
see reptiles diffenetly

   Aug 21

Herp Photo of the Day: Caimen

Gotta love the sassy nature of the Schneider’s smooth-fronted caiman in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user cpipes! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

Upload your own reptile and amphibian photos photos at, and you could see them featured here! …read more
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   Aug 21

Graptemys Conservation

By Turtle Times

Map Turtle Species You Can Keep As Pets

Graptemys Conservation – Graptemys Barbouri, Graptemys Flavimaculata Graptemys Oculifera & Greaptemys Caglei

We discuss in detail the life histories of four species from the Genus Graptemys. These species have gained special importance in the last decade due to their vulnerability and ecological significance.

Graptemys Habitat

Graptemys habitat is found in the southeast, and it’s characterized by spring-fed, clean, clear limestone rivers. These rivers are usually above the fallline and meander along the coastal plains to the Gulf of Mexico. They pass through flat solution pocket limestone, sculpting out bluffs and beaches.

In the past, these rivers were lined by cypresses and tupelos, which eventually gave way to higher ground hickory trees, oak, ash, and pine. These hardwood bottomland forests filter the water, house a variety of plants and animals, and are an important part of river ecology. When the river floods, they are then fed with nutrients. These rivers were used as “highways”, and settlements started to appear along their banks, when the South began to be settled. As a result, the bottomland-hardwood forest was a great source of timber.

In the South, industrial sites are located near rivers to facilitate the disposal of waste products. These industries often involve the production of wood pulp or the discharge of chemical effluent directly into river habitat.

In many places, the river habitat was altered before any local Graptemys species could be studied or described. It was not until recently that the local Graptemys sp. could be described or studied. In many cases, it is hard to determine the optimal habitat.

The rivers that are inhabited by graptemys have a dynamic nature, and their sands are constantly moving. This flow changes the direction of river channels, creates oxbow-shaped lakes, and shuffles the optimal graptemys habitat over the course of many years. The docks and other man-made structures that are now awash with silt or sandy sand far away from the water’s edge provide dramatic evidence. The banks are collapsing, and houses that were once thought to be far enough away from rivers are now being slowly undermined. This process is hampered by permanent structures like dams, bulkheads and levees.

Graptemys Distribution

The fact that species are not evenly distributed is consistent with all graptemys distribution observations within a river systems. Carr and Marchand first noticed this in 1942, when they made a historic canoe journey down the Chipola River to search for G. barbouri. This trip shows that animals (G. <span class="wordai-block …read more
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   Aug 21

Disinfecting Turtle & Tortoise Tanks

By Turtle Times

Disinfecting Turtle Tortoise Tanks Box Turtles

Disinfecting Turtle & Tortoise Tanks Properly

We all love our turtles, tortoises, and terrapins and often find ourselves offered a chance to acquire a new member for the family. You might be looking to find a mate for turtle you already have, wish to start with another species in addition to those you have already, or find a turtle which is in need of a home and/or veterinary treatment.

Viral organisms are causing severe illness, and death in many established collections. It is my hope that the following do’s and dont’s will help keep your animals in peak health. These guidelines are simple and effective. I use these guidelines even within established collections, and have never had a problem with cross-contamination.

These guidelines are essential, as I do share my life with my own tortoises whom I’m very attached to, and at the same time accept for rehabilitation, care, and placement any turtle or tortoise in need, 365 days a year. The risk of cross- contamination is not worth being careless, as the loss of a precious life could well be the result.

One of the most common causes of disease transfer is the human hand. If you do handle turtles and tortoises, it is necessary to wash your hands between handling different species (and subspecies).

In non-established collections, it is necessary to wash between EACH animal you come into physical contact with.

Some chelonia are “latent” carriers of viruses and other diseases, passing pathogens along to other animals which then become sick, while the carrier animal itself remains asymptomatic. (Showing NO symptoms of illness whatsoever)

For the most part I use products such as Alco-Gel, Purell, Wipe-Out 3, or any other similar preparation, all of which are effective at killing bacterial germs, but only if soap and warm water isn’t available. Many of these preparations DO NOT kill viral organisms. Preparations can be effective and convenient for those handling large numbers of animals on a daily basis, or, those handling sick animals, but hand washing is still by far the most effective means of removing both bacteria AND viral agents from your hands.

