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   Dec 02

DL Wrestling defeated by Davies, Turtle Mountain

By Herp News

Devils Lake Wrestling hosted Turtle Mountain and Fargo Davies in a three-team meet on Friday night at the Sports Center, and in both match ups, the Firebirds came out on the losing end.

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   Dec 02

DL Wrestling defeated by Davies, Turtle Mountain

By Herp News

Devils Lake Wrestling hosted Turtle Mountain and Fargo Davies in a three-team meet on Friday night at the Sports Center, and in both match ups, the Firebirds came out on the losing end.

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   Dec 02

belle<3turtle's Blog – Scared turtle!

I had just gotten a yellow belly slider 2 weeks ago. He is VERY scared of me! But he loves basking so much that he just stares at me when he’s basking. [:roll] I can’t even hand feed him! When I get close to my yellow belly slider he freaks out. My other turtles aren’t as scared, but they don’t trust me.. Any advice on shy turtles, trying to be friends with your turtles, etc. would help. [:please] [:ohwell] [:help] [:no] Thanks! …read more
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   Nov 29

Exotic reptile show coming to Lubbock

By Herp News

Repticon, Florida-based traveling reptile expo, in town Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 7-8.

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   Nov 29

Tortoise Power and Energy Infrastructure Fund, Inc. Provides Section 19(a) Notice

By Herp News

This notice provides stockholders of Tortoise Power and Energy Infrastructure Fund, Inc. with information regarding the distribution paid on Nov. 29, 2013 and cumulativ

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   Nov 29

Herp Video of the Week:White Leucistic Spanish Ribbed Newt !

Check out this video “White Leucistic Spanish Ribbed Newt,” submitted by user rhacadank.
Submit your own reptile & amphibian videos at and you could see them featured here or check out all the videos submitted by other users! …read more
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   Nov 29

Meet U-CAT, the robotic turtle that will help archaeologists investigate shipwrecks

By Herp News

Engineers from Tallinn University created U-CAT to dive to inaccessible places in shipwrecks that are too dangerous or deep for humans.

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   Nov 28

Researchers build robotic turtle for exploring shipwrecks

By Herp News

“U-CAT is specifically designed to meet the end-user requirements,” said Taavi Salumäe, a researcher from the Center for Biorobotics in Tallinn University of Technology who designed the U-CAT. The robot will be on display at the Robot Safari in the London Science Museum from November 28 to December 1.

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   Nov 28

Tortoise gets Lego-wheel prosthetic for missing leg

By Herp News

Schildi the tortoise is back up and running now. (Credit: Bird Consulting International) Schildi the tortoise was found in rough shape in Germany. He was abandoned and missing part of his front leg. What was left of the leg was in such bad condition, it had to be amputated at the shoulder. German veterinary clinic Bird Consulting International took care of Schildi, but had to figure out how to …

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   Nov 28

A Thanksgiving meal of herring for rescued turtle

By Herp News

QUINCY, Mass. (AP) — It's going to be a tasty Thanksgiving meal of herring for one very lucky loggerhead sea turtle.        

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   Nov 28

Big lizard returns to Northside home

By Herp News

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – The lizard that was hanging out under an elderly man's backyard shed for weeks is now back home.

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   Nov 27

Ryan's reptile obsession

By Herp News

NEXT time you complain about the weekly dog food bill, think of Josh Ryan.

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   Nov 27

Scientists discover new cat species roaming Brazil

By Herp News

As a family, cats are some of the most well-studied animals on Earth, but that doesn’t mean these adept carnivores don’t continue to surprise us. Scientists have announced today the stunning discovery of a new species of cat, long-confused with another. Looking at the molecular data of small cats in Brazil, researchers found that the tigrina—also known as the oncilla in Central America—is actually two separate species. The new species has been dubbed Leopardus guttulus and is found in the Atlantic Forest of southern Brazil, while the other Leopardus tigrinus is found in the cerrado and Caatinga ecosystems in northeastern Brazil.

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   Nov 27

Bonobos have lost 72 percent of their habitat

By Herp News

Only 28 percent of bonobo habitat remains suitable for the African great ape, according to the most comprehensive study of species’ range yet appearing in Biodiversity Conservation. The paper, involving over 30 scientists, analyzes the world’s bonobo population using nest counts, remote sensing imagery, and computer modeling. The researchers found that bonobo presence was mostly correlated with human absence.

