
see reptiles diffenetly

   Aug 22

AUDIO: Holiday abandoned after lizard escape

By Herp News

The owner of a 5ft long lizard who was the subject of a police appeal after he went missing has spoken about her pet's escape.

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   Aug 22

Python pet shop owner had blood on hands

By Herp News

A reptile store owner under investigation for criminal negligence in the deaths of two boys after a large python escaped its enclosure had blood on his hands and shorts when police arrived at the scene in Campbellton, N.B., according to newly released court documents.

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   Aug 22

Turtle hitches ride on croc in Qld

By Herp News

A brave turtle has been spotted hitching a ride on the back of a freshwater crocodile in a north Qld river.

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   Aug 22

Alaskan frogs can come back from the dead

You’re frozen solid, your heart’s stopped beating, and you haven’t breathed in days. You’re dead, right? Not if you’re an Alaskan wood frog.

The amphibian — an Arctic population of the wood frog, Rana sylvatica — can tolerate being frozen, heart and respiration both stopped, for days or even weeks at a time. Scientists found that they could survive temperatures down to 3.2 degrees Fahrenheit, while they’re Midwestern cousins could only come back from a balmy 24.8 degrees Fahrenheit.

All of which is super cool, of course, but it has a practical, and potentially human-lifesaving application, as well.

From National Geographic:

Beyond being fascinating science, the ability to freeze and unfreeze living organs and tissues without damaging them has potentially profound implications for areas such as organ transplantation.

“There’s an obvious parallel between what these frogs are doing to preserve all of their tissues simultaneously and our need to be able to cryopreserve human organs for tissue-matching purposes,” said [researcher Jon] Costanzo, noting that attempts to successfully freeze human organs for transplants have so far proved unsuccessful, perhaps due to their relative size and cellular complexity.

“If you could freeze human organs even for a short period of time, that would be a major breakthrough because then these organs could be shipped around the world, which would greatly [improve] the donor-matching process,” noted Costanzo.

Read the rest here.

Photo: A wood frog in New Jersey, by user BryanD. …read more
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   Aug 22


By Herp News

Byline: The Lizard lifeboat was tasked last night (Tuesday 20 August) to assist the 10 metre yacht Gemma with two people onboard that had suffered gear box problems and was becalmed. Page Content: The yacht was approximately 23 miles southeast of Lizard Point when they called Falmouth Coastguard to ask for assistance. The Lizard lifeboat had already launched on a routine exercise when it was …

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   Aug 22

Greene Turtle loan approved

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Kopp joins O'Malley in approving deal over Franchot's 'no' vote Kopp joins O'Malley in approving deal over Franchot's no vote        

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   Aug 22

Turtle egg thefts out of control: WWF

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Balikpapan. Conservation activists have warned of a massive increase in thefts of turtle eggs in the past month […]

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   Aug 21

Turtle Opens 2 exclusive outlets in Mumbai

By Herp News

Turtle, India’s leading menswear lifestyle brand has today set its foot in the fashion capital of the country. With the launch of their first exclusive outlet in the city the brand is all set to raise the fashion quotient of Mumbai even higher.

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   Aug 21

The upside of snakes: Reptile Day at the Zoo proves snakes' usefulness

By Herp News

MICHIGAN CITY—The 7th annual Washington Park Zoo Reptile Day on Saturday attempted to prove that snakes are not that bad once you get to know them.

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   Aug 21

Snake owner investigated for negligence in N.B. boys' deaths

By Herp News

Court documents show the owner of a Campbellton, N.B. reptile store is being investigated for criminal negligence causing death, after a large python escaped its enclosure and killed two young boys a few weeks ago.

