
see reptiles diffenetly

   May 02

Levy County (Florida) Corns

Hobbyists have always had an interest in locality-specific corn snakes, Pantherophis guttatus guttatus. References to Miami phase, Okeetee phases, Florida Key phases, and others are commonplace in the hobby. But there are in Florida alone several other locales in which corn snakes, although variable to a degree, are of characteristic colors and patterns. One such is Levy County, a rather sparsely populated area located on Florida’s Gulf Coast west, and a bit south of Gainesville.

The corn snakes of that area are typically rather small, being adult at 30 to 40 inches in length. But what they may lack in size they make up for with beauty.

On these pretty corn snakes, the dorsal and lateral ground color is usually a cinnamon-buff. The rich orange-red dorsal saddles are well spaced, edged anteriorly and posteriorly with black markings about a half a scale wide, and are usually about as wide as the areas of ground color that separates them. The orange-red lateral spots are small and usually edged with only one to four half black scales. The spearpoint atop the head is bright orange-red and may or may not be partially edged with black. The belly is white and checkered with pale orange, hazy black, or both.

If you think this description sounds pretty in print, you should see one of these corn snakes in the long red rays of the setting sun as it moves across an open patch of sandy soil or is surprised on a dirt or tarmac road. Such a sighting is nearly unforgettable.

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   May 02

Hibernating primates: scientists discover three lemur species sleep like bears

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Bears do it, bats do it, and now we know lemurs do it too: hibernate, that is. Since 2005, scientists have known that the western fat-tailed dwarf lemur hibernates, but a new study in Scientific Reports finds that hibernation is more widespread among lemurs than expected. At least two additional lemur species—Crossley’s dwarf lemur and Sibree’s dwarf lemur—have been discovered hibernating. So far lemurs, which are only found on the island of Madagascar, are the only primates known to undergo hibernation, raising curious questions about the relationship between lemur hibernation and more well-known deep sleepers.

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   May 02

Hibernating primates: scientists discover three lemur species sleep like bears

By Herp News

Bears do it, bats do it, and now we know lemurs do it too: hibernate, that is. Since 2005, scientists have known that the western fat-tailed dwarf lemur hibernates, but a new study in Scientific Reports finds that hibernation is more widespread among lemurs than expected. At least two additional lemur species—Crossley’s dwarf lemur and Sibree’s dwarf lemur—have been discovered hibernating. So far lemurs, which are only found on the island of Madagascar, are the only primates known to undergo hibernation, raising curious questions about the relationship between lemur hibernation and more well-known deep sleepers.

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   May 02

State has new official state sea turtle

By Herp News

Rest easy, everyone. Texas now has an official state sea turtle.Thanks to a unanimous vote Thursday by the Texas Senate, the Kemp’s ridley sea turtle — a most-endangered native species that ranges from South Padre Island to Chambers County near Beaumont — will join a list of official state animals.

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   May 02

Endangered primates and cats may be hiding out in swamps and mangrove forests

By Herp News

What happens to animals when their forest is cut down? If they can, they migrate to different forests. But in an age when forests are falling far and fast, many species may have to shift to entirely different environments. A new paper in Folia Primatologica theorizes that some 60 primate species and 20 wild cat species in Asia and Africa may be moving from rainforests to less-impacted environments such as swamp forests, mangroves, and peat forests.

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   May 02

Endangered primates and cats may be hiding out in swamps and mangrove forests

By Herp News

What happens to animals when their forest is cut down? If they can, they migrate to different forests. But in an age when forests are falling far and fast, many species may have to shift to entirely different environments. A new paper in Folia Primatologica theorizes that some 60 primate species and 20 wild cat species in Asia and Africa may be moving from rainforests to less-impacted environments such as swamp forests, mangroves, and peat forests.

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   May 02

Madagascar tortoise trafficking rages out of control

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Illegal trafficking of two critically endangered tortoise species from Madagascar has reached epidemic proportions.

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   May 02

Drill baby drill! The fate of African biodiversity and the monkey you’ve never heard of

By Herp News

Equatorial Guinea is not a country that stands very large in the American consciousness. In fact most Americans think you mean Papua New Guinea when you mention it or are simply baffled. When I left for Bioko Island in Equatorial Guinea, I also knew almost nothing about the island, the nation, or the Bioko drills (Mandrillus leucophaeus poensis). The subspecies of drill is unique to Bioko Island and encountering them was an equally unique experience. I initially went to Bioko as a turtle research assistant but ended up falling in love with the entire ecosystem, especially the Bioko drills as I tagged along with drill researchers.