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   Nov 27

Fossilized baby dinosaur found in Canada

The skeleton of a drowned baby dinosaur was discovered in Canada.

From NBC News:

The toddler was just 3 years old and 5 feet (1.5 meters) long when it wandered into a river near Alberta, Canada, and drowned about 70 million years ago. The beast was so well-preserved that some of its skin left impressions in the nearby rock.

The fossil is the smallest intact skeleton ever found from a group of horned, plant-eating dinosaurs known as ceratopsids, a group that includes the iconic Triceratops.

Finding intact baby dinosaurs is incredibly rare.

“The big ones just preserve better: They don’t get eaten, they don’t get destroyed by animals,” said study co-author Philip Currie, a paleobiologist at the University of Alberta. “You always hope you’re going to find something small and that it will turn out to be a dinosaur.”

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Photo: Philip J. Currie, Robert Holmes, Michael Ryan Clive Coy, Eva B. Koppelhus/LiveScience …read more
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   Nov 27

belle<3turtle's Blog – What type of turtle?

I got a new turtle but instead of a Mississippi map turtle, I got something else, but I have no idea of what type it is! But, I am just as happy to have any turtle! [:turtle] [:help] Please tell me everything about this type of turtle,( including the type), any info will be accepted. [:please] Thank you very much if you answered, I appreciate it! [flowers] …read more
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   Nov 26

Sea turtle re-released after 2 transfusions

By Herp News

The juvenile turtle was found washed ashore in Jacksonville Beach in April.

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   Nov 26

Camera traps reveal Amur leopards are breeding in China (photos)

By Herp News

Good news today about one of the world’s rarest mammals today: camera traps in China’s Wangqing Nature Reserve have captured the first proof of breeding Amur leopards in the country, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). The photos show a mother Amur leopard with two cubs. A recent survey by WWF-Russia estimated the total wild population of Amur leopards at just 50 individuals, but that’s a population on the rise (from a possible nadir of 25) and expanding into long-unused territory.

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   Nov 26

Robo turtle will explore shipwrecks in the Mediterranean and Baltic

By Herp News

Ananth Baliga Nov. 26 (UPI) — An autonomous underwater robot called U-CAT, which swims like a turtle and is designed to explore shipwrecks, will be unveiled at the London Science Museum.

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   Nov 26

Incidental by-catch of marine turtles in the Mediterranean Sea

By Herp News

When a marine turtle is incidentally by-caught by a longliner, fishermen try to cut the line — without hauling it on board — and release the turtle into the sea. However, research published determines that about 40% of post-released turtles die some months later due to the impact of longline fishing.

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   Nov 26

Over 350 species added to the IUCN Red List’s threatened categories in the last six months

By Herp News

The number of threatened species on the IUCN Red List has grown by 352 since this summer, according to an update released today. Currently, 21,286 species are now listed as threatened with extinction out of the 71,576 that have been evaluated. The new update comes with both good and bad news for a number of high-profile imperiled species, but only covers about 4 percent of the world’s described species.

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   Nov 26

The upside of toxic parenting: How poison frogs protect their young

Don’t let anyone tell you toxic parenting is all bad. The strawberry poison frog (Oophaga pumilio) uses to make their babies unpalatable to predators by feeding them unfertilized eggs laced with bitter alkaloids. This means of chemical defense is currently unique to the species.

That’s the word from a study headed up by researcher Ralph Saporito of Ohio’s John Carroll University. From National Geographic:

For their study, the researchers measured alkaloid content in strawberry poison frogs during different stages of development.

In one group, tadpoles were reared and fed by their mothers, and a second group was reared by the researchers and fed with eggs from another species of frog not known to harbor alkaloids.

As the tadpoles from both groups developed, the team analyzed their alkaloid contents. The results were clear-cut: Tadpoles reared by mom contained alkaloids in most stages, whereas tadpoles from the second group showed no sign of these chemicals, according to the study, published November 12 in the journal Ecology.

Read the full story here.

