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   Mar 01

Saving the turtles

By Herp News

Taking part in the Seatru Turtle Volunteer Programme has made a conservation convert of Lidiana Rosli

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   Feb 28

Tortoise rustling leads to drastic measures to prevent animals going extinct

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Tortoise rustling leads to drastic measures to prevent the animals being driven out of existence        

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   Feb 28

South Africa loses nearly 150 rhinos to poachers so far this year

By Herp News

Since the first of the year, South Africa has lost 146 rhinos to poachers or approximately 2.5 rhinos every day. This is a slight dip from last year’s poaching rate, which hit 1,004 for the whole year or 2.75 a day. South Africa is home to more rhinos than any other country on the planet, but the populations have been hit hard by poachers in recent years seeking rhino horn.

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   Feb 28

Palm oil plantations allegedly poison seven Critically Endangered elephants in Sumatra

By Herp News

Wildlife officials suspect foul play in the deaths of seven Sumatran elephants on the outskirts of Tesso Nilo National Park. Officials stumbled on the corpses of one female elephant, five young males, and one male calf in mid-February. Although the males had their tusks hacked off, the officials suspect the elephant were poisoned in revenge for disturbing illegal palm oil plantations inside the park.

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   Feb 28

Herp Video of the Week: Snack Time!

Check out this video “Snack Time,” submitted by user boa2cobras.
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   Feb 28

To Save Endangered Tortoises, Conservationists Deface Their Shells

By Herp News

The ploughshare tortoise's ornate golden shell makes it a popular black market pet. In California, the Turtle Conservancy is trying to give the threatened species a second chance.

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   Feb 28

To Save Endangered Tortoises, Conservationists Deface Their Shells

By Herp News

The ploughshare tortoise's ornate golden shell makes it a popular black market pet. In California, the Turtle Conservancy is trying to give the threatened species a second chance.

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   Feb 28

Turtle pests spotted in Taupo

By Herp News

Sightings of red-eared slider turtles in Lake Taupo have prompted a wave of concern from the Waikato Regional Council. Turtle pests spotted in Taupo news, national, turtles, lake taupo

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   Feb 27

Birds of the Serengeti – book review

By Herp News

Birds of the Serengeti: And Ngorongoro Conservation Area by Adam Scott Kennedy may be the best birding book available covering the general safari region for northwestern Tanzania and southern Kenya. Filled with firsthand accounts, excellent photographs, and broken down into chapters by habitats, Birds of the Serengeti: And Ngorongoro Conservation Area is the guidebook for the broader non-scientific community.

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   Feb 27

Two Texas salamanders placed on federal threatened species list

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has announced it’s placing the Georgetown and Salado salamanders on the threatened species list, despite ongoing opposition from pro-development forces in Texas.

From the Austin Business Journal:

The salamanders have been a contentious issue for both environmentalists and some community officials, who have struggled over how to protect the animals while preserving development opportunities. The full impact of the decision won’t be clear until the Fish and Wildlife service sets rules for how the salamanders will be protected, according to a report in the Austin American-Statesman.

In the case of the Georgetown salamander, the agency may allow local Georgetown’s local protections to remain in place. Those regulations prevent development within 80 meters of a salamander site and within 50 meters of a spring as well as limited development up to 300 meters upstream. The city passed those rules in December hoping to fend off federal protection, the Statesman report said. If the federal agency decides the local ordinances are sufficient, local developers won’t need a federal permit for building.

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   Feb 26

Disoriented turtle takes a walk along the Esplanade

By Herp News

A TURTLE has been spotted wandering down the Esplanade and has surprised afternoon walkers in Hervey Bay.

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   Feb 26

Invasive lizard taking over habitat in Florida

By Herp News

Brooks Hays TAMPA, Fla., Feb. 26 (UPI) — Wildlife officials in Florida are setting traps to catch a giant invasive lizard they say is taking over habitat, threatening native and endangered species.

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   Feb 26

Large, invasive lizard is taking over parts of Florida

By Herp News

Wildlife officials say people buy them as pets, then release them in preserves.

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   Feb 26

Climate change causes high but predictable extinction risks

By Herp News

Judging the effects of climate change on extinction may be easier than previously thought, according to a new article. Although widely used assessments of threatened species, such as the IUCN Red List, were not developed with the effects of climate change in mind, a study of 36 amphibian and reptile species endemic to the US has concluded that climate change may not be fundamentally different from other extinction threats in terms of identifying species in danger of extinction.

