
see reptiles diffenetly

   Mar 21

Remains of huge fossilized flying reptile displayed in Rio

By Herp News

The fossilized remains of a huge prehistoric flying reptile was unveiled at the Rio de Janeiro National Museum where an international congress on the extinct species is to be held in May.

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   Mar 21

‘ Turtle team’ captures, helps hooked creature

By Herp News

A self-described ” turtle team” captured a turtle at sea – with the guidance of state officials – and removed a large fishing hook from the animal’s fin off Poolenalena Beach in Makena on Thursday.

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   Mar 20

Male lions require dense vegetation for successful ambush hunting

By Herp News

For a long time male lions were derided as the lazy ones in the pride, depending on females for the bulk of hunting and not pulling their weight. Much of this was based on field observations—female lions hunt cooperatively, often in open savannah, and therefore are easier to track at night. But new research in Animal Behaviour is showing that males are adroit hunters in their own right, except prickly males hunt alone and use dense vegetation as cover; instead of social hunting in open savannah, they depend on ambushing unsuspecting prey.

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   Mar 20

Four-year-old girl discovers fossils of flying reptile

Daisy Morris, a four-year-old girl in the UK whose mother describes her as having been an “avid fossil hunter” since the age of 3, has not only discovered fossils of a new species of Pterosaur, that species has been named after her.

From Science World Report:

Pterosaurs once roamed the Earth during the Cretaceous, living worldwide in all kinds of different environments. The reptiles had the ability of powered flight–actively gaining height and taking off from the ground rather than just gliding or soaring. In addition, pterosaurs had short, fur-like reptilian “hair” which has been observed in the soft tissue preserved in some fossils. They ranged greatly in size, with some of them possessing a wingspan that stretched up to 42 feet. The recent find, though, only had about a two-foot wingspan and was small-bodied. Yet even so, it lived alongside the much larger ornithocheirids and istiodactylids.

The new species that was discovered is now named Vectidraco daisymorrisae. “Vectidraco” means “dragon from the Isle of Wight” while “daisymorrisae” honors the founder, Daisy Morris.

Read more about this little girl’s amazing discovery here.
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   Mar 19

Ningaloo turtle clearly special

By Herp News

A chance sighting of a turtle on Ningaloo Reef has won a Busselton amateur photographer second place in the Australian category of the Sony World Photography Awards.

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   Mar 19

Were you ‘Seen’ at the turtle races at Madison’s?

By Herp News

Were you ‘Seen’ at the turtle races at Madison’s? Beaumont Enterprise Copyright 2013 Beaumont Enterprise. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Updated 5:38 pm, Monday, March 18, 2013 Our cameras were at the turtle races at Madison’s on Sunday. Did we see you there?

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   Mar 19

Scientists discover reasons behind snakes’ ‘shrinking heads’

By Herp News

Scientists have uncovered how some sea snakes have developed ‘shrunken heads’ — or smaller physical features than their related species.

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   Mar 19

Scientist at Work Blog: Lizard Olympics

By Herp News

When comparing two lizard species that seem to share traits but that may have evolved independently, sometimes you have to go to the video replay.

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   Mar 19

From extinct frog to Jurassic Park: Can cloning reverse extinction?

The current issue of National Georgraphic magazine is dedicated to the question of reversing extinction. It asks: Can we bring back lost species through cloning, whether those species were lost last year or thousands of years ago?

It’s a Jurassic Park-esque fantasy brought to life, as scientists work to revive lost species and commercial interests examine their progress for hope of profit.

Ron Medor of takes a broad view in an article published today:

Suddenly, “de-extinction” is all the rage.

“Reviving Extinct Species” is the cover subject in the current National Geographic, which tells us that restoring creatures like the woolly mammoth to the earth “is no longer a fantasy” — and then asks, “Is it a good idea?”

Not coincidentally, a special TEDx Conference took place last Friday at National Geographic’s headquarters in Washington, sponsored jointly by the Geographic, the TED organization and an outfit called Revive & Restore, which thinks resurrection biology through gene-splicing and cloning is not only a good idea but a cool one, a great one, whose time has come at last.

In the words of Revive & Restore co-founder Stewart Brand, longtime big thinker on environmental stuff, the TED presentations constituted “the first public discussion of something that’s been brewing for a year or two, which is the possibility of bringing back extinct species for real, not in fiction this time.”