Photo: Robert Pickett/National Geographic …read more
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   Nov 26

Leatherback sea turtle no longer Critically Endangered

By Herp News

The leatherback sea turtle—the world’s largest turtle and the only member of the genus Dermochelys—received good news today. In an update of the IUCN Red List, the leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) has been moved from Critically Endangered to Vulnerable. However, conservationists warn that the species still remains hugely endangered—and in rapid decline—in many parts of its range.

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   Nov 25

The collared treerunner is more than a single species

By Herp News

The lowland tropics were once though filled with widespread species, while moderate and higher elevations were thought to contain species with more restricted distributions. That idea is turning out to be partially incorrect. A new study describes four species once considered to be the collared treerunner, a lizard known to the scientific community as Plica plica.

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   Nov 25

Turtle Beach offers headset upgrade for Xbox One owners

By Herp News

Turtle Beach offers a free Xbox One audio adapter upgrade for those that purchase select headsets between November 22, 2013 and January 30, 2014. The post Turtle Beach offers headset upgrade for Xbox One owners appeared first on Digital Trends .

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   Nov 25

Microhabitats could buffer some rainforest animals against climate change

By Herp News

As temperatures increase worldwide due to anthropogenic climate change, scientists are scrambling to figure out if species will be able to survive rapidly warming ecosystems. A new study in Global Change Biology offers a little hope. Studying reptiles and amphibians in the Philippines, scientists say some of these species may be able to seek refuge in cooler microhabitats, such as tree holes or under the soil, in order to stay alive during intensifying heatwaves. But, the scientists’ stress, the shelter from microhabitats can only protect so far.

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   Nov 25

New children’s book celebrates the rich wildlife of Kibale National Park

By Herp News

There are many ways in which people practice conservation. The most well-known are working to save species in the field or setting up protected areas. But just as important—arguably more important for long-term conservation success—is conservation education, especially with children. Anyone who grew up watching David Attenborough documentaries, reading Gerald Durrell books, or simply exploring ecosystems on their own can tell you how important it is to encounter the wonders of wildlife at a young age. And for many of us most of our first encounters with wild animals are in illustrated books. Eric Losh’s new book, The Chorus of Kibale, not only provides an educational opportunity for children to become acquainted with the many animals in Kibale National park in Uganda—through wonderful pictures and sounds—but proceed also go directly to two conservation groups working in the region, U.N.I.T.E. for the environment and the Primate Education Network (PEN).

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   Nov 25

Mesozoic turtle reconstructed

By Herp News

During the Mesozoic Era, between 252m and 66m years ago, the seas were ruled by a vast and intriguing array of reptiles. The most common ones were crocodiles (adapted to swimming in oceans), plesiosaurs (Loch Ness monster wannabes) and ichthyosaurs (over-sized predatory tuna).

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   Nov 25

Proposed port threatens Jamaican iguana re-introduction

A proposed port development on the Goat Islands in Jamaica threatens the re-introduction of the endangered Jamaican iguana to the two small cays located less than a mile off the coast of Jamaica.

The IUCN Iguana Specialist Group is reporting that the planned port, to be built by the China Harbour Engineering Company, will include extensive dredging and filling in the surrounding area to build a massive trans-shipment port. These small islands were a planned relocation sites for not only the Jamaican iguana, hutia, and Jamaican boa, they are also home to significant numbers of endemic plants, birds, and other species.

The planned port facilities will require development on the mainland as well, opening up the nearby Hellshire Hills, close to the core forest where the Jamaican iguana persists. With over 400 plant species in the Hellshire Hills and Goat Islands area, including 47 Jamaica endemics as well as 11 endemic birds, it is considered one of the largest and most pristine remaining examples of dry tropical forest in the Caribbean.

While the Jamaican government has launched a media campaign to promote the planned port, conservationists and herpetologists have not given up the fight to save the islands and have launched their own in response, starting with a petition at

Conservationists are hoping to reach 5,000 signatures and deliver it to the Jamaican government as part of a larger media campaign in early January. To sign the petition, click here.

To read more about the fight against the Goat Islands port, please check out this article in the Jamaica Observer.
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   Nov 25

Sea turtles released after 30 years in captivity

After 30 years of captivity, two sea turtles named Touche and Daisy were released off the Desert Islands in Portugal. How’s that for a happy ending?