Foot baths are another very effective means of avoiding transfer of disease organisms from one enclosure to another.

A very weak solution of household bleach and water (1:20) can be mixed. or a professional veterinary product such as Chlorhexidine can be diluted at the appropriate ratio and used. All, that is necessary is a few centimeters poured into a cat litter pan or similar container. Upon leaving an enclosure, step …read more
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   Aug 21

Corn Snakes – Elaphe Guttata

By Turtle Times

Corn Snake In The Wild

Corn Snakes – Elaphe Guttata Information

Corn Snakes Species

There are 2 subspecies normally recognized

Elaphe guttata guttata — Corn Snake, Red rat snake, Red chicken snake, Eastern corn snake

Elaphe guttata emoryi — Emory Rat Snake, Western corn snake, Great Plains rat snake, Prairie rat snake
Whether the Rosy rat snake, Elaphe guttata rosacea, truly deserves subspecies status is still debatable. Modern authorities do not believe there was enough variation between it and the corn snake to give it that designation. It is still possible to find conflicting views in many books old and current.

Corn Snakes Size

2.5 – 4 feet average (Max: 6 feet)

Corn Snakes Habitat

These snakes may be found in a variety of places including pine barrens, wood groves, rocky hillsides, meadowland, along watercourses, around barnyards, and around abandoned houses.

Corn Snakes Breeding

Generally, these snakes have two breeding seasons. The first usually lasts from March – May and the second from June – July. The second breeding season is less well defined as the first and resulting clutches (if any) tend to be smaller in size.

Corn Snakes Nesting Sites

Sometimes eggs can be found in old rotten tree stumps or logs.

3 – 34 eggs may be laid, though 10-20 eggs seem to be the common average.

Corn Snakes Incubation

The incubation period is dependant on ambient temperatures. On average eggs may hatch in 50-75 days.

Corn Snakes Maturity

Maturity is reached in 2-3 years, though some males may mature in as little as 18 months.

Corn Snakes Diet

Carnivorous – feeding mostly on small rodents such as mice and rats as well as birds, lizards, and occasionally insects and amphibians. Corns should be fed only domestically raised rodents to prevent internal parasite infestations.

Corn Snakes Lifespan

Life Span average is 15 – 21 years (last known record: 32 years)

Corn Snakes Sexing

Sometimes the gender of a snake can be seen by looking at the underside of the tail just beyond the anal plate. In males, the tail remains stout (thick) for a good portion of the length of the tail before beginning to taper. In females, the tail tapers quickly beyond the anal plate which can make it tricky for sexing.

Corn snakes tend to be most active during the night hours.

Corn Snake Naming

The name “corn snake” may have come about not from its association with farms, barns, and corncribs, but from the similarity of the belly markings to the checkered pattern of kernels on Indian corn.

Etymology: elaphe derived from the Greek elaphos meaning “a deer”; possibly in reference to the soft texture of the snake’s skin, guttata Latin meaning “spotted” or “dappled”

Tips for Keeping Corn Snakes

Corn Snakes Enclosure

An adult corn snake will require the equivalent size of a 30-gallon aquarium or larger (if housing more than 2 snakes).  It must have a securely locking small mesh screen top or door. Snakes are known escape artists and will surprise you. Care must be taken to prevent escapes. The enclosure must have a water dish large enough for the snake to submerge itself in completely. It is preferable to have a few branches …read more
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   Aug 21

Dealing With Non-Venomous Snake Bites

By Turtle Times

Dealing With Non-Venomous Snake Bites Boa Constrictor

Dealing With Non-Venomous Snake Bites & What To Do

In our opinion, most snakebite cases are not the fault of the snake, but of the person working with the snake or in its vicinity. Snakebites can be avoided by people using common sense.

