Hello, and thanks for reading!

This is Yertle, in which I don’t have anymore.
I have one three-toed box turtle named Mack. When I got her I didn’t know how to tell apart genders, so that explains her boy’s name. I had wanted a turtle really badly and I finally did for my birthday and he was a red-eared slider. He was very tiny and I had him for about a week when he passed. It had turned out the website I had got him from commonly had sick turtles. His name was Yertle, after the book Yertle the Turtle. My grandmother later gave me the box turtle I have now. I named her Mack after, again, the book Yertle the Turtle, which by the way is the best book on turtle stacking. I later learned that Mack was a girl and couldn’t bare to change her name. That brings me up to now.
Mack is now about 7 (I think) and I really need a new indoor aquarium, hers is too small but good thing it’s almost summer!
During the summer Mack lives in a wooden enclose that has a chicken wire hinged lid. It has holes on the bottom for drainage and is over all great for my little boy girl (oops). Today, we started on a new one because the last on was both too small and the wood began to rot. We have decided on 20inches by 40inches, for one little 3.5 inch box turtle! I’m really excited because I recently learned I seemed to be doing everything wrong, so now I can make it up to her. C: I plan on growing dandelions, hostas, veggies, fruits, grass,plus othersand then planting them in the tank. Then I’m going to find a larger waterbowl and put that in too as well as his log! It will also be up off the ground and painted every year so it won’t rot. I also hope tocover it willa tarp during winter to keep the deep snow off of it.
I will try to get pictures posted of the tank as it comes together! 
I also looked a good picture of Mack in my room, but all I found was 20 bucks. I cool with that thought 
Thanks for reading and I will try to post more photos later. …read more
Read more here: Turtle Times