will be handing out our all new “Zombie” bumper stickers at this weekend’s NARBC Expo in Tinley Park, just outside Chicago, to celebrate the launch of our new “merch booth” on Cafe Press.’s new designs, and old designs as well, are now available on t-shirts, tank tops, coffee mugs, and more all through the internet’s most popular on-demand printer, CafePress.
To check out’s new “Zombie” shirts and more, visit the kingsnake store at! won’t be the only ones drawing a crowd at this weekend’s NARBC Expo, with Slayer guitarist Kerry King’s appearance confirmed. Just back from a tour in Australia, he’s bringing a load of carpet pythons and T-shirts with him from California. Anyone who knows Kerry know he loves to talk snakes, and he’ll be in his Psychotic Exotics booth both days showing off his reptiles, taking pictures with fans, and signing autographs.
Kerry won’t be the only one in Tinley signing autographs, either. Long-time herper and Auction Hunters TV personality Ton Jones will also signing autographs, taking pictures, and hanging out with fans over at the Timberline booth. Stop by and tell Ton hello!
NARBC in Tinley is always an interesting show, with lots of surprises. We have a few surprises to announce before the show as wellg so watch this space!
For more info on the NARBC Tinley Park Reptile and Amphibian Expo, including times, directions, and accomodations, check out the NARBC web site at http://NARBC.COM.
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