I’ve been bitten by a variety of snakes including kingsnakes and rat-snakes. I had a western hognose female snake who seemed to be fascinated by my fingers. I never let her latch on to bare skin. When handling her, I always used lightweight gardening gloves. I am not interested in knowing if the venom of hognoses will affect me significantly, no matter how “mild”.

Non-Venomous Snake Bites From A Kingsnake

By far the worst snakebite (pain wise and difficulty in removing) came, of all things, from a 2-foot long Mexican black kingsnake that I was attempting to socialize. It took me close to an hour to get this snake detached long enough to get it back to its cage. The snake was just downright ornery and did not appreciate me handling him one bit. Each training session with the snake resulted in a bite, and each bite was worse in terms of getting the snake to let go.

Normally I do not bleed much from snakebites – if at all. However, to date the bloodiest snakebite I have experienced came from a 3-foot long, wild female garter snake. She was gravid and not in the best of moods when she was brought in. The person caught her in their yard, stuck her in a trashcan, and brought her in for relocation. I was a bit rushed when I went to take her from the trash can and safely let loose in the nearby woods. I was not overly concerned about her biting me, but fully expected a wild, somewhat annoyed snake to get a nip or two. She actually nailed me about 14 times before I could walk the 20 steps to the spot I was going to release her. I have experienced garter snake bites before and never gotten a reaction from them; however, one large enough and capable of bringing the rear teeth into play until this one had never bitten me until now. Water snakes, Nerodia sipedon, are known to have anti-coagulants in their saliva that keeps the blood from clotting and it seems that the same holds true with eastern garter snakes. I bled quite a bit for about ten minutes; the entire back of my hand covered in a coating of blood like a glove. There was also a mild itching sensation that lasted about 15 minutes. I had only experienced these reactions before with northern water snakes.

Non-Venomous Snake Bites Damage

For the most part all of the snakes that bit me did very little damage and only the bite from the large garter actually left a small permanent scar. There is a little matching scar for the bite scar from an iguana on the same hand which helps to balance out the other hand where I have small scars from gerbil, rat and squirrel bites. Some of the bites from larger snakes such …read more
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   Aug 21

Ring-Necked Snake (Diadophis Punctatus)

By Turtle Times

Ring-Necked Snake Diadophis Punctatus

Ring-Necked Snake (Diadophis Punctatus) Information

Introduction To The Ring-Necked Snake

Ring-neck snakes belong to the genus Diadophis, which is a name derived from the Greek word diadem, meaning “headband,” and ophis, meaning “snake”, Combined, the two words refer to the light collar or neck ring present in most ringneck snakes. The word punctatus comes from the Latin punctum, meaning “spot,” and refers to the spots found on the ventral surface of the snakes.

The Ring-Necked Snake Species

There are 12 subspecies of ringneck snakes found over much of the eastern and southern parts of the United States as well as parts of the Pacific Coast states.

The Ring-Necked Snake Colour

Ringnecks are a flat-headed gray, blue-black or black colored snake often having a yellow …read more
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   Aug 21

Snakes of Maryland

By Turtle Times

Common Watersnake Nerodia sipedon

Information on the Snakes of Maryland

Misconceptions about Snakes

Snakes are some of the most feared and misunderstood animals on earth. This fear and misinformation has produced much folklore and misconceptions about snakes. Of the twenty-seven kinds of snakes known to be found in Maryland, only two, the copperhead, and timber rattlesnake, are venomous. The majority of the others are completely harmless.

Snakes are very beneficial to man by controlling rodents and other harmful animals. When offered the chance, a startled snake would rather crawl away than bite.

Myths and Facts About Snakes

  • Myth – All water snakes are water moccasin’s.

    • Fact – The eastern cottonmouth (water moccasin) does not occur in the state of Maryland. Water moccasins can be found in the lower southeastern portion of Virginia. The most likely water snake you will see in Maryland is the Northern Water Snake – Nerodia sipedon sipedon.

  • Myth – Copperheads and black rat snakes interbreed to produce a venomous black snake or a black copperhead.