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   May 02

Snake helps Florida couple say "I do!"

A snake slithered into a Florida wedding ceremony, then curled into the shape of a heart in an apparent blessing on the couple’s nuptials.

From First Coast News:

A snake slid its way into the wedding ceremony at a Jacksonville Beach hotel, twice. The first time it slithered its way to the flower girl’s feet.

“And she looked down and she yelled ‘snake’ and threw her hands in the air and before you know it everyone was running around,” said Gubbini.

Gubbini says the snake disappeared and then came back right after the rings were exchanged, but not to object, the newlyweds think it had a message.

“It was circling around us into a little circle…as it was doing that somebody was taking a snapshot and it made a heart,” added Gubbini.

The snake looks like it shaped itself into a heart, an unforgettable wedding day, just like the day Gubbini says he proposed.

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   May 01

Tortoise Energy Independence Fund, Inc. Provides Unaudited Balance Sheet Information and Asset Coverage Ratio Update …

By Herp News

Tortoise Energy Independence Fund, Inc. today announced that as of April 30, 2013, the company’s unaudited total assets were approximately $409.9 million and its unaudi

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   May 01

Tortoise MLP Fund, Inc. Provides Unaudited Balance Sheet Information and Asset Coverage Ratio Update as of April 30 …

By Herp News

Tortoise MLP Fund, Inc. today announced that as of April 30, 2013, the company’s unaudited total assets were approximately $1.9 billion and its unaudited net asset valu

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   May 01

Tortoise Pipeline & Energy Fund, Inc. Provides Unaudited Balance Sheet Information and Asset Coverage Ratio Update as …

By Herp News

Tortoise Pipeline & Energy Fund, Inc. today announced that as of April 30, 2013, the company’s unaudited total assets were approximately $387.9 million and its unau

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   May 01

Tortoise North American Energy Corp. Provides Unaudited Balance Sheet Information and Asset Coverage Ratio Update as …

By Herp News

Tortoise North American Energy Corp. today announced that as of April 30, 2013, the company’s unaudited total assets were approximately $259.7 million and its unaudited

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   May 01

Tortoise Power and Energy Infrastructure Fund, Inc. Provides Unaudited Balance Sheet Information and Asset Coverage …

By Herp News

Tortoise Power and Energy Infrastructure Fund, Inc. today announced that as of April 30, 2013, the company’s unaudited total assets were approximately $237.2 million an

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   May 01

Tortoise Energy Capital Corp. Provides Unaudited Balance Sheet Information and Asset Coverage Ratio Update as of April …

By Herp News

Tortoise Energy Capital Corp. today announced that as of April 30, 2013, the company’s unaudited total assets were approximately $1.0 billion and its unaudited net asse

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   May 01

Tortoise Energy Infrastructure Corp. Provides Unaudited Balance Sheet Information and Asset Coverage Ratio Update as …

By Herp News

Tortoise Energy Infrastructure Corp. today announced that as of April 30, 2013, the company’s unaudited total assets were approximately $2.0 billion and its unaudited n

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   May 01

Turtle nesting season begins

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Turtle nesting season has begun in Florida and there are some things you'll need to know to avoid inadvertently harming the animals.

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   May 01

13 year search for Taiwan’s top predator comes up empty-handed

By Herp News

After 13 years of searching for the Formosan clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa brachyura), once hopeful scientists say they believe the cat is likely extinct. For more than a decade scientists set up over 1,500 camera traps and scent traps in the mountains of Taiwan where they believed the cat may still be hiding out, only to find nothing.

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   May 01

World’s rarest duck on the rebound in Madagascar

By Herp News

After a final sighting in 1991, the Madagascar pochard was thought to have vanished for good. But this diving duck was rediscovered in 2006 when a flock of 22 individuals was found on Lake Matsaborimena in northern Madagascar by conservationists during an expedition. Soon after Madagascar pochard eggs were taken and incubated in a joint captive breeding program by Durrell, the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT), the Peregrine Fund, Asity Madagascar, and Madagascar government, which recently announced that the population—both captive and wild—has nearly quadrupled.

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   May 01


As if the intense pressure on amphibian populations from climate change, habitat destruction, and disease wasn’t enough. Now a demand for frogs’ legs to satisfy the appetites of gourmets is being blamed for a spike in mosquito population, harm to frog numbers in the wild, and animal cruelty.

From FOX News:

The European passion for frogs’ legs is driving an international massacre of the reptiles which is endangering species and harming natural environments across south-east Asia. […]

The “Frogmageddon” has prompted questions from the European Parliament about what the European Commission is doing about the problem, and about the cruel way in which the reptiles are parted from their limbs.

