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   Sep 29

Family home overrun with copperheads

Owners who purchased a property overrun with copperheads used to kill one hundred of the snakes each year, but when they learned how important snake venom is to medical research, they had a change of heart.

From Click2Houston:

“We were supposed to come out on a Friday the first time,” said Swanson. “We ended up being delayed by a day because he was burying his aunt, who had just died from breast cancer the day before. When he found out that we were out here to collect these snakes to try to use them for cancer research, it changed their whole outlook on it.”

It changed the Hubbards’ outlook so much that they plan to turn part of their property into a conservation area so people can view the creatures in their natural habitat. They’re hoping to open up the eco-tourist venture by sometime next summer.

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   Sep 29


By Herp News

Byline: Children from Landewednack School at The Lizard have recently requested the help of The Lizard Lifeboat in their quest for winning new musical instruments for the school. Page Content: The children have entered a competition run by James Rhodes & The Great Instrument Amnesty and have produced a video which has been uploaded to You Tube. Other schools have also been involved in the …

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   Sep 29


By Herp News

Byline: The Lizard Lifeboat Station has received another very generous donation from a visitor who is currently on route from Lands End to John O'Groats. Page Content: James Alty is currently undertaking a mammoth sponsored bike ride on a single speed bicycle to raise money in aid of the Buwan Kothi International Trust. This is a charity which raises funds to help families educate their children …

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   Sep 28

New poison dart frog species discovered in Donoso, Panama

By Herp News

A bright orange poison dart frog with a unique call has been discovered in Donoso, Panama. Because this new frog species appears to be found in only a very small area, habitat loss and collecting for the pet trade are major threats to its existence. The authors recommend the formulation of special conservation plans to guarantee its survival.

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   Sep 27

YouTube most popular: cute kids, a hungry lizard and the secrets of tattoo artists

By Herp News

Cute kids get into a fight, a hungry lizard eyes up his dinner and the secrets of tattooing are revealed.

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   Sep 26

Herp Video of the Week: Caiman Lizard unboxing!

Check out this video “Caiman Lizard unboxing,” submitted by user Minuet.
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   Sep 26

Hitchhiking Caribbean lizard upends island biogeography theory

By Herp News

The biggest factor determining species diversity and distribution on islands is not size and isolation, as traditional island biogeography theory states, but economics. Simply put, the more trade an island is engaged in, the more boats visit it, and with more boats comes more hitchhikers.

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   Sep 25

Pet frog rescued from fire by Fort Worth, Tex., firefighters

In a feel-good story out of Texas, Fort Worth firefighters rescued a young girl’s pet frog from a burning home.

From the Star-Telegram:

“Firefighters conducted a search but found that the house was unoccupied at the time of the fire,” Lt. Carol Jones, a fire department spokeswoman, said in a news release issued Tuesday morning. “A family member who later arrived explained that the owners were actually out of state and then inquired about the family pet.”

Firefighters happily reunited the daughter with the family’s pet frog, who appeared unharmed, Jones said.

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   Sep 25

Last Pinta Island tortoise preserved forever

How did taxidermists preserve the likeness of a now extinct species? Very carefully and with painstaking research.

From Gizmodo:

Lonsesome George was the last of the Pinta Island giant tortoises on the Galapagos. Due to human intervention in the ecosystem his entire species whittled down to just George. Since his discovery he’d been well cared for and revered by scientists across the board. Several attempts at mating George just never panned out and he died from old age. Within 24 hours of his death he was frozen with the decision to taxidermy him.

The first step of the process was to get George to the museum for evaluation. This involved huge amounts of coordination and paperwork to get him to NY through customs and into the States safely intact. They worked against the clock to minimize any types of freezer burn or damage done to George that could happen when kept frozen too long or transported poorly. After the museum assessed George, he was brought to the Wildlife Preservations taxidermy studio in Woodland Park, NJ.

George Dante, president of Wildlife Preservations and an expert in the field of taxidermy, lead the effort in bringing George’s likeness back into existence. Since there were no other animals of his species to base him off of, extensive amounts of research went into making sure the process was as accurate as possible.

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   Sep 24

Evolution of snake courtship and combat behavior

By Herp News

A small study suggests snakes may have developed courtship and male-to-male combat behavior, such as moving undulations, neck biting, and spur-poking, over time.

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   Sep 24

Rescued FL turtle heading to new home in San Diego

By Herp News

A loggerhead sea turtle named Sapphire is getting ready for a cross-country trip on Thursday to a permanent home in Southern California after convalescing for more than a year at the Florida Keys-based Turtle Hospital.