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   Aug 21

Loch Ness Monster-Like Reptile Returns to NY

By Herp News

The hellbender, an enormous reptile that resembles a Loch Ness monster, has just been re-introduced to New York State. Continue reading →

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   Aug 21

Greene Turtle loan approved

By Herp News

Kopp joins O'Malley in approving deal over Franchot's no vote Kopp joins O'Malley in approving deal over Franchot's no vote        

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   Aug 21

Tortoise Capital Advisors Honored as One of Kansas City Business Journal’s 2013 Best Places to Work

By Herp News

Tortoise Capital Advisors has been named one of the 2013 Best Places to Work by the Kansas City Business Journal. The company premiered in this year’s Medium Company category.

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   Aug 21

The evolution of cooperation: communal nests are best for ruffed lemurs

By Herp News

Raising young lemurs in communal crèches benefits both mothers and offspring, a new study has found. Andrea Baden and colleagues, of Yale University, studied a group of black-and-white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata) in Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar. This is the first study to examine the consequences of different parenting strategies in the ruffed lemur.

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   Aug 21

Lizards the secret behind California's low rates of Lyme

The CDC reports that cases of Lyme disease have been skyrocketing around the United States — but not in California, thanks to the western fence lizard.

From the LA Times:

The CDC report might lead health authorities to accelerate the research and approval of a Lyme vaccine. Promising results were found earlier this year on one vaccine under development. That would be a popular item in prime Lyme disease territory, largely the Northeast and northern Midwest states where up to 30% of deer ticks carry the infection. Almost all cases of the disease — 96% — occur in 13 states.

California isn’t among them, and one reason for that is that we have, in a sense, our own little natural vaccine program going. In this state, nymphal ticks’ favorite host is the common western fence lizard, which has a protein in it blood that kills the bacterium responsible for Lyme. As a result, few adult ticks are carriers.

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   Aug 20

Safeguarding nine priority areas could protect all of Tanzania’s primates

By Herp News

Researchers at the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) have recently developed a list of “Priority Primate Areas” to save Tanzania’s many primate species from extinction. A hub of unique and endangered primates, Tanzania is widely considered to be the most important mainland country for primate diversity in Africa. Approximately a third of the 27 primate species found in Tanzania are unique to the country, including the recently discovered kipunji.

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   Aug 20

Safeguarding nine priority areas could protect all of Tanzania’s primates

By Herp News

Researchers at the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) have recently developed a list of “Priority Primate Areas” to save Tanzania’s many primate species from extinction. A hub of unique and endangered primates, Tanzania is widely considered to be the most important mainland country for primate diversity in Africa. Approximately a third of the 27 primate species found in Tanzania are unique to the country, including the recently discovered kipunji.

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   Aug 20

Climate change killing harp seal pups

By Herp News

As sea ice levels continue to decline in the northern hemisphere, scientists are observing an unsettling trend in harp seal young mortalities regardless of juvenile fitness. While a recent study found that in harp seal breeding regions ice cover decreased by up to 6% a decade from 1979 on, a follow-up study in PLoS ONE compared the rate of harp seal strandings to total ice cover from 1992 to 2010.

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   Aug 20

Climate change killing harp seal pups

By Herp News

As sea ice levels continue to decline in the northern hemisphere, scientists are observing an unsettling trend in harp seal young mortalities regardless of juvenile fitness. While a recent study found that in harp seal breeding regions ice cover decreased by up to 6% a decade from 1979 on, a follow-up study in PLoS ONE compared the rate of harp seal strandings to total ice cover from 1992 to 2010.

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   Aug 20

Once extinct in wild, native tortoises return to Pinzón Island

Once extinct in the wild due to predation by rats, the Pinzón Island subspecies of the Galápagos giant tortoise (Chelonoidis nigra duncanensis) has returned to its native island thanks to a successful captive breeding program.

From Scientific American:

[…] Galápagos National Park and its partners launched a program to eradicate the rats and other invasive species throughout the archipelago, starting on smaller islands such as Pinzón, which as of last year was home to an astonishing 180 million rats. Last December more than 20,000 kilograms of poison were dropped on the 18-square-kilometer island. The poisons, which dissolve after a few days, were specially designed to attract rats but repel birds and other wildlife that might accidentally consume them. The rodents quickly took the bait and Pinzón has now been tentatively declared rat-free.