In National Geographic, science writer Ed Yong examines the progress being made in resurrecting the southern gastric brooding frog, an amphibian that uses its stomach for a womb and vomits its young, which has been extinct for almost 30 years:

Two years ago, Mike Archer from the University of New South Wales looked down a microscope and saw that a single fertilised frog egg had divided in two. Then, it did it again. And again. Eventually, the egg produced an embryo containing hundreds of cells.

“There were a lot of hi-fives going around the laboratory,” says Archer.

This might seem like an over-reaction. After all, millions of frog eggs divide into embryos every day, as they have done since before dinosaurs walked the earth. But this egg was special. Archer’s team of scientists had loaded it with the DNA of the southern gastric brooding frog—a bizarre creature that has been extinct for almost 30 years.

The fact that it started to grow into an embryo was a big deal. The fact that it never went further was disappointing, but not unexpected. This is cutting-edge science—cloning techniques put to the purpose of resurrection.

Archer’s goal is simple: To bring the extinct gastric brooding frog back from oblivion and, in doing so, provide hope for the hundreds of other frogs that are heading that way. Getting the embryo was a milestone and Archer is buoyantly optimistic that he’ll cross the finish line soon. Lazarus, he says, will rise again.

Read more on “de-extinction” from National Geographic here. …read more
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   Mar 19

New Lizard Species Look Like Evil Dinosaur Hybrids

By Herp News

If these lizards were larger, they’d look like featherless dinosaurs: With spiky spines and gleaming red eyes, two newly described species of wood lizard look a bit like stegosaur-evil velociraptor hybrids.

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   Mar 19

The inner workings of " Reptile Park"

By Herp News

Brad and Pitt have been friends since 2011 and have become more acquainted with each other after Angelina. In 2012, Brad…

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   Mar 19

Poachers slaughter 89 elephants in Chad, including over 30 pregnant mothers

By Herp News

In what is being called the worst elephant massacre in Africa this year, poachers have recently killed as many as 89 elephants in Chad. Stephanie Vergniault, the Chairman of SOS Elephants in Chad, says the elephants were slaughtered in a two-day period late last week near Tikem, on the southwest border of Chad and Cameroon. At least 30 of the elephants were pregnant. Images from a television news report show what appear to be an elephant still connected to its umbilical cord on the ground. Separately, 12 calves were also slaughtered.

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   Mar 19

Frankie Tortoise Tails – To The Ends of The Earth

My hands are rough as sandpaper. I could wash dirty pots and pans without using a scrub brush. If Rhett Butler kissed my hand he would know I am not an upper class luncheon lady who can name three proper brands for high tea. My hands are so rough I could use them to exfoliate.


In the front yard is a very generous flower garden. It backs up to the house with one open side. We never use chemicals or insecticide so it’s perfect for Momma Turtle, Big Turtle and Brown eyes, my three box turtles, to have time in the sun. Even Frankie (50 pounds ago) has enjoyed a turn around the garden. I havethuscalled it the turtle garden for years.

With my bare hands I cleaned out leaves and debris, dug up weeds, and turned the soil of the Turtle Garden rather urgently. Then I went to the front of the house and pulled out five years worth of accumulated leaves that had gathered around all theazaleabushes. For good measure I also dug up the soil around the bushes and while I was at it from the foundation in front of the house.

Still full of panic and energy, I went to Frankie’s winter basking area by the garage and dug up the vegetable garden. Yea, Frankie was watching.

Ifinelystopped long enough to call Greta, my turtle friend, to see if she would like to help dig up my yard. What a great friend. She showed up andre-dugall the areas that I dug up.

While we were at it we decided to dig up both my neighbor’sfront flower beds…and perimeter of their house, and fences.

Wefinelysurrenderour desperate activities right before five o’clock because we both have families to feed. And it was getting dark.

So why did we clean out the neighbor’sflower beds and all of my flower beds with our bare hands?

Because Brown Eyes went missing from the front Turtle Garden.

Box turtles are good at several things: hiding, digging, climbing and hiding. No way to accurately predict if Brown Eyes dug deep in the flower bed, or climbed out of the Turtle garden and walked to aneighbors’yard and then dug under. Frankie is a good hider. Box turtles are better. So we dug.

