I was awaken at three o’clock in the morning to what sounded like something in distress. Before getting out of bed I determined it was not a cell phone, low battery smoke detector, battery back up, or some other device as logically these items make a consistent noise. This sound was not consistent, this sound occurred at random times.
Thinking the sound could be an animal in distress I leap (literally) out of bed and grab for my glasses. I am on full alert as I exit the bedroom, turn off the house alarm and then stand perfectly still so I can determine where the sound is coming from.
Newt the cat rubbed against my leg greeting me to the cat-frolicing hour which cause me to gasp and bump into the wall behind me. Okay, Newt is not the source. That leaves 199 more animals to check.
I heard the sound again. It is not on this level. I dash downstairs to the gecko room. At the bottom of the stairs I open the garage door and cat number two comes slinking out of the garage hoping for a fur-rub or food. As far as she is concerned either would be acceptable.
Attention to the cat must wait. I walk through the garage looking for an unfortunate mouse the cat has caught, played with and it’s not dead yet — hey, that is why the cat is in the garage. No body. No sound.
Leaving the garage and entering the gecko room I go terrarium to terrarium looking at any gecko large enough to make the distress call. All is fine.
I hear the sound again and it’s in the direction of the garage. Off I go.
I stand very still in the garage waiting for the sound again. Both cats are in the garage with me when the distress sound happens. Both cats look quickly at the garage door. The sound is coming from outside.
Completely disregarding that I am essentially in my undies not suitable for a walk through the neighborhood I head outside. I stand perfectly still in our drive way, one minute, two minutes, three minutes, four minutes, and then five minutes.
I give up. I am standing half naked outside the house in my mismatched night gear (sleep is about comfort and not style), my hair is probably sticking straight up and dry spittle is probably sticking to my chin. Anyone seeing me would NOT think they were looking at a nice lady looking all smoldering and attractive. No, my neighbors would call the police thinking they’ve spotted the first zombie in Alabama.
I go back inside, lock doors, turn off lights, go back in the bed room where my hubby is sitting up in bed. He says, “Well, I’m wide awake now.”<br …read more
Read more here: Turtle Times