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   Sep 24

Rescued turtle heading to new home in San Diego

By Herp News

MARATHON, Fla. (AP) — A loggerhead sea turtle named Sapphire is getting ready for a cross-country trip on Thursday to a permanent home in Southern California after convalescing for more than a year at the Florida Keys-based Turtle Hospital.

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   Sep 24

Turtle Bay Resort Paints Scenic North Shore Green

By Herp News

One-of-a-Kind “Green Roof” Designed To Save Energy Is Installed (PRWeb September 24, 2014) Read the full story at

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   Sep 24

Fla. Rescued Turtle Heading To New Home On The West Coast

By Herp News

A loggerhead sea turtle recovering its strength from a possible boat injury is leaving its Florida Keys-based Turtle Hospital after more than a year for its new permanent home.

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   Sep 24

Frankie Tortoise Tails – Scent of A Turtle

Scent of a Woman: I like that movie. My favorite part isn’t the Colonel’s speech at the school. My favorite part is the restaurant scene. We’ll get back to that.

This morning’s weather was exceptional: cool air, clear sky, sunny. Just the break I needed to get some back yard chores done, a chance for the box turtles to spend time in their outside habitat, and perfect for digging up worms for turtles.

Besides my own two box turtles, I am rehabbing a two year old wild box turtle who was chewed up by a dog. Iz, the victim box turtle, is healing well but his back legs don’t yet carry weight.

Momma Turtle and Big Turtle (with me for 15+ years) were dropped into their outdoor habitat. The little rehab turtle, Iz, needs some outdoor exercise time so he gets to stay with me. Iz and I head into the yard to dig up worms for all the box turtles.

Not yet mentioned here but a force to be reckoned with is the 100 pound Frankie the sulcata tortoise: this ishisbackyard. Frankie often sleeps in late and I hoped he would be still be sleeping when I am dig up worms. Regretfully, Frankie too is enjoying the cool morning and is basking by the fence near the area I was going to dig up worms.

Oh, well. I can handle Frankie…… (Haven’t I said that before?)

I head to the fence looking for an area away from Frankie, With a small container, hand trowel, hand tiller and Iz the turtle in a box, I select an area where soil has built up by the fence, and a little distance from the basking Frankie. The worms love the deep soil and Frankie will be occupied with basking.

Iz is placed on the ground next to where I am sitting. Iz get’s busy scamping around while I dig for worms all the while keeping peripheral vision on Frankie.

Frankie’s been eyeing me, too. I am doing something in his yard so he considers that such activity must be contemplated, investigated, scrutinized, inspected, engaged, entangled, and possibly ultimately destroyed. The minute Frankie picks up his shelled-shelf and starts walking my way I grab Iz and hide him back into the box lest Frankie find him.

Frankie inspects as he approaches the area. He comes across the container full of dirt and worms.

“No, Frankie! No ramming the dirt!”

Too late. With one one step Frankie dumps my container of dirt and worms.

“Frankie! Go do something else. There is nothing for you here.”

Frankie stares at me like he doesn’t understand English. The voice tone Frankie gets because after a 30 second stare-down he turned around and headed up the hill.

Iz gets placed back on the ground next to my knees and I start picking up dirt and worms Frankie dumped. I take a gander over …read more
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   Sep 24

Meet Cassius, the world's largest captive croc

George Craig rescued the world’s largest captive crocodile and has cared for him for nearly 30 years.

From the Daily Mail:

George captured Cassius in 1987 from a river in the Northern Territory, where he was notorious for his huge size – and was under threat of being hunted down and killed by the local population.

Cassisus, who is missing his front left leg and tip of his tail due to vicious fights, was deemed a massive threat to humans after attacking boats.

So George set about capturing him to save his life, and bringing him to live in his sanctuary.

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   Sep 24

Baby mauled by monitor lizard in Pulau Tioman

By Herp News

ROMPIN: A HOUSEWIFE fought off a huge monitor lizard in her desperate attempt to rescue her 8-month-old daughter from being mauled and dragged by the reptile out of their quarters at a resort in Pulau Tioman. In the 10am freak incident on Monday, Nor Raudhah Maisarah Abdullah repeatedly hit the reptile with a stick before using her bare hands to push the reptile while it was dragging the baby …

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   Sep 23

Fragmented forests hurt some bat species, may benefit others

By Herp News

Development of roads and other structures disturb large, continuous patches of habitat for wildlife. This habitat fragmentation is one of the biggest contributors to species extinction, as the local ecology and species interactions are altered. A new study finds that leaf-nosed bat abundances in Mexico are closely linked to how sensitive each species is to habitat fragmentation.