    • Fact – Copperheads and black snakes do not and cannot interbreed, it is genetically impossible. Copperheads bear live young and black rat snakes lay eggs. Many people confuse baby black rat snakes with copperheads because they have similar but not identical patterns. A baby copperhead is tan with copper colored saddlebag-shaped blotches and a bright yellow tail tip. A baby black rat snake …read more
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   Aug 21

How To Tame A Pet Snake

By Turtle Times

How To Tame A Pet Snake & Socialize Them

How To Tame A Pet Snake & Socialize Them

Getting a pet snake is exciting but can be a bit daunting, especially if they are large or you are new to pet snakes. Below we will give you tips and things to try when you are having problems with your snake or new to the world of pet snakes.

 How To Tame A Pet Snake Disclaimer

This method is not for everyone. This method has had mixed results and I’ve learned that some snakes just can’t “be tamed”. It is important to note that this is only one method of many possible methods to socialize your pet snake. No method will work 100%.

Sincerity is the best policy, and I believe that there’s no such thing as “tame” a snake. You can only expect a reptile to tolerate you. All animals with mouths are capable of biting, especially when they feel threatened, startled, cornered or scared, hungry or defensive. Snakes that are unable to escape a situation they perceive as dangerous will use their teeth to defend themselves. If you can’t accept that a snake will bite at some point during its life, don’t get one as a pet.

Determining generic temperament

Socializing Snakes

When it comes to socializing snakes, they can be a hit-or-miss category. If possible, it’s best to consider the general temperament of each snake species you encounter. This is a general temperament, and it may not apply to every snake. Black rat snakes, for example, are semi-aggressive, especially when cornered. However, there are some individuals who are “docile.” It is possible to find an aggressive snake among normally docile snakes, such as cornsnakes. Kingsnakes are a good example of a snake that can …read more
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   Aug 18

Herp Photo of the Day: Happy Rattlesnake Friday!

The photo may be a bit blurry, but there is no mistaking that is a gravid Masssasauga in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user LetsConservate24 in the field! We can only imagine the excitement at this find! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

Upload your own reptile and amphibian photos photos at, and you could see them featured here! …read more
Read more here: King Snake

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   Aug 17

Herp Photo of the Day: Kingsnake

This kingsnake in our herp photo of the day, uploaded by user rod_mcleod is a prime example of why we love them! It is stunning! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

Upload your own reptile and amphibian photos photos at, and you could see them featured here! …read more
Read more here: King Snake

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   Aug 16

Herp Photo of the Day: Python

This isn’t our forefathers Af Rock! This beautiful patternless African Rock shines in our herp photo of the day, uploaded by user MEIER21288 ! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

Upload your own reptile and amphibian photos photos at, and you could see them featured here! …read more
Read more here: King Snake

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   Aug 15

Herp Photo of the Day: Monitor

THere is just something so regal about Croc Monitors like this one in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user chrish!! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

Upload your own reptile and amphibian photos at, and you could see them featured here! …read more
Read more here: King Snake

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   Aug 15

Reeves Turtles

By Turtle

Reeves Turtle crawling on some small woods in the ground

A Beginner’s Guide to Reeves Turtles: Everything You Need to Know

Get ready for a turtle-tastic journey! Reeves Turtles are awesome creatures with stories to tell.

Imagine a small turtle with a special shell and fun patterns. These turtles live in ponds and rivers, splashing around in the water.

Guess what they eat? Yummy things like insects and plants! In this guide, we’ll discover where they call home, what they like to munch on, and why they’re important to our world.

So, please put on your explorer hat, and let’s dive into the wonderful world of Reeves Turtles together!

Where They Originate From

Reeves Turtles have their roots in the vibrant lands of Asia. From the lush waters of lakes and ponds to the gentle flow of small streams, these little adventurers have made their homes across central and eastern China, North and South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan.

They prefer water bodies with low currents, where the aquatic vegetation is abundant and flourishing. You can imagine them as aquatic explorers seeking the best spots to splash and munch on their favorite treats. It’s no wonder these turtles are so fascinating – they have a whole world to discover right from where they originate!