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   Apr 30

Tortoise Power and Energy Infrastructure Fund, Inc. Provides Section 19(a) Notice

By Herp News

This notice provides stockholders of Tortoise Power and Energy Infrastructure Fund, Inc. with information regarding the distribution paid on April 30, 2013 and cumulati

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   Apr 30

Malaysia may loan Indonesia rhinos to save species from extinction

By Herp News

Conservationists and officials meeting last month at a rhino crisis summit in Singapore agreed to a radical plan to loan Sumatran rhinos between nations if it means saving the critically endangered species from extinction. The proposal, which could still be thwarted by red tape and political opposition, could lead Malaysia to send some of its Sumatran rhinos to semi-captive breeding facilities in Indonesia.

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   Apr 30

Turtle Ridge holds benefit

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The Turtle Ridge Wildlife Center is having its first New Beginnings benefit for the center.

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   Apr 30

The underground adventures of the Mediterranean frog Rana iberica

By Herp News

Although many amphibians have been reported to live or spend part of their life underground, the Mediterranean frog Rana iberica, has never been reported dwelling in subterranean habitats until now. A new study marks the first record of all life stages of the species from a drainage gallery of Serra da Estrela Natural Park in Portugal.

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   Apr 30

They Named Him Bob

In January of 2013, Patti and I were in Amazonian Peru with about 15 other herpers. We had spent five days on Project Amazon’s Madre Selva Biological Preserve on the Rio Orosa, and had just moved back upriver to their Santa Cruz Forest Preserve.

Since our last visit, a lazy creek I remember as barely flowing had been dammed and had flowed sufficiently to form a several acre pond in a low-lying clearcut before trickling over the dam to reenter the dense secondary forest. The pond, now two years old, had provided new habitat for spectacled caiman, fish, and in banana trees along the banks, for Bob; for many Bobs, in fact.

Bob, a treefrog, had been named by our gang for his call, “Bob”—not Robert, not Bobby, just plain old Bob, spoken in a guttural croak. Big, angular, with actions and reactions relatively slow, Bob and his brethren sat, usually one to a banana tree, on the leaf stems about waist to head high. Bob was forest green dorsally, grayish to buff ventrally, and laterally had a jagged line of dark rimmed light spots separating the dorsal and ventral colors.

Bob was (and is) a giant monkey frog, Phyllomedusa bicolor. Among the largest of his genus Bob was about 4 ½ inches svl (snout-vent length), had huge parotoid glands and when he moved he as often moved in a deliberate hand over hand fashion as by jumping.

Every night at dusk, Bob (all the Bobs, in fact) emerged from the axil(s) of the banana tree(s) to sit boldly on the stem(s) and call loudly into the night. That this seemingly harsh and unwaveringly repetitious call has been successful in bringing females to the various calling sites was amply displayed by the vast number of tadpoles in all stages of development that swam in the shallows of the pond.

The Bobs it seems, and the Bobettes, have found new homes. Long live them all!

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   Apr 30

Conservation without supervision: Peruvian community group creates and patrols its own protected area

By Herp News

When we think of conservation areas, many of us think of iconic National Parks overseen by uniformed government employees or wilderness areas purchased and run from afar by big-donor organizations like The Nature Conservancy, Wildlife Conservation Society, WWF, or Conservation International. But what happens to ecosystems and wildlife in areas where there’s a total lack of government presence and no money coming in for its protection? This is the story of one rural Peruvian community that took conservation matters into their own hands, with a little help from a dedicated pair of primate researchers, in order to protect a high biodiversity cloud forest.

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   Apr 30

Tortoise stolen from pet shop

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Time could be running out for a rare dwarf Russian tortoise stolen from a Lancashire pet shop.

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   Apr 30


By Herp News

Byline: The Lizard RNLi lifeboat launches to aid stricken gas tanker Page Content: The Lizard Lifeboat launched into heavy seas this morning to the aid of the stricken Panamanian gas tanker Antigoni , adrift with macninery failure and struggling to anchor in a position 1.5 miles south east of Lizard Point. Upon arrival on scene, the lifeboat, under the command of Coxswain Phil Burgess, was …

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   Apr 30

Turtles are even more unusual than we thought

Turtles are endlessly fascinating to scientists. Their biology is unique. They were around with the dinosaurs and survived the forces that led to their extinction. And now it turns out they have more in common with birds and those extinct dinosaurs than with reptiles.

