It was a long hard day in the house cleaning and cleaning. And cleaning. Cleaning. You get the picture. And I did two loads of laundry. That’s enough.
I go into the kitchen and grab a carrot so I can have a leisurely visit with my favorite shelled wonder: Frankie. Right off I see him on the upper end near the fence. I go over to him.
“Frankie! Did you eat the forsythia bush because it took three years to get it big enough to bloom?” I look at Frankie, “You nit-wit.”
Frankie looks at me like he knows a buffalo jumped over the fence and ate the forsythia bush. “I didn’t do that.”
I walk around back to make sure everything is clear and safe. I come across a……well it used to be a knee high pile of branches and twigs….now it’s a strewn across the grass.
“Frankie! Did you do this?”
Frankie observes the broken scatted twigs and branches.
“I didn’t do that.”
I find the bird bath turned over. I filled it this morning.
“Frankie! Did you do this?”
Frankie approaches the turned over bird bath and proceeds to walk right over it. “Nope. Didn’t do it.”
Then I see the Frankie’s kiddy pool that is supposed to last through this summer. A new rip has appeared that may just speed the end of this pool for Frankie.
“How about this? Did you rip your pool?”
Frankie ignores the obvious. “Didn’t do that.”
I should have seen it. I was looking at the pool and missed the three wooden fence segments I have….had leaning against the chain link fence so Frankie doesn’t push through wire. If that isn’t bad enough the compost barrel filled with Frankie poop was caught in the fence-falling-frenzy and is now on it’s side and all the contents spilled on the lawn. And while we are at it let’s count the wooden boards crashed and thrown down from their cinder block from being toppled over.
“How about this?”
Frankie walks past me and steps up on the nearest fence that lies partially on the ground and partially on the the compost barrel. Frankie walks to the highest point on the fallen fence (about 18 inches high).
Proud as one can be, like a man reaching the very top of Mount Everest, “I did this!” …read more
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