Late last month Galápagos National Park took the third step and returned 118 juvenile tortoises to Pinzón from a breeding center on Santa Cruz Island.

We wish the Pinzón Island tortoise well! Read the rest of the story here.

Photo: Scientific American/Island Conservation …read more
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   Aug 19

Reptile roundup: officers seize more than 50 creatures from one home

By Herp News

A recent bust of pets and pot have one man facing nearly 30 criminal charges in New Hanover County, according to the District Attorney's Office.

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   Aug 19

Canada Declares Champion: The Tortoise Torte Wins Tim Hortons Duelling Donuts Contest

By Herp News

Canada Declares Champion: The Tortoise Torte Wins Tim Hortons Duelling Donuts Contest

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   Aug 19

Sea turtle dies after rescue on Tybee

By Herp News

A loggerhead sea turtle that was rescued from a sand bar at Tybee's south end Thursday died on Sunday at the Georgia Sea Turtle Center on Jekyll Island.

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   Aug 19

Sea turtle rescued from fishing nets off RI coast

By Herp News

CHARLESTOWN, R.I. (AP) — A leatherback turtle has been freed after becoming caught in fishing nets off the Rhode Island coast.        

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   Aug 19

Illegally captured parrots finally free to fly

By Herp News

In 2010, Bulgarian airport authorities confiscated 108 African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus) from a smuggler. Last month, the 28 parrots who survived the stress of being stuffed into dog kennels, constantly handled by humans, and the absence of their native habitat, completed their three-year journey to freedom.

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   Aug 19

Illegally captured parrots finally free to fly

By Herp News

In 2010, Bulgarian airport authorities confiscated 108 African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus) from a smuggler. Last month, the 28 parrots who survived the stress of being stuffed into dog kennels, constantly handled by humans, and the absence of their native habitat, completed their three-year journey to freedom.

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   Aug 19

Reptile roundup: officers seize more than 50 creatures from one home

By Herp News

A recent bust of pets and pot have one man facing nearly 30 criminal charges in New Hanover County, according to the District Attorney's Office.

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   Aug 19

Frankie Tortoise Tails – The Chance of Zombies After Midnight

I was awaken at three o’clock in the morning to what sounded like something in distress. Before getting out of bed I determined it was not a cell phone, low battery smoke detector, battery back up, or some other device as logically these items make a consistent noise. This sound was not consistent, this sound occurred at random times.

Thinking the sound could be an animal in distress I leap (literally) out of bed and grab for my glasses. I am on full alert as I exit the bedroom, turn off the house alarm and then stand perfectly still so I can determine where the sound is coming from.

Newt the cat rubbed against my leg greeting me to the cat-frolicing hour which cause me to gasp and bump into the wall behind me. Okay, Newt is not the source. That leaves 199 more animals to check.

I heard the sound again. It is not on this level. I dash downstairs to the gecko room. At the bottom of the stairs I open the garage door and cat number two comes slinking out of the garage hoping for a fur-rub or food. As far as she is concerned either would be acceptable.

Attention to the cat must wait. I walk through the garage looking for an unfortunate mouse the cat has caught, played with and it’s not dead yet — hey, that is why the cat is in the garage. No body. No sound.

Leaving the garage and entering the gecko room I go terrarium to terrarium looking at any gecko large enough to make the distress call. All is fine.

I hear the sound again and it’s in the direction of the garage. Off I go.

I stand very still in the garage waiting for the sound again. Both cats are in the garage with me when the distress sound happens. Both cats look quickly at the garage door. The sound is coming from outside.

Completely disregarding that I am essentially in my undies not suitable for a walk through the neighborhood I head outside. I stand perfectly still in our drive way, one minute, two minutes, three minutes, four minutes, and then five minutes.