From Science World Report:

It turns out that, surprisingly, turtles are not primitive reptiles as previously thought. Instead, they are related to the group that is made up of birds and crocodilians and also includes extinct dinosaurs. It’s likely that the turtles split from this group about 250 million years ago during one of the largest extinction events on the planet.

“Turtles are interesting because they offer an exceptional case to understand the big evolutionary changes that occurred in vertebrate history,” said Naoki Irie from the RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology in a news release. “The work not only provides insight into how turtles evolved, but also gives hints as to how the vertebrate developmental programs can be changed to produce major evolutionary novelties.”

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   Apr 30


By Herp News

Byline: Volunteer RNLI crew at Lizard say ‘cheers’ for the donation Page Content: The fundraising appeal for a new all-weather lifeboat at the Lizard station received a boost from money raised at a local beer festival. Thanks to the second annual beer festival held at The Witchball Restaurant during, the summer Coxswain Phil Burgess received a cheque for £3,017.38 towards the appeal for the new …

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   Apr 30


By Herp News

Byline: 40th wedding anniversary supports Lizard RNLI's Tamar lifeboat appeal Page Content: Ernie and Sue Pursglove, from The Lizard, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary in classic style at the weekend when the professional Jazz and Flamenco band ‘TG Collective’ ( in which their son Andrew is a key musician, arrived in town for a live concert and party, staged at …

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   Apr 30

New rule limits desert tortoise ownership

By Herp News

As of Wednesday if you want to own a desert tortoise you can only have one.

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   Apr 29

Early sea turtle nest found on Captiva

By Herp News

What biologists and sea turtle nest trackers believe is the first loggerhead sea turtle nest to turn up on the west coast of Florida, was found Sunday on Captiva Island.

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   Apr 29

Sea turtles benefiting from protected areas

By Herp News

Nesting green sea turtles are benefiting from marine protected areas by using habitats found within their boundaries, according to a new study that is the first to track the federally protected turtles in Dry Tortugas National Park.

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   Apr 29

Obama Administration to propose stripping protection from all gray wolves

By Herp News

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) is proposing to end protection for all gray wolves (Canis lupus) in the lower 48 states, save for a small population of Mexican wolves in New Mexico, reports the Los Angeles Times. The proposal comes two years after wolves were removed from the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in western states by a legislative rider on a budget bill, and soon after in the midwest. Since then hunting and trapping has killed over 1,500 wolves in these two regions.

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   Apr 29

Molecular role of gene linked to blood vessel formation uncovered

By Herp News

Researchers have discovered that disrupting a gene that acts as a regulatory switch to turn on other genes can keep blood vessels from forming and developing properly.

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   Apr 29

Cornwall: walking the Lizard peninsula

By Herp News

Along a scenic coastal path, Martin Jackson finds he is alone save for springtime flora and birds.        

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   Apr 29

New York illegal animal amnesty nets three alligators

Unwanted or illegal reptiles and amphibians, including three alligators, were turned over to the Suffolk County SPCA on Long Island in New York State in the state’s first-ever illegal animal amnesty.


The event, which took place at Sweetbriar Nature Center in Smithtown, allowed people to drop off illegal animals, no questions asked. Only reptiles and amphibians were accepted, and no penalties were given to individuals who handed over illegal reptiles, as the primary goal of the event was to prevent people from letting unwanted illegal reptiles or amphibians loose on Long Island.

The event was particularly valuable in that three alligators ended up in the safe hands of the SPCA. The alligators were 3 feet, 3.5 feet, and 4.5 feet long. Keeping an alligator is illegal, and includes a fine of up to $250, but releasing an alligator into the wild is a misdemeanor that can lead to jail time.

Just last week, four alligators were fished out of the Peconic River in Calverton near a boat ramp. The 2- and 3-foot-long alligators were sent to the Long Island Aquarium and Exhibition Center.

At least nine alligators were found on Long Island last fall, including two alligators that were found in a supermarket parking lot in Baldwin, one found on a golf course in Wading River, and another found in the parking lot of an Applebee’s in Shirley.

In a separate story, the New York Post reported the alligators were subsequently adopted by the Rainforest Reptile Show, to appear in educational exhibits. …read more
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   Apr 29


By Herp News

Byline: MV Ardgarry disaster remembered at Lizard RNLI lifeboat station Page Content: One year on, following a hugely emotive memorial service and the un-veiling of a granite memorial stone at The Lizard Lifeboat station, Patrick Slattery has made an emotional return to visit many friends in The Lizard . Patrick’s father tragically perished along with 11 other crewmen when the vessel MV Ardgarry …

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