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   Feb 26

Ninth Sea Turtle fest Saturday at Gumbo Limbo

By Herp News

With four exhibit tanks to show off, a new Neptune mural and tours of the sea turtle rehab, the city's Gumbo Limbo Nature Center is ready for its closeup on Saturday at the ninth annual Sea Turtle Day Festival.

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   Feb 26

Hotel owner Eric Goode hosts second annual Turtle Ball

By Herp News

The most popular guests at Eric Goode’s annual Turtle Ball at his Bowery Hotel on Sunday night were the reptiles. Red-bellied, short-necked and New Guinea snake-necked turtles, as well as…

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   Feb 25

Peru Park Sets Record for Reptile, Amphibian Biodiversity

By Herp News

For reptiles and amphibians, southern Peru's Manu National Park is the most diverse protected area on the planet. Deforestation, gold mining and oil and gas drilling are closing in on the buffer zone around the park.

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   Feb 25

Snake find in Galapagos sets off alarm bells

Was a milk snake discovered in the Galapagos?

Equador’s Ministerio del Ambiente (Ministry of the Environment) announced that yesterday, a group of citizens from the island of Santa Cruz in the Galapagos Islands gave the Rangers a snake so far unidentified, possibly a false coral, that was hit on the road Puerto Ayora – Itabaca Channel, off Santa Rosa parish.

After reviewing the photograph published to the ministry’s website, staff members agree that the snake appears to be a member of the Lampropeltis triangulum group, known as commonly as milk snakes. Possibly a member of the micropholis subspecies, found natively in Ecuador and known as the Equadoran milk snake, little has been published on the sub-species, and few specimens or even photographs exist.

As milk snakes are not known to be native to the Galapagos, it is most likely that the snake arrived as a stowaway and slipped through the Galapagos quarantine programs. If so, according to historical record, this would be the first confirmed case of snake introduction to the Galapagos Islands. But there is also the slim chance that the snakes are native to the island, their presence being unknown and unrecorded for all these years.

The Ministry of Environment, through the Galapagos National Park (GNP) and the Agency for the Regulation and Control of Biosecurity and Quarantine for Galapagos (ABG), has established an action plan to monitor the area finding and determine the possible origin.

To read the original press release in Spanish, click here. To read a Google translation, click here. …read more
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   Feb 25

Escaped tuatara found outside New Zealand sanctuary

By Herp News

WELLINGTON, New Zealand, Feb. 25 (UPI) — Officials at a New Zealand animal sanctuary said a tuatara lizard found by a woman walking her dog is lucky to be alive after escaping the sanctuary.

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   Feb 25

Lady Gaga gets bitten by venomous primate, sparking outrage over loris trafficking

By Herp News

Last week, the musical artist, Lady Gaga, was ‘nipped’ by the world’s only venomous primate, a slow loris, in a misguided attempt to use the animal in a new music video. After it bit the musician, the idea of using the primate in the video was dropped. This was just as well, according to loris expert Anna Nekaris, who says that slow lorises have become increasingly endangered worldwide by the illegal pet trade after people have seen them on YouTube videos.

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   Feb 25

John Cornyn Is Running Against a Racist, a Turtle-Hater, and a Non-Voter

By Herp News

The people challenging Senate Minority Leader John Cornyn in the Texas Republican primary next month include: a guy who defends calling immigrants “wetbacks,” a guy known for comparing Sen. Mitch McConnell to a cartoon turtle, and a House member who never votes in primaries. This is why Cornyn is polling above 60 percent, despite having a half dozen challengers. Chris Mapp Mapp and Sen. Ted Cruz …

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   Feb 25

Four alligators in Missouri car crash

A Missouri car accident involved some unusal cargo: Four alligators.


KFVS-TV reports two crashes happened in the southbound lanes of Interstate 55 in the southeast Missouri community around 7 p.m. Saturday.

Four alligators ranging from 3 feet to 5 feet long were being hauled in a small trailer behind one of the cars.

A man and his wife who were in the car pulling the alligators were injured in the wreck. Police say the animals remained inside.

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   Feb 25

A Missouri car accident involved some unusal cargo: Four alligators.


KFVS-TV reports two crashes happened in the southbound lanes of Interstate 55 in the southeast Missouri community around 7 p.m. Saturday.

Four alligators ranging from 3 feet to 5 feet long were being hauled in a small trailer behind one of the cars.

A man and his wife who were in the car pulling the alligators were injured in the wreck. Police say the animals remained inside.