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   Sep 23

Fragmented forests hurt some bat species, may benefit others

By Herp News

Development of roads and other structures disturb large, continuous patches of habitat for wildlife. This habitat fragmentation is one of the biggest contributors to species extinction, as the local ecology and species interactions are altered. A new study finds that leaf-nosed bat abundances in Mexico are closely linked to how sensitive each species is to habitat fragmentation.

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   Sep 23

Tortoise missing – suspected stolen

By Herp News

A TORTOISE owner is appealing for help to track down her missing pet.

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   Sep 23

Bridging the divide between herps and humans

What does conservation really mean? And, perhaps more importantly, how do we achieve it?

Living Alongside Wildlife
has a fascinating four-part story by Jon Hakim about the Bangladesh Python Project, which is an organization devoted to conserving herps in Bangladesh.

Working primarily in the Lawachara National Park, the Bangladesh Python Project tracks, monitors, and studies snakes, frogs, tortoises, and all manner of herps found in and around the park. The Project and its founder, Shahriar Caesar Rahman, also work with the over 30,000 people who live in the park.

It’s this relationship with the local villagers that brings questions about conservation into sharp relief:

If the tortoises, pythons, monkeys, pigs, and other wildlife that call the park home are to have any chance at a future, it’ll have to be one where humans and wildlife learn how to accept each other’s presence, despite the damage and take that will occur on both sides. Over the course of my nine days in Lawachara, I found that the Bangladesh Python Project had made impressive strides in moving towards coexistence, and that it had a long, long ways to go.

A python that enters a village and kills a villager’s ducks has damaged the livelihood of a person who is already living in poverty and depends on all the resources he has to survive.

Yet the pythons aren’t invaders; they were here first. How can conservationists find the right balance between protecting endangered reptiles and amphibians and understanding human concerns? How can they best forge relationships with locals and educate them about herps’ importance to the ecosystem?

Hakim’s series raises these questions and more.

Part one.
Part two.
Part three.
Part four. …read more
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   Sep 23

70-pound snapping turtle found near La Cañada Flintridge Country Club

By Herp News

A giant snapping turtle weighing 70 pounds was found wandering near the La Cañada Flintridge Country Club Thursday.

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   Sep 23

Snapping turtle found near local country club

By Herp News

A giant snapping turtle weighing 70 pounds was found wandering near the La Canada Flintridge Country Club Thursday.

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   Sep 23

70-pound snapping turtle found near local country club

By Herp News

A giant snapping turtle weighing 70 pounds was found wandering near the La Canada Flintridge Country Club Thursday.

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   Sep 22

Hacker Group 'Lizard Squad' Claims To Have Taken Down 'Destiny' and 'Call of Duty'

By Herp News

Hacker group “Lizard Squad” has taken credit for another high-profile DDOS attack in the gaming realm, tacking credit over twitter for attacks that took down both the Destiny and Call of Duty servers over the weekend. Lizard squad recently took credit for attacks that took down the Playstation Network and World of Blizzard's, as well as a bomb threat that caused Sony Online …

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   Sep 22

Hacker Group 'Lizard Squad' Claims To Have Taken Down 'Destiny' and 'Call of Duty'

By Herp News

Hacker group “Lizard Squad” has taken credit for another high-profile DDOS attack in the gaming realm, tacking credit over twitter for attacks that took down both the Destiny and Call of Duty servers over the weekend. Lizard squad recently took credit for attacks that took down the Playstation Network and World of Blizzard's, as well as a bomb threat that caused Sony Online …

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   Sep 22

Answer to restoring lost island biodiversity found in fossils

By Herp News

Many native species have vanished from tropical islands because of human impact, but scientists have discovered how fossils can be used to restore lost biodiversity. The key lies in organic materials found in fossil bones, which contain evidence for how ancient ecosystems functioned, according to a new study.

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   Sep 22

Extinction island? Plans to log half an island could endanger over 40 species

By Herp News

Woodlark Island is a rare place on the planet today. This small island off the coast Papua New Guinea is still covered in rich tropical forest, an ecosystem shared for thousands of years between tribal peoples and a plethora of species, including at least 42 found no-where else. Yet, like many such wildernesses, Woodlark Island is now facing major changes: not the least of them is a plan to log half of the island.

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   Sep 22

Explanation for ball python disease found?