Gretta and I have been digging for five days now. At least we started using garden spades, gloves and galoshes.

So what is the point of this story? Will it have a good outcome? Will it have a sad outcome?

I’ve taken every bit of turtle knowledge learned over fifteen years and done everything I can to find Brown Eyes. I’ve dug barehanded not caring that my nails and hands are beingbrutalizedby the Alabama clay dirt. I’ve abused this bumbling body of mine by crawling (literally) under bushes, lifting heavy objects,creepingon hands andknees, leaning over bushes, and skulking about in the rain. Make lost posters. …read more
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   Mar 19

Police return tortoise to its caretakers after it was reported stolen

By Herp News

The 5-year-old tortoise weighs 20 pounds. African tortoises can weigh up to 200 pounds and live as long as 200 years. Courtesy Joe Lovato Mister Turtle’s caretaker says he’s a pet that prefers dog food over turtle pellets and veggies, and likes to lie by the fire next to the dog.

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   Mar 18

Release: King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard – Eyes Like The Sky

By Herp News

King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard opt for a big ol’ curveball on their latest effort, and they just about pull it off.

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   Mar 18

Were you ‘Seen’ at the turtle races at Madison’s?

By Herp News

Were you ‘Seen’ at the turtle races at Madison’s? Beaumont Enterprise Copyright 2013 Beaumont Enterprise. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Published 10:19 pm, Sunday, March 17, 2013 Our cameras were at the turtle races at Madison’s on Sunday. Did we see you there?

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   Mar 18 Featured Contributors: Welcome, Richard Bartlett!

In addition to bringing you herp news, photos, and site updates, the blog is launching a featured contributors program, bringing the biggest names in reptiles and amphibians to share their decades of experience and knowledge with our site visitors.

Leading the launch this week is author, photographer, and columnist Richard Bartlett, one of the most prolific writers on herpetological subjects in the 20th century. With hundreds of books and articles to their credit, Richard and his wife, Pat, have spent over four decades documenting reptiles both in the field and in captivity.

Check out the Richard Bartlett bookstore, and watch for his first featured contribution tomorrow, Tuesday, March 19, 2013, on!

Coming soon: Featured contributors Phil Goss of USARK, Slayer’s Kerry King, and more!

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   Mar 18

Peruvian night monkey threatened by vanishing forests, lost corridors

By Herp News

The Peruvian night monkey (Aotus miconax) is one of the world’s least known primates, having never been studied in the wild–until now. Found only in the cloud forests of northern Peru, a group of scientists with Neotropical Primate Conservation and the National University of Mayor San Marcos have spent 12 months following a single group of this enigmatic monkey species in a small forest patch. The results of their research, published in’s open access journal Tropical Conservation Science, shows that protecting forests, even small forest fragments, is vital to the species’ survival.

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   Mar 18

Scientists successfully freeze Barbary sheep embryos for conservation purposes

By Herp News

The Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia), or aoudad, is a goat-antelope found in northern Africa. It is currently listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN Red List, with populations imperiled by hunting, habitat loss, and competition with livestock. Still little is known about its remaining population, prompting scientists in Mexico to test possible assisted reproduction of captive individuals.

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   Mar 18

Deer populations hurt by poaching in Mexican dry forest

By Herp News

White-tailed deer are usually thought of as inhabiting temperate forests in the U.S. and Canada, but this widespread species can also be found across tropical forests, from Mexico to Peru. A new study in’s open access journal Tropical Conservation Science investigates the population of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Mexico’s Tehuacan-Cuicatlan Biosphere Reserve (TCBR), and finds that poaching may be having a large impact.

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   Mar 18

Turtle Beach XP Seven Series headset review: a new era of tournament-grade gaming audio

By Herp News

Get out of your seat — okay, you don’t really have to do that. Turtle Beach , however, is certainly hoping its new headset won’t have you stuck there. After months of teasing, it’s finally here. This is the Seven Series , the company’s first set officially bred for Major League Gaming tournaments. It’s a contractual title that’s already been bestowed upon Astro’s well-performing Mixamp and A40 …

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   Mar 18

Forgotten lions: shedding light on the fate of lions in unprotected areas

By Herp News

African lions (Panthera leo) living outside of protected areas like national parks or reserves also happen to be studied much less than those residing within protected areas, to the detriment of lion conservation initiatives. In response to this trend, a group of researchers surveyed an understudied, unprotected region in northwestern Mozambique called the Tete Province, whose geography and proximity to two national parks suggests a presence of lions.