Choosing and Buying

Choosing and buying a Reeve’s Turtle can be an exciting adventure! Here are some important things to consider:

Do Your Research:

Learn about the needs and care requirements of Reeve’s Turtles. This will help you make an informed decision and ensure you can provide a suitable environment for your new pet.

Find a Reputable Breeder:

Look for a seller who specializes in turtles and has a good reputation. Avoid purchasing from sources that may be involved in illegal or unethical practices.

Check the Turtle’s Health:

Inspect the turtle carefully before buying. Look for signs of good health, such as bright eyes, a smooth shell, and active behavior. Avoid turtles with any signs of illness or injury.

Prepare the Habitat:

Create a comfortable and safe enclosure for your turtle before bringing it home. Provide a spacious tank with appropriate temperature, lighting, and water conditions. Remember to include hiding spots and basking areas.

Purchase Necessary Supplies:

Get your turtle’s essentials, such as a heat lamp, UVB light, water filter, and food dishes. Remember to buy proper turtle food, which usually consists of protein, fruits, and vegetables.

Remember, bringing a turtle into your life is a long-term commitment. Take time, make informed decisions, and prepare for an amazing journey with your new shelled friend!

How To Care For Them

Taking care of Reeve’s Turtles is a responsibility that comes with lots of fun! Here are some tips to ensure your little shelled buddy thrives:

Create a Cozy Home:

Build a spacious tank with clean water and a cozy basking area for your turtle to relax.

Watch Their Diet:

Serve a balanced meal of protein, veggies, and fruits. And remember, just like us, turtles enjoy a treat now and then!

Keep Them Clean:

Regularly clean their tank and provide a good filtration system to keep the water fresh.

Sunshine Time:

Turtles love basking in the warm sun, so ensure they can access …read more
Read more here: Turtle Times

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   Aug 15

Reeve Turtles

By Turtle

Reeves Turtle crawling on some small woods in the ground

A Beginner’s Guide to Reeve Turtles: Everything You Need to Know

Get ready for a turtle-tastic journey! Reeve’s Turtles are awesome creatures with stories to tell.

Imagine a small turtle with a special shell and fun patterns. These turtles live in ponds and rivers, splashing around in the water.

Guess what they eat? Yummy things like insects and plants! In this guide, we’ll discover where they call home, what they like to munch on, and why they’re important to our world.

So, please put on your explorer hat, and let’s dive into the wonderful world of Reeve’s Turtles together!

Where They Originate From

Reeve’s Turtles have their roots in the vibrant lands of Asia. From the lush waters of lakes and ponds to the gentle flow of small streams, these little adventurers have made their homes across central and eastern China, North and South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan.

They prefer water bodies with low currents, where the aquatic vegetation is abundant and flourishing. You can imagine them as aquatic explorers seeking the best spots to splash and munch on their favorite treats. It’s no wonder these turtles are so fascinating – they have a whole world to discover right from where they originate!

Choosing and Buying

Choosing and buying a Reeve’s Turtle can be an exciting adventure! Here are some important things to consider:

Do Your Research:

Learn about the needs and care requirements of Reeve’s Turtles. This will help you make an informed decision and ensure you can provide a suitable environment for your new pet.

Find a Reputable Breeder:

Look for a seller who specializes in turtles and has a good reputation. Avoid purchasing from sources that may be involved in illegal or unethical practices.

Check the Turtle’s Health:

Inspect the turtle carefully before buying. Look for signs of good health, such as bright eyes, a smooth shell, and active behavior. Avoid turtles with any signs of illness or injury.

Prepare the Habitat:

Create a comfortable and safe enclosure for your turtle before bringing it home. Provide a spacious tank with appropriate temperature, lighting, and water conditions. Remember to include hiding spots and basking areas.

Purchase Necessary Supplies:

Get your turtle’s essentials, such as a heat lamp, UVB light, water filter, and food dishes. Remember to buy proper turtle food, which usually consists of protein, fruits, and vegetables.