See the release in the video blow.

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   Nov 25

Straight from the turtle's mouth

By Herp News

The golfing fraternity and sorority have joined forces with Seaturtles911 to put back a little of that we have taken, in the case of hawksbills and green turtles. It’s about time that sport generally associated itself with clean water and pristine environment, without destroying any useful habitats for rare species.

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   Nov 24

LIZARD KING slithers back with a VENGEANCE, thanks to notorious officials!

By Herp News

He might sound like something from the pages of a Spiderman comic but a Malaysian man nicknamed “The Lizard King” for his smuggling of endangered…

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   Nov 24

Rare giant turtle washes up at Suffolk Park

By Herp News

A RARE leatherback turtle has been found washed up on Tallow Beach over the weekend, believed to be the first time in 17 years this breed of turtle has been seen on the East Coast.

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   Nov 23

stphnins's first blog – Map Aggression

Ok this is my first blog here.
I have a Mississippi Map Turtle I’ve had him for about 2 months now (not sure if its a male or female, the lady in the pet store said it can be whatever I wanted it to be. But im pretty sure he’s a male) He’s accually very hyper. Im not sure how old he is but he’s still fairly small about the size of my plam. He is a very good turtle. I take him out of the tank almost every other day and he does enjoy it you can tell. He’ll swim back and forth in his tank untill I pay attention to him. He’s become very loyal I’d say. He recognizes my voice and his name. He was shy at first but as really opened up. I spend a great amount of time with/around him. I love him dearly. He’s become very comfortable with me, he’ll eat out of my hand, and doesn’t jump into the water when I go near him. But the last few days I think he might be becoming too comfortable with me, I was cheeking up on him before I had to leave for work, and I had my finger against the glass talking to him and he tried to bite at my finger threw the glass… he did it a few times. I really dont understand. I know everyones gunna be like oh he probally thinks you had food. But no thats not the case because he will sniff the food before it goes to bite it. Also I think he realizes my finger is there aswell because he seems to make sure he doesn’t bite my finger while he grabs for the food. Now could this be a sign of aggressive behavior? Or maybe play? Like I said hes very active for a turtle. …read more
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   Nov 22

Turtle Beach Details Headset Upgrade Program For Xbox One

By Herp News

We’ve been closely following the audio features of the new console hardware, as both have their quirks . Sony is rapidly getting up to speed with the PlayStation 4 now that USB chat is active . Now Turtle Beach has announced how Xbox One gamers that own one of the company’s select products can do the same. The eligible models are the XP Seven, X42, XP400, and XP510. If you purchase one of these …

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   Nov 22

Turtle Beach launches Xbox One headset upgrade offer

By Herp News

Headphone manufacturer Turtle Beach announced today that it will ship free upgrade kits to customers who buy select current-generation gaming headsets, bringing purchased hardware up to speed with Xbox One compatibility. Starting today and ending on January 30, players who purchase Turtle Beach Ear Force XP SEVEN, X42, XP400, or XP510 headsets will receive an Xbox One audio adapter by mail …

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   Nov 22

The last croak for Darwin’s frog?

By Herp News

Deadly amphibian disease chytridiomycosis has caused the extinction of Darwin’s frogs, believe scientists.

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   Nov 22

Herp Video of the Week: Yummy, salad!

Check out this video “Yummy, salad,” submitted by user manhattan.
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   Nov 22

Tesco in cruelty storm over China turtle sales: Store accused of butchering or suffocating animals in front of customers

By Herp News

The Daily Mail witnessed the animals triple-wrapped in plastic, where they slowly suffocate. Our reporter also saw soft-shelled turtles beheaded by staff.

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   Nov 22

Malaysia's 'Lizard King' back in business: report

By Herp News

Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) (AFP) – A notorious Malaysian wildlife trafficker dubbed the “Lizard King” for his smuggling of endangered reptiles is back in business despite a 2010 conviction for illegally trafficking endangered species, according to an investigative report by Al Jazeera. Anson Wong was arrested in August 2010 at Kuala Lumpur's international airport while attempting to smuggle 95 …

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