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   Mar 18

Scientists successfully reintroduce gaur in Indian park

By Herp News

Gaur (Bos gaurus gaurus) is one of the large wild ungulates of Asian jungles. It is the tallest living ox, and one of the four heaviest land mammals (elephant, rhino and wild buffalo are the other three), weighing up to 940 kilograms (2,070 pounds) and standing between 1.6 and 1.9 meters (5.2 to 6.2 feet) at the shoulder. Gaur were once distributed throughout the forested tracts of India and South Nepal, east to Vietnam and south to Malaya. Today, however, they are confined to just over a hundred existing, and 27 proposed, Protected Areas in India.

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   Mar 18

Heavy metal shark meat: dangerous lead levels found in sharks used as fish food

By Herp News

A recent study published in’s open access journal Tropical Conservation Science raises concerns about levels of heavy metals, particularly lead (Pb), present in shark meat, as well as the decline of shark abundance due to global fishing pressures. Sharks are primarily caught as by-catch for other fishing industries. By one account, 70% of the total catch in swordfish long-line fisheries was sharks. Due to consumer demand, this by-catch is sold to Asian fish markets as fin and trunk meat. Much of the trunk and organ meat is used to make fish-meal, which is then fed to farmed fish.

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   Mar 18

Innovative idea: wildlife income may help people withstand drought in Africa

By Herp News

Getting local people to become invested in wildlife conservation is not always easy, especially in parts of the world where protected areas are seen as taking away natural resources from local communities. This tension lies around Gonarezhou National Park in Zimbabwe, where a growing population of livestock herders competes with wildlife.

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   Mar 18

My Pregnant Painted – I need help!

my painted turtle laid one egg yesterday up in her sun bathing house, which has no sand for her to bury it in and my other turtles have access to it. so my boyfriend took it out of there and put it in a different tank over a heater, careful as not to tip it. I don’t know what to do about her laying more eggs bc she doesn’t have the right environment to lay them in.
but as for this egg, it’s doing pretty well :)
some advice would be appreciated!! …read more
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   Mar 18

Snakes' fangs ripped out, mouths sewn shot for 'family photo-ops'

Animal cruelty is against the law — unless you do it to snakes, apparently.

An Oklahoma humane wildlife and pest control company known as The Skunk Whisperer blasted the state Sunday evening on Facebook for what it described as “promoting felony animal cruelty on the OK tourism website.” From their post:

Tens of thousands of people attend “rattlesnake roundup” events each year in OK & more in different parts of the U.S., but only in Oklahoma do lawmakers allow or endorse people holding a snake down while they remove the fangs with pliers and then sew the snake’s mouth shut for family photos with a “live” rattle snake. On the State of Oklahoma owned and run website they say “While at the derby, don’t forget to secure the ultimate souvenir: a picture taken with a live rattlesnake. Expert snake handlers will be on-hand to shoot family photos with live snakes”, & also, “Have your picture taken with a live Diamondback rattlesnake in the on-site photobooth”. Per this wording, they are using Oklahoma money to endorse felony acts of animal cruelty & are literally encouraging people to turn the glorification of felony animal cruelty into a wholesome family affair.

The Department of Tourism Director, Deby Snodgrass, has approved spending OK tax money on Google Ad Words to promote the events. Please write & tell her that a state that endorses & pays to promote fangs being torn out of an animal’s mouth & mouths being sewn shut is not a state that you care to vacation or live in: 120 N. Robinson Avenue, 6th Floor P.O. Box 52002 Oklahoma City, OK 73152-2002

In the post, he linked to the website in question here; read the whole post on Facebook. …read more
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   Mar 17

neores' Blog – Relief: Ninjas back!

