We had some pretty bad floods here, and finallyits spring(worm season!). My little three toed boxie, Mack,just adores worms, but I never seem to dig in the right spot. So when I came home today I saw 8 small worms in the driveway. So, I set out to the ‘lake’ that just formed at the end of our street. All along the curd, many, MANY worms lay in the water. I grabbed a stick and started moving them onto the street. I used the stick and scooped and got at least 1-3 worms on my stick each scoop! I collected about 30 worms from the curb! We continued on to look at the park and other streets. By the end of the 2 trips I made I had at least 8 small snake sized worms! Some of the worms were at least 7 inches long and pretty darn thick!
My theory is that if all the large worms go in with my little boxie, they will revolt.
For now, they are all in a bucket with some dirt.I’m going to dump them in my turtles new tank outside.
The new tank looks great! It is 20” by 40” and about 15” high. It is made of plywood and has stilts to keep it off the ground. With holes on the bottom for drainage. For a 4” turtle, it should be pretty good!
It was pretty nice out last weekend, so I brought Mack outside to walk supervised in the yard. My dog, Rowdy, got to say hello. Rowdy seemed to be really curious in Mack, and Mack didn’t really like Rowdy. I don’t really mind as long as my dog doesn’t hurt Mack, which he doesn’t. I sat down with him after having to bring him back onto the grass multiple times. I began to rub his shell, and I think he might have liked it. By then I was already surprised that Mack hadn’t run off to explore the yard. Then he turned aroundtoward my leg and, I guess, tried to burrow under my leg. I’m pretty sure that has nothing to do with turtle love, but some how It made me feel like Mack likes me.
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