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   Feb 24

Vybz Kartel Murder Trial Resumes With Closing Arguments

By Herp News

The murder trial of Clive “Lizard” Williams has resumed with the defense's closing arguments this week. Along with associates Shawn “Storm” Campbell, Kahira Jones, André St John, and Shane Williams, Vybz Kartel (real name Adidja Palmer) is charged with beating Lizard to death in a home in Havendale over two missing guns. Defense attorney Miguel Lorne will make his final argument to the jury this …

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   Feb 24

Bog turtle is slowing down Gradyville Rd. Bridge project

By Herp News

Eileen Nelson, an engineer with Stantec Consulting Services Inc., the township’s engineer, told Newtown Supervisors at the last meeting that there has been further delay with the awarding of the contract for the Gradyville Road Bridge project due to “the bog turtle.”

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   Feb 24

Coal ash spill blamed for turtle deaths in Virginia

Danville, Virg., fisherman Morris Lawson took photos of dead turtles on the banks of the Dan River, and shared them online. They’ve raised a lot of attention to the possible impact of the coal ash spill on wildlife in the area.

From WGHP Fox 8:

“One turtle was at the dam up on the bank about two feet out of the water. And the other turtle was located about where that tree is [by the boat ramp] about two feet up out of the water on the bank. And he was on his back. The other one was on his belly,” explained Lawson.

Jenny Edwards is a program manager with the Dan River Basin Association.

“We have heard some reports that turtles appear to be crawling up on the banks and dying,” she told FOX8.

Edwards added, “Turtles should be hibernating this time of year. It’s cold. They hibernate down in the mud. The fact that they’re crawling up on the bank and dying, even if it’s not in mass numbers… It’s highly unusual.”

She emphasized, “Even though we can’t directly link it to coal ash, this is exactly the sort of thing we expected to start seeing.”

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Residents can report dead wildlife in and near the river at this link; more information here.

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   Feb 24

Why are the tropics so rich with life?

By Herp News

Descending the latitudinal ladder to the tropics, you would likely notice a few things: increasingly equivalent stretches of day and night, warmer weather and beachgoers with more intense sunburns. You may also notice an abundance of plant and animal life. Generations of scientists since the days of Darwin and Wallace have observed that species richness increases as one moves toward the equator. This holds true for nearly every animal group, including micro-organisms, marine invertebrates, insects, amphibians, birds and mammals. But why is this?

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   Feb 24

Turtle Exhibition To Mark Visit Malaysia Year 2014

By Herp News

KUALA TERENGGANU, Feb 24 (Bernama) – The Terengganu Fisheries Department is holding a turtle exhibition to draw tourists during Visit Malaysia Year 2014.

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   Feb 24

Sabah landowners boost turtle conservation

By Herp News

KOTA KINABALU, Malaysia: A private turtle conservation effort off the Sandakan coast got a much needed boost with three landowners allowing the collection of the highly sought-after eggs for conservation. The effort was initiated by the Trekkers Lodge on Pulau Libaran, and would see staff collecting eggs laid by the green turtle as well as the hawksbill turtle on land owned by Amiril Sayuti …

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   Feb 24

Sabah turtle conservation: 3 landowners allow eggs collection

By Herp News

KOTA KINABALU: A private turtle conservation effort on an island off the east coast of Sandakan district is getting a boost with three landowners allowing the collection of the marine creatures’ eggs from their properties.

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   Feb 24

Nearly 100 sightings of exotic lizard in eastern Hillsborough County

By Herp News

?? Tegus are native to South America. ?? The tegu's diet includes fruits, vegetables, eggs, insects, cat or dog food, and small animals such as lizards and rodents.

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   Feb 23

If Indonesia can’t protect its orangutans, why doesn’t it just ‘sell’ them?

By Herp News

It is obvious that at the moment Indonesia neither has the political commitment nor ability to safeguard its dwindling populations of orangutans. Despite its Presidentially supported Action Plan to stabilize all remaining wild populations by 2017, orangutan habitats in Sumatra and Borneo are disappearing as rapidly as ever.

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   Feb 22

Legal harvest of marine turtles tops 42,000 each year

By Herp News

A new study has found that 42 countries or territories around the world permit the harvest of marine turtles — and estimates that more than 42,000 turtles are caught each year by these fisheries. All seven marine turtle species are currently listed on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. The direct take of turtles has continued legally in many regions and countries, often for traditional coastal communities to support themselves or small-scale fisheries supplying local markets with meat, and sometimes shell. The fisheries are an important source of finance, protein and cultural identity, but information can be scarce on their status — despite often being listed as one of the major threats to turtle populations.