Been a stressful week for me, I think more than for my turtle haha. My theory of what went wrong when my baby turtle stopped eating a week and a half after I got it:

My house is colder than youraveragehome because of the way the sun hits it and the open area where I have Ninja. I was doing the correct water temperatures for an adult turtle. What I did not know is that baby res turtles need more heat than adult turtles. So, Ninja began going in to a semi-hibernation mode but would not go in to full hibernation because the water temp was not right. Semi- hibernation they will still move around but will not eat. if thispersistsit will eventually die. I bought a submersibleheaterwhere I could adjust the water temp. Got it up to between 80-84 degrees morning/night beingthecoldest and midday-afternoon being the warmest. Ninja is finally getting out of that mode after one day of full warm water. Ninja also ate black worms today finally which was the big relief.I also bought a floating dock so I could add way more water and ninja lovesthe waterbut still wont bask but im working on it. Im happy now, i have a new hobby and new found love for turtles. I am excited to watch Ninja grow. I only have a 10 gallon tank but in a few months I will be upgrading toat leasta 50. Thank you for this turtle forum. It really helped a lot. Saved me another trip to the vet also. I must say tho this was not cheap at all but well worth it!!!!

Thats my theory for anyone who has the same problems with no eating baby turtles. …read more
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   Mar 17

Scientists produce cloned embryos of extinct frog

By Herp News

As part of a “Lazarus Project” to try to bring the Australian gastric-brooding frog back from extinction scientists have succeeded in producing early stage cloned embryos containing the DNA of the frog, which died out 30 year ago. Gastric-brooding frogs were unique in incubating their young in their stomachs.

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   Mar 17

Facing extinction, conservationists call emergency summit to save Sumatran rhinos

By Herp News

With the number of Sumatran Rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) now under 200 and declining rapidly, a group of conservationists have organized an emergency summit to discuss courses of action to save the world’s smallest remaining rhino from extinction.

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   Mar 16

Renovated reptile house reopening

By Herp News

The reptile house opened Saturday and follows a renovation to restore the original look of the building constructed in 1875 and meet the zoo’s green initiatives.

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   Mar 16

neores' Blog – Baby turtle need help with several things please!?

My son brought home a baby res turtle from the flea market. I have now done everything to complete what i have researched online. I only have a 10 gallon tank for now but I have the uvb light, heat light, basking area, filter, several things for it to eat like reptomin baby, dried shrimp, and black worms. it stopped eating before I put the uvb light so I knew that would help it. I been trying to keep the water temp above 80 because I believe it has early stages of RI. I did not know I had to keep the water level above normal for babies at first so I think it might of got sick and thats why its not eating. Does not have white stuff over it just not eating andoccasionalone bubble from her nose. My house is really cold so its hard to keep the water temp up. I put in a submersible heater and put in a 100w bulb but further away than regular. Im getting her basking spot to about 91-92 is that too much???? I understand it is a strong bulb but my house iscoldand its the only way I can keep the water temp up. If it does not get better i will make a trip to the vet but for now I need some help please. Iam not a turtle expert but i love animals and i have been researching like crazy and kinda stressed out more than the turtle lol. It was eating fine when we first got it …read more
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   Mar 15

Cincinnati Zoo’s historic Reptile House to reopen after $408K renovations

By Herp News

Some of the renovations to the Reptile House at Cincinnati Zoo. Copyright 2013 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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   Mar 15

Renovated Reptile House to reopen at zoo

By Herp News

Visitors to the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Gardens will be able check out snakes, lizards, turtles and more in the revamped Reptile House beginning Saturday after the nearly 138-year-old building’s recent renovations.

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   Mar 15

Tortoise Power and Energy Infrastructure Fund, Inc (TPZ) Ex-Dividend Date Scheduled for March 19, 2013

By Herp News

Tortoise Power and Energy Infrastructure Fund, Inc (TPZ) Ex-Dividend Date Scheduled for March 19, 2013

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   Mar 15

Shipping supplies, reptile Supplies and more in's new stores! has remodeled our stores to upgrade the interface and refresh the product selections. We’ve also added several new stores, greatly expanding our product categories and choices.