I give up. I am standing half naked outside the house in my mismatched night gear (sleep is about comfort and not style), my hair is probably sticking straight up and dry spittle is probably sticking to my chin. Anyone seeing me would NOT think they were looking at a nice lady looking all smoldering and attractive. No, my neighbors would call the police thinking they’ve spotted the first zombie in Alabama.

I go back inside, lock doors, turn off lights, go back in the bed room where my hubby is sitting up in bed. He says, “Well, I’m wide awake now.”<br …read more
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   Aug 19

Missing 5ft lizard returns home

By Herp News

A 5ft (1.5m) long pet lizard that went missing from a Swansea garden after being let out of the house for some exercise is found.

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   Aug 19

Herp Video of the Week: Cool Chameleons!

Check out this video “Cool Chameleons,” submitted by user variuss11.
Submit your own reptile & amphibian videos at and you could see them featured here or check out all the videos submitted by other users! …read more
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   Aug 18

5-foot pet lizard — not dangerous — at large in Wales

By Herp News

SWANSEA, Wales, Aug. 18 (UPI) — A large pet lizard made a dash for freedom when it was let out into a garden in Swansea and a police hunt for it was on, officials in Wales said.

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   Aug 18

Lizard On The Loose

By Herp News

A 5ft-long pet lizard has gone missing from a garden after being let out of the house for some exercise. South Wales Police said the…

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   Aug 18

Frankie Tortoise Tails – The Slide Rule

The Slide Rule

Frankie does what Frankie wants in Frankie’s yard. Frankie saw a big plastic lid in his yard so Frankie decided it was a slide. Frankie’s yard, Frankie’s rules.

It’s really hard to image what a sulcata tortoise playing on a slide would look like. When I shared how Frankie used a plastic lid for a slide people wanted to see for themselves.

So I posted this picture of Frankie on a slide
Posted Image Frankie on his slide

But it’s the video everyone really wants to see. Right? Because seeing Frankie playing slide on a plastic lid that would be something.

Here it is. Frankie on his slide. Maybe it should be called a treadmill. Frankie is about five years old. Heavy metal rock seemed appropriate.

Oops, can’t post video here so please go directly to You TubeClick to see video on You Tube

PS I enjoy your comments.
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   Aug 18

Appeal to find 5ft missing lizard

By Herp News

A 5ft (1.5m) long pet lizard has gone missing from a Swansea garden, after being let out of the house for some exercise.

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   Aug 17

Sea turtle nest count second highest on record

By Herp News

PHOTO: A sea turtle hatchling swims to the water at Guana Tolomato Mantanzas Research Reserve, courtesy Florida DEP Posted by Miranda Grossman / CBS 12 News TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Researchers at Florida's three National Estuarine Research Reserves are reporting that this year's sea turtle nesting season is boasting the second highest nest count on record at the reserves. …

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   Aug 17

Emaciated sea turtle found on Tybee recuperating

By Herp News

An emaciated loggerhead sea turtle is recuperating at the Georgia Sea Turtle Center after washing up on the south end of Tybee Island.

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   Aug 17

WILDLIFE: Beachgoer crushes gopher tortoise with car

By Herp News

Watch out for tortoises at Barefoot Beach because these slow-moving creatures can get crushed under vehicles leaving the parking lot. Joanna Fitzgerald, director of the von Arx Wildlife Hospital, shares her tips.

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   Aug 17

Reptile show BREEDS EXCITEMENT at Ocean Center

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More than 100 reptile breeders and vendors have set up booths.

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   Aug 17

Men charged over reptile park raid

By Herp News

But most of the stolen creatures, including snakes and a baby alligator, have not been found.        

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   Aug 17

Lizard Lick Towing visits Keystone Outdoor Expo

By Herp News

York, PA – Lizard Lick Towing created a sensation Friday at the York Expo Center. Dozens of people stood in line waiting to meet Ron and Amy Shirley, two of the stars of the reality-TV show that runs weekly on cable's TruTV network and features the exploits of Ron Shirley and his crew as they

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