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   Feb 22

Lizard by luisrguez

By Herp News

As it was a model, allowed me take photos from every angle.

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   Feb 21

Indonesia pledges to protect manta rays

By Herp News

In a move signaling their commitment to CITES agreements on international trade of plants and animals, the Indonesian government declared two species of manta ray ‘protected’ under Indonesian law. Decree Number 4/KEPMEN-KP/2014 issued by Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries states that two manta ray species, Manta birostris and Manta alfredi, now enjoy full protection throughout their entire life cycle. The decree explicitly extends that protection to all parts of their body.

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   Feb 21

Herp Video of the Week: Arizona Field Herping!

Check out this video “Arizona Field Herping,” submitted by user smetlogik.
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   Feb 21

Lizard Field School

By Herp News

Student biologists learn the how-to's of  wildlife research by studying the life and death of lizards in Oregon's Alvord desert. For 15 years Dr. Roger Anderson has been leading students on a three-week immersion into lizard ecology and behavior. Students cope with the primitive conditions of life in a desert encampment while enduring the blazing sun and harsh desert conditions that make life …

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   Feb 20

Frankie Tortoise Tails – Lawn Service

I had a Frankie Tail. Worked on it for two days. Down to the final draft. In walks Fate with its gnarly teeth ready to bite me on the butt. Accidental swipe of a thumb over the Touchpad and the whole thing disappeared tagged by Mr Auto-Save. That Frankie Tail was to be was no more.

It’s one of those things that can really ruin a whole day. I pouted for a bit. Gave up on the pouting and went outside to see what Frankie was doing.

Frankie is skulking around the yard looking for something to eat. I step in front of Frankie. “Do something so I have something to write about.”

Frankie ignores me and resuming his hunt for green grass. There’s been no green grass in his yard since temperatures dipped down to 19

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   Feb 20

Peru's Manu National Park is herp diversity hotspot

A new species of stream-living lizard discovered in Manu National Park, Peru, by Alessandro Catenazzi. Catenazzi of Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, UC Berkeley postdoc Rudolf von May and taxonomist Edgar Lehr of Illinois Wesleyan University have completed a survey of the park and its buffer zone, uncovering a greater diversity of reptiles and amphibians than any other protected area in the world. Alessandro Catenazzi image.

Peru’s treasured Manu National Park is the world’s top biodiversity hotspot for reptiles and amphibians, according to a new survey published last week by biologists from the University of California, Berkeley, Southern Illinois University in Carbondale (SIU-Carbondale) and Illinois Wesleyan University.

The park, which encompasses lowland Amazonian rain forest, high-altitude cloud forest and Andean grassland east of Cuzco, is well known for its huge variety of bird life, which attracts ecotourists from around the globe. More than 1,000 species of birds, about 10 percent of the world’s bird species; more than 1,200 species of butterflies; and now 287 reptiles and amphibians have been recorded in the park.

“For reptiles and amphibians, Manu and its buffer zone now stands out as the most diverse protected area anywhere,” said study coauthor Rudolf von May, a postdoctoral researcher in UC Berkeley’s Museum of Vertebrate Zoology.

Despite the park’s abundant and diverse animal life, von May said, not all is well in the preserve. The devastating chytrid fungus has caused a decline in the number of frogs there, as it has elsewhere around the world, while deforestation for subsistence living, gold mining and oil and gas drilling are encroaching on the buffer zones around the park.

“All of this is threatening the biodiversity in the park and the native peoples who live in settlements in the park,” von May said. At least four Amazonian tribes and a nomadic group of hunter-gatherers known as Mashco-Piro live within the confines of Manu National Park and its buffer zone.

Von May, a native of Peru, and coauthor Alessandro Catenazzi, an assistant professor of zoology at SIU-Carbondale, have spent more than 15 years each scouring the park and its surrounding areas for frogs, toads, salamanders and caecilians – all amphibians – as well as for reptiles such as snakes, lizards, turtles and caimans. The field work in the park and its buffer zone, augmented by other, more limited surveys published previously, allowed the team to compile a list of 155 amphibian and 132 reptile species, including a handful of species new to science. Taxonomist and coauthor Edgar Lehr, assistant professor of biology at Illinois Wesleyan University, collaborates frequently with von May and Catenazzi on frog taxonomy and studies of amphibian declines and conservation.
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   Feb 20

Washed-up baby turtle 'fortunate'

By Herp News

A baby loggerhead turtle washed ashore during the recent storms is “extremely fortunate” to be alive, experts say.

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