigger incubator is important. I also need a bigger cooling chamber probably. Mine was full this year, and next year I’ll be cycling more snakes–a male garter to mate with my female, the extra kings, etc.

Take aways:
Incubation and hatching are stressful as heck, at least for me. It’s like Christmas, but if you had to slowly unwrap each present over a 2-3 day period of time 🙂
It’s a rush to watch babies pip the egg.
Get them started on F/t if you can, many of them will take it.
Feed females heavily. They lose a lot of body mass with egg laying, but can regain it fairly quick. My hypo Florida king double clutched, and she’s still heavier than she was when she went into hibernation last year.
Selling is a bit of a pain. You have to figure out which ones you want to hold back (if any), which ones you want to sell, figure out how long to hold them for before offering them up, figuring out shipping and advertising, etc.
Put thought into your pairings. I had a pair of white sides, and I elected to not breed the male to the female, instead breeding her to …read more

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