All of kingsnake’s stores are partnerships with some of the biggest names in online retailing, including, EBay and Cafe Press, and include thousands of products, many eligible for Amazon’s Prime shipping service. And all of the products in our stores are hand-selected by’s editors. Check out the complete list of stores below:

New Stores

  • Shipping Supplies Store – Insulated boxes, heat packs, deli cups, and more. – Click here to see more.
  • Reptile & Amphibian Supplies Store – ZooMed, ExoTerra, Repashy Superfoods, live crickets, and other supplies. – Click here to see more.
  • Trade Show Supplies Store – Custom banners, roll-up displays, tabletop displays — make your booth look professional. – Click here to see more.
  • Camera Shop – Nikon, Canon, Sony, Fuji, JVC, cameras, and audio and video gear. – Click here to see more.
  • Offroad Outfitter Shop – Winches, recovery gear, snorkels, stereos — build your rig up for the field. Click here to see more.
  • Reptile & Amphibian Gift Shop – Art, jewlery, posters, t-shirts, hats, and other reptile and amphibian gifts. – Click here to see more.
  • kingsnake merch store – branded t-shirts, hats, coffee mugs, teddy bears and other cool gear. – Click here to see more.

Updated Stores

  • Book, DVD, & Media Store – field guides, care guides, biographies, calendars, DVDS, and other reptile media. – Click here to see more.
  • Field Outfitter Shop – Snake hooks, snake boots, gaiters, bags, first aid kits and other gear to get you to and from the field safely. – Click here to see more.
  • Reptile & Amphibian Supplies Auctions – Bid on ZooMed and ExoTerra products, and other reptile supplies on Ebay! – Click here to see more.

You can reach all the shops at by going to . We will be adding more categories and products all Spring, so make sure to check back often! …read more
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   Mar 14

Fighting fraud and scams on

Internet scam artists come and go. On, we’d prefer they go somewhere else. That’s why we have lots of systems in place to protect our visitors and advertisers.

Because we have so many tools in our security kit, our fraud rate on-site is considerably lower than many comparable classified and auction sites. While we keep most of them secret for obvious reasons, there are a few we’d like to share with you in a series of posts, starting with this one.

One of our most important tools, and least discussed, is the registered business program. Ever wondered what it is, why we implemented it, and whether it’s worth participating in it?

Because is the largest and best-known reptile and amphibian classified system in the world, it’s a natural target for unscrupulous sellers wanting to take advantage of our reputation and the reputations of the biggest names in the herp industry. To prevent unauthorized sellers from “hijacking” an existing business name or hiding behind a false or non-existent business name, we created the registered business program.

First launched in February of 2007, the program requires anyone posting classified ads using a business name to verify their legal ownership of that business name and the identity of the business owner(s) with our security staff.

Although individuals are free to post without registering a business name, only businesses that can prove they are who they say they are allowed to post ads in the name of a business in our classifieds.

That way, no one but you can claim to be you, and no animals or products but yours will be advertised on our site under your business name. Additionally, it verifies that new business name across the country you have never heard of actually exists legally as a business, giving buyers recourse should their be a problem with their purchase.

The registered business program is free and simple to sign up for. To read more about it, and how we protect our site members and visitors, or to register your business click here! …read more
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   Mar 14

Into the unknown mountains of Cambodia: rare birds, rice wine, and talk of tigers

By Herp News

Ringed with forested mountains forming the borders with Laos and Vietnam, the northeast corner of Cambodia has been an intriguing blank spot among my extensive travels through the country. Nestled up against this frontier is Virachey National Park, created in 1993. I began searching for a way to explore this area a couple of years ago, hoping to connect with conservation NGOs to get me into the park; no one seemed to know much about it. I learned that the area had been written off by these groups due to massive land concessions given to logging and rubber concerns. The World Bank abandoned its 8-year effort to create a management scheme for Virachey after the concessions were granted in 2007. A moratorium on the concessions is temporarily in place, but illegal logging incursions into the park continue.

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   Mar 14

Elephant woes: conservationists mixed on elephant actions at CITES

By Herp News

Conservations couldn’t agree if the glass was half-full or half-empty on action to protect elephants at the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) in Bangkok, Thailand. Elephants, especially in Africa, have faced a massive rise in poaching over the last decade with tens-of-thousands shot dead every year. Forests elephants in central Africa have been especially targeted: new research estimates that an astounding 60 percent of the world’s forest elephants have been slaughtered for their tusks in the last ten years alone. While, conservationists had hopes that CITES would move aggressively against elephant poaching, the results were a decidedly mixed-bag.

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   Mar 14

Scientist at Work Blog: Life of a Lizard Wrangler

By Herp News

When you’re on a scientific lizard hunt, it’s good luck to find the first specimen within minutes — unless that’s the last one you see for hours.

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