
see reptiles diffenetly

   Jun 21

New pirate ant uses sickle-shaped mandibles to decimate rivals

By Herp News

A new species of ant has recently been discovered in the Hortarium of the Los Baños University in the Philippines. Scientists named it the pirate ant (Cardiocondyla pirata) due to the female’s unique pigmentation pattern: a distinctive stripe across the eyes that resembles a pirates’ eye-patch. The pirate ant belongs to a genus Cardiocondyla that are distributed worldwide, but mainly found in the tropics.

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   Jun 21

A Tortoise and His Shell

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Resident African Spur Thigh Tortoise at the Center!  

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   Jun 21

Semporna celebrates Sea Turtle Week with fun-filled activities

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SEMPORNA: The Sea Turtle Week here, held in conjunction with the World Sea Turtle Day on June 16, […]

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   Jun 21

Let’s move to the Lizard Peninsula, Cornwall

By Herp News

Mainland Britain’s most southerly point is almost impossibly pretty, but there is a tougher side to the beauty What’s going for it? There are two sides to the Lizard, in many senses. Mainland Britain’s most southerly point has east and west coasts, which in their turn generate two distinct characters. The west faces the full force of the south-westerly prevailing winds: great for daredevil …

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   Jun 21

Eastern box turtle's shell defaced with nail polish and glitter

Someone thought Mother Nature could be improved on with nail polish and glitter when it came to the shell of an Eastern Box Turtle — putting the turtle’s life at risk.


Earlier this week, the good folks at the Wildlife Center of Virginia rescued an Eastern box turtle discovered at a nearby campground after it fell victim to an unscrupulous ‘artist’. According to staff, the reptile’s shell had been vandalized with several types of nail polish and glitter — threatening its survival by making it an easy target for predators.

“Box turtles have this great natural camouflage that just allows them to blend into their environment,” says staffer Amanda Nicholson. “And this is really sending a message to the world of, ‘hey, look at me.’”

The wildlife center isn’t certain whether the turtle is an abandoned pet, or if someone ran across it in the wild and decided to add this gaudy graffiti, but the tagged shell does offer some clues as to who might be responsible. Along with the word “Sheldon”, taken to be the female turtle’s name, are the initials “SKR” and “BDM” — perhaps belonging to the culprits.

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   Jun 21

Central Tortoise News

By Herp News

We began the training roughly six months ahead of the extension area being completed, using a target and the tortoises’ favourite foods.

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   Jun 21

Large reptile likely lurking in Vero’s Sixty Oaks, but what kind?

By Herp News

Something is slithering around this Vero Beach neighborhood, and one couple is determined to find out what it is.

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   Jun 20

Rare lizard thrives in Canberra

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Field surveys show Canberra is home to some of the nation’s largest populations of the vulnerable striped legless lizard.

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   Jun 20

Building a new generation of local conservationists: how improving education in Uganda may save one of the world’s great forests

By Herp News

Conservation work is often focused on the short-term: protecting a forest from an immediate threat, saving a species from pending extinction, or a restoring an ecosystem following degradation. While short-term responses are often borne of necessity, one could argue that long-term thinking in conservation and environmental work (as in all human endeavors) is woefully neglected, especially in the tropics. This is why programs like the Kasiisi Project are so important: by vastly improving education for primary kids near a threatened park in Uganda, the project hopes to create a “generation of committed rural conservationists,” according to founder and director, Elizabeth Ross.

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   Jun 20

Sequencing turtle genome may help humans

University of Texas at Arlington evolutionary biologists Todd Castoe and Matthew Fujita are part of the team unlocking secrets of the Western painted turtle genome to find ways to help humans.

From the Star-Telegram:

Castoe and Fujita were among nearly 60 co-authors of a paper published in the journal Genome Biology this spring that described the findings from the genome sequencing, only the second full genetic mapping on a reptile.

The researchers found that the painted turtle’s genes used for tolerance of extreme cold and oxygen deprivation are common to all vertebrates but that they are more active in turtles that experience the extreme conditions. One gene that humans share became 130 times more active in turtles subjected to low-oxygen environments.

Further study of the turtle genome could yield clues related to human health and well-being, particularly oxygen deprivation, hypothermia and longevity.

“It’s very hard to do research on people,” said Pamela Jansma, dean of the UTA College of Science, “but if you know that animals have a similar gene pairing, you can study how those genes trigger responses to environmental stimuli. You can map that to humans, and you can then imagine developing gene therapies to address certain diseases.”

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Photo: Brandon Wade/Star-Telegram. …read more

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   Jun 20

At a turtle’s pace, crossing roads can be dangerous

By Herp News

Tape and glue were used to repair cracks in the shell of this adult painted turtle after it was run over by a vehicle. It is being cared for at the SPCA and is expected to recover.

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   Jun 19

Real-life ‘Lizard King’ named for Doors’ Jim Morrison

By Herp News

A lizard the size of a German shepherd once roamed Myanmar, a new fossil analysis reveals.

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   Jun 19

Featured video: Rare Syrian Brown Bear caught on camera

By Herp News

New camera-trap footage from the Caucasus Wildlife Refuge in Armenia,
has captured rare footage of a Syrian Brown Bear (Ursus arctos syriacus),
a subspecies of Brown Bear native to Eurasia. This is an important
recording as there may be just one or two bears in this reserve and are
listed as vulnerable in Armenia. The exact population of this subspecies is
unknown and likely to be declining due to poaching, habitat destruction
and diminishing sources of food in the wild.

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   Jun 19

Darwin's frogs on the decline in Chile

Frogs bearing Charles Darwin’s name are at risk of extinction in Chile.

From Live Science:

Charles Darwin first discovered the frogs while traveling in Chile in 1834. Scientists who later studied the mouth-brooding animals found that there are actually two species, naming one Rhinoderma darwinii (Darwin’s frog) and the other Rhinoderma rufum (Chile Darwin’s frog).

From 2008 to 2012, a team of researchers led by zoologist Claudio Soto-Azat surveyed 223 sites in the frogs’ historical range, from the coastal city of Valparaíso south to an area just beyond Chiloé Island. R. rufum has not been seen in the wild since 1980, and despite the recent extensive search effort across every recorded location of the species, no individuals were seen or heard during the four-year survey, the researchers said. R. darwinii, meanwhile, was found in 36 sites, but only in fragmented and small populations, each with likely less than 100 individuals.

The findings suggest Darwin’s frogs have disappeared from, or at least rapidly declined in, many locations where they were recently abundant, the researchers wrote in a paper published online June 12 in the journal PLOS ONE. Habitat loss and fragmentation may be the culprits.

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   Jun 18

Pesticides decimating dragonflies and other aquatic insects

By Herp News

While recent research (and media attention) has focused on the alleged negative impacts of pesticides on bees, the problem may be far broader according to a new study in the Proceedings of the US Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Looking at over 50 streams in Germany, France, and Australia, scientists in Europe and Australia found that pesticide contamination was capable of undercutting invertebrate biodiversity by nearly half.

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   Jun 18

Crystal Renn wears reptile skin for S Moda

By Herp News

Posted in Fashion / Fashion blog / Fashion photo shoots / Fashion pictures Top model Crystal Renn goes braless for the latest issue of S Moda. Crystal poses for a sexy cover story in an all black Gucci reptile skin ensemble as styled by Empar Prieto and while sporting messy big hair for an overall androgynous look. Article continues . To read it in full visit ‘ Crystal Renn wears reptile skin …

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   Jun 18

Rare spiny turtle hatches at zoo

By Herp News

Keepers at Chester Zoo are “absolutely ecstatic” following the birth of a rare spiny turtle.

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   Jun 18

Snake venom may keep cancer cells from spreading

From the Reporter-Herald:

Scientists believe that a protein in (snake) venom helps snakes relocate their prey so they can continue their dinner.

This protein, called a disintegrin, enables the snake to relocate its prey, explains (University of Northern Colorado researcher Anthony) Saviola. He says scientists performed studies where a rattlesnake struck a mouse, and when a second rattlesnake of the same species was given a choice between that mouse or one that had not been injected with venom, the second rattlesnake usually always chose the one with venom.

Snakes also have an advanced olfactory system and special chemosensory organs in their mouths. Snakes will tongue-flick rapidly, says Saviola, to pick up chemical cues in the environment. But it appears to be the disintegrin that helps them find prey.

Integrins, by definition, are a large group of molecules that promote cell adhesion. “Some of these you don’t see in normal, healthy tissue,” says Saviola, “but you will see them expressed 100 fold in abnormal, cancerous tissue.”

The disintegrin protein in snake venom, when injected into cancer cells, binds the outside of the cell via these integrin receptors. Chemotherapy, used most often to help stop the spread of cancer, not only kills cancer cells but also the healthy cells. The disintegrin from snake venom acts differently. “It doesn’t kill the cell,” says Saviola. “It binds the outside and doesn’t allow the cell to communicate with surrounding cells. That’s when cancer becomes cancer … when it spreads throughout the body.”

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   Jun 18

Frankie Tortoise Tails – I Turtle Sit: Camp Frankie

Prequel – I am turtle sitting Gretta’s little box turtle, LD. I promised Gretta that I would give her updates on how things are going. I also promised I would not let Frankie help.

Little Dude, Year old American Box Turtle

I Turtle Sit: Camp Frankie

Hello, Mom. LD here at Camp Frankie. Havin’ lots of fun and learnin’ lots of new things.

Frankie stayin’ in his cave. He has three camera. Must be watching me having fun. Guess that makes him Camp Frankie Supervisor.

Right off I played joke on Leann. I climbed on top of my cork bark and escaped. She looked everywhere for me. He,he. I sittin’ on the window sill looking out the window right next to my enclosure. I watch her act frantic.

Newly redecorated enclosure features cork bark in middle of box.

Started week indoors ‘cause of weather. I introduced to new toy….food…same thing for turtles. Food is toy. This toy runs around like crazy. You have to run after it and catch it. Thing called cricket and is dusted in some magic white dust that doesn’t seem to help it at all. Caught four of those crickets. Still runnin’ around box just in case there were five.

I get crickets when I am indoors. I tell Leann I want to eat out.

Leann took me to Frankie’s yard and started turning rocks over. Was a smorgasbord. There were bugs, snails, and snails escaped from shell.

There were lots of those snails escaped from shell. Leann say, “slug.” I say, “I just run them down and wrestle ‘em.”

While Leann scoop up some bugs for big turtles inside I eat all I can stuff in my face. Leann say I eat more dirt than bugs. I say I need my iron. Leann try to wipe bugs and slugs off my face and I say no ‘cause those are for snacks later.

I got to swim in Frankie’s Olympic sized swimming pool. It was clean so I got to put in the first poop. It was lonely looking poop in huge swimming pool. Leann says poop will get plenty of company later.

I ate green stuff and I like it. Leann says it’s one of Frankie’s favorite greens and she don’t know its name but she is gonna show you so I can have more. Leann say I am not dead yet so it must be good for me.

I think I make Leann sweat a lot.

After eating and harvesting and swimming and running away from Leann we went back inside. Leann put me in box with bugs and worms we collected. I can eat three slugs in 45 seconds Leann say.

I got to eat again inside with the big turtles. Turtles then got to go outside in Turtle Run but I am not allow because Leann does not want a …read more

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   Jun 17

Fitch: Tortoise Energy Capital Corporation Series F Senior Unsecured Notes Paid In Full

By Herp News

The $34,700,000 series F senior unsecured notes previously issued by Tortoise Energy Capital Corporation have been paid in full, according to Fitch Ratings. Fitch assigned an ‘AAA’ rating to the senior unsecured notes prior to redemption.

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   Jun 17

Bullfrogs may help spread deadly amphibian fungus, but also die from it

By Herp News

Amphibian populations are declining worldwide and a major cause is a deadly fungus thought to be spread by bullfrogs, but a two-year study shows they can also die from this pathogen, contrary to suggestions that bullfrogs are a tolerant carrier host that just spreads the disease.

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   Jun 17

Herp Video of the Week: Twins and Triplets!

Check out this video “Twins and Triplets,” submitted by user prehistoricpets.
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   Jun 17

Endangered turtle rescued in VB

By Herp News

An endangered species of sea turtle was rescued along the Virginia Beach coast Friday afternoon.

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   Jun 16

Texas tortoise dealing with drought, other dangers

By Herp News

The only tortoise species native to Texas is facing various challenges, including drought conditions, disease and speeding motorists.

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   Jun 16

Texas tortoise dealing with drought, other dangers

By Herp News

The Texas tortoise _ a state-listed threatened species _ is facing various challenges, including drought conditions, disease and speeding motorists.

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   Jun 16

San Juan Turtle Fest — Three days of celebration

By Herp News

It’s time to commune with your favorite backyard turtle and decide if it’s got the right stuff to be a racing superstar.

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   Jun 15

Former Jesus Lizard David Yow Casts Lewd, Clanging Solo Album Debut

By Herp News

David Yow is best-known as the menacing, howling frontman of ’80s and ’90s noise-punk bands Scratch Acid and the Jesus Lizard, two of the most…

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   Jun 15

Reptile Rally scales up in Austin

By Herp News

If you’re in the market for a pet, the Reptile Rally in Austin has got you covered.

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   Jun 14

Sea Turtle Released After Getting Stuck in Between Rocks

By Herp News

The turtle was saved with the help of Palm Beach’s coastal coordinator and the Palm Beach Fire Rescue Photo Credit: Christine Perretta, DB Ecological Services, Inc.

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   Jun 14

EXCLUSIVE: 3-foot-long reptile found in Honolulu

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An almost 3-foot-long Iguana was captured Thursday night. The iguana somehow ended up at the Dillingham Business Center.

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   Jun 14

3-foot-long reptile found in Honolulu

By Herp News

A rare reptile found in urban Honolulu. An almost 3-foot-long Iguana was captured Thursday night. The iguana somehow ended up at the Dillingham Business Center.  A security guard on patrol said he was caught off guard when he saw what he thought was an unusual creature. It was hanging out by the stairwell before rushed it into a corner. “I was like, ‘What is this this?” This is not a local …

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   Jun 14

Reptile Rally

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How you can find out all about reptiles at PetCo.

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   Jun 14

Hogle Zoo reptile keeper on learning to love reptiles

Not everyone starts out liking reptiles — but that can change, as this profile of Hogle Zoo reptile keeper Emily Merola demonstrates.

From the Salt Lake Tribune:

Emily Merola can relate. The Hooper native and psychologist is Hogle Zoo’s primary reptile keeper. She takes care of 52-year-old Kronk, a huge Aldabra tortoise that sometimes follows her around like a puppy during feeding time, Bill and Hillary — the crocs, not the political couple — and an assortment of snakes, lizards, turtles, tortoises and amphibians.

“You have to work with reptiles to really appreciate the grand scale of them,” she said. “They are unlike any animal that I have ever worked with before. They are kind of a challenge. You can’t read them like an ape or a giraffe. They don’t have facial expressions. They are the most laid back animals you could ever work with, and the most difficult.”

Merola began her Hogle Zoo career volunteering and then serving an internship. She became part of the staff called Eco Explorers that took live animals or exhibits around the grounds and interacted with visitors. She took a seasonal position and, two years later, earned her way into the reptile supervisor position.

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   Jun 14

Reptile keeper on learning to love reptiles

Not everyone starts out liking reptiles — but that can change, as this profile of Hogle Zoo reptile keeper Emily Merola demonstrates.

From the Salt Lake Tribune:

Emily Merola can relate. The Hooper native and psychologist is Hogle Zoo’s primary reptile keeper. She takes care of 52-year-old Kronk, a huge Aldabra tortoise that sometimes follows her around like a puppy during feeding time, Bill and Hillary — the crocs, not the political couple — and an assortment of snakes, lizards, turtles, tortoises and amphibians.

“You have to work with reptiles to really appreciate the grand scale of them,” she said. “They are unlike any animal that I have ever worked with before. They are kind of a challenge. You can’t read them like an ape or a giraffe. They don’t have facial expressions. They are the most laid back animals you could ever work with, and the most difficult.”

Merola began her Hogle Zoo career volunteering and then serving an internship. She became part of the staff called Eco Explorers that took live animals or exhibits around the grounds and interacted with visitors. She took a seasonal position and, two years later, earned her way into the reptile supervisor position.

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   Jun 13

Why endangered species need conservation champions

By Herp News

Without heroic conservationists many of today’s most beloved species would be extinct: think of pandas, tigers, and elephants. By single-mindly focused on saving a particular species, these conservation champions bring much-needed research, publicity, and, most importantly, targeted actions to keep an imperiled animal from the brink. Through their own exuberance, these heroes also gather others to their cause. But, many of the world’s heroic conservationists are little-known to the broader public. To address this a new book, Wildlife Heroes: 40 Leading Conservationists and the Animals They Are Committed to Saving, strives to introduce the public to some of the world’s most devoted conservationists.

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   Jun 13

Laser therapy for sea turtles

A donated $24,000 laser is helping the South Carolina Aquarium rehabilitate hundreds of injured sea turtles and another mammals, fish, and wildlife.

From the Herald Online:

An endangered Kemp’s ridley sea turtle was fitted with a black hood and held quietly Tuesday as it received laser therapy for a joint injury that, under normal circumstances, could keep it in the South Carolina Aquarium’s Sea Turtle Hospital for as long as two years.

The turtle, stunned by last winter’s cold, has developed a bone infection. The aquarium’s new laser will ease the creature’s pain and is expected to reduce its recovery time.

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   Jun 13

Pa. man finds reptile near sewer, offers gator aid

By Herp News

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A Philadelphia man has offered a little gator aid — calling animal control authorities to help rescue a juvenile alligator he found near a sewer grate on his street.

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   Jun 13

Belfast lizard numbers ‘devastated’

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A newly-discovered population of lizards has been “devastated” by arsonists setting fire to Cave Hill, according to the Belfast Hills Partnership.

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   Jun 13

Pa. man finds reptile near sewer, offers gator aid

By Herp News

A Philadelphia man has offered a little gator aid — calling animal control authorities to help rescue a juvenile alligator he found near a sewer grate on his street.

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   Jun 13

Syrian bald ibis may be down to a single bird

By Herp News

The eastern population of northern bald ibises (Geronticus eremita) has likely fallen to a single breeding bird, reports conservationists monitoring the dwindling flock. The population had believed to be obliterated starting from 1989 until a small group was discovered in 2002 in Syria. However, it now appears that this last group is vanishing one-by-one despite efforts by conservation groups to sustain the distinct population.

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