A viral origin for a fatal respiratory disease found in captive ball pythons may have been identified.

From Science Daily:

Investigators observed the virus, which they named ball python nidovirus, in eight snakes with pneumonia; virus levels were highest in the animals’ lungs and other respiratory tract tissues. The team also sequenced the genome of the virus, finding it to be the largest of any RNA virus yet described.

Ball pythons have become one of the most popular types of reptiles sold and kept as pets, the authors said, because of their relatively modest size, docile behavior and ease of care. Respiratory disease has been noted in these animals since the 1990s but until now a potential cause has not been identified, said senior study author Joseph L. DeRisi, PhD, chair of the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics at the University of California, San Francisco, in part because of the limitations of available technology.

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   Sep 21

Turtle Beach releases Ear Force Z60 gaming headset for PC, Mac

By Herp News

Turtle Beach released the Ear Force Z60 headset last week, a pair of headphones that the company first unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show in January. Made to handle the surround sound needs for video games, music and movies, the headphones utilize DTS Headphone:X 7.1 surround sound. Turtle Beach does this without the use of separate software or drivers, unlike many other headphones on the …

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   Sep 19

East Texas Herpetological Society Conference, Reptile Sale & Educational Exhibit set for Sept. 19-21

By Herp News

What was that lizard on the side of house? Or how about that turtle in the ditch? Or that snake in the backyard? Want to find out? For more than two decades, the East Texas Herpetological Society has

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   Sep 19

Amazon Turtles 'Talk' to Their Tots

By Herp News

Brian Horne is coordinator of turtle conservation for the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). WCS manages the Bronx Zoo, the New York Aquarium and other sites, in addition to its global conservation work.

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   Sep 19

Lonesome No More: George the Giant Tortoise on Public Display in NYC

By Herp News

With head held high outside of his enormous shell, the giant tortoise proudly looks out from his rock-strewn box at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York City. The last known giant tortoise from the island of Pinta in the Galápagos archipelago, George died of old age in June 2012 after what scientists say was about 100 years on Earth. “Even getting the eye color right was an …

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   Sep 19

East Texas Herpetological Society Conference, Reptile Sale & Educational Exhibit set for Sept. 19-21

By Herp News

What was that lizard on the side of house? Or how about that turtle in the ditch? Or that snake in the backyard? Want to find out? For more than two decades, the East Texas Herpetological Society has

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   Sep 19

Turtle Beach Ear Force® Z60 – the First PC Gaming Headset with DTS Headphone:X 7.1 Surround Sound – is Now Available …

By Herp News

SAN DIEGO, Sept. 19, 2014 /PRNewswire/ – Turtle Beach, the leading audio brand in the video games industry, today announced that the Z60 PC gaming headset is now available in stores and through online retailers. The Z60, which was unveiled at the CES trade show in January 2014, is the first PC gaming headset to feature new DTS Headphone:X 7.1 surround sound. Turtle Beach is the gaming audio …

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   Sep 19

Herp Video of the Week: Lizard Greets Man Like a Dog!

Check out this video “Lizard Greets Man Like a Dog,” submitted by user Minuet.
Submit your own reptile & amphibian videos at and you could see them featured here or check out all the videos submitted by other users! …read more
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   Sep 19

East Texas Herpetological Society Conference, Reptile Sale & Educational Exhibit set for Sept. 19-21

By Herp News

What was that lizard on the side of house? Or how about that turtle in the ditch? Or that snake in the backyard? Want to find out? For more than two decades, the East Texas Herpetological Society has

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   Sep 18

East Texas Herpetological Society Conference, Reptile Sale & Educational Exhibit set for Sept. 19-21

By Herp News

What was that lizard on the side of house? Or how about that turtle in the ditch? Or that snake in the backyard? Want to find out? For more than two decades, the East Texas Herpetological Society has

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   Sep 18

Speedy Lizard Outraces Global Warming

By Herp News

A Bahamanian lizard has shown the ability to adapt to higher temperatures — Read more on

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   Sep 18

Endangered frog finally recognized

After nearly a quarter century, the Oregon spotted frog has been designated a protected species.

From Scientific American:

It only took 23 years but the Oregon spotted frog (Rana pretiosa) has finally gained protection under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. The small, aquatic frogs—which only reach about 100 millimeters in length—have been considered candidates for protected status since 1991. The species has probably already disappeared from its former range in California and in Oregon’s Willamette Valley, along with 90 percent of its other range that encompasses its namesake state, Washington State and British Columbia, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS).

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