Remember, bringing a turtle into your life is a long-term commitment. Take time, make informed decisions, and prepare for an amazing journey with your new shelled friend!

How To Care For Them

Taking care of Reeve’s Turtles is a responsibility that comes with lots of fun! Here are some tips to ensure your little shelled buddy thrives:

Create a Cozy Home:

Build a spacious tank with clean water and a cozy basking area for your turtle to relax.

Watch Their Diet:

Serve a balanced meal of protein, veggies, and fruits. And remember, just like us, turtles enjoy a treat now and then!

Keep Them Clean:

Regularly clean their tank and provide a good filtration system to keep the water fresh.

Sunshine Time:

Turtles love basking in the warm sun, so ensure they can access …read more
Read more here: Turtle Times

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   Aug 15

Reeve’s Turtle

By Turtle

Reeves Turtle crawling on some small woods in the ground

A Beginner’s Guide to Reeve’s Turtle: Everything You Need to Know

Get ready for a turtle-tastic journey! Reeve’s Turtles are awesome creatures with stories to tell.

Imagine a small turtle with a special shell and fun patterns. These turtles live in ponds and rivers, splashing around in the water.

Guess what they eat? Yummy things like insects and plants! In this guide, we’ll discover where they call home, what they like to munch on, and why they’re important to our world.

So, please put on your explorer hat, and let’s dive into the wonderful world of Reeve’s Turtles together!

Where They Originate From

Reeve’s Turtles have their roots in the vibrant lands of Asia. From the lush waters of lakes and ponds to the gentle flow of small streams, these little adventurers have made their homes across central and eastern China, North and South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan.

They prefer water bodies with low currents, where the aquatic vegetation is abundant and flourishing. You can imagine them as aquatic explorers seeking the best spots to splash and munch on their favorite treats. It’s no wonder these turtles are so fascinating – they have a whole world to discover right from where they originate!

Choosing and Buying

Choosing and buying a Reeve’s Turtle can be an exciting adventure! Here are some important things to consider:

Do Your Research:

Learn about the needs and care requirements of Reeve’s Turtles. This will help you make an informed decision and ensure you can provide a suitable environment for your new pet.

Find a Reputable Breeder:

Look for a seller who specializes in turtles and has a good reputation. Avoid purchasing from sources that may be involved in illegal or unethical practices.

Check the Turtle’s Health:

Inspect the turtle carefully before buying. Look for signs of good health, such as bright eyes, a smooth shell, and active behavior. Avoid turtles with any signs of illness or injury.

Prepare the Habitat:

Create a comfortable and safe enclosure for your turtle before bringing it home. Provide a spacious tank with appropriate temperature, lighting, and water conditions. Remember to include hiding spots and basking areas.

Purchase Necessary Supplies:

Get your turtle’s essentials, such as a heat lamp, UVB light, water filter, and food dishes. Remember to buy proper turtle food, which usually consists of protein, fruits, and vegetables.

Remember, bringing a turtle into your life is a long-term commitment. Take time, make informed decisions, and prepare for an amazing journey with your new shelled friend!

How To Care For Them

Taking care of Reeve’s Turtles is a responsibility that comes with lots of fun! Here are some tips to ensure your little shelled buddy thrives:

Create a Cozy Home:

Build a spacious tank with clean water and a cozy basking area for your turtle to relax.

Watch Their Diet:

Serve a balanced meal of protein, veggies, and fruits. And remember, just like us, turtles enjoy a treat now and then!

Keep Them Clean:

Regularly clean their tank and provide a good filtration system to keep the water fresh.

Sunshine Time:

Turtles love basking in the warm sun, so ensure they can access …read more
Read more here: Turtle Times

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   Aug 14

Herp Photo of the Day: Mud Snake

What wonderful color contrast in this hatchling Mud Snake in our herp photo of the day, uploaded by user Godfrey ! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

Upload your own and photos at, and you could see them featured here! …read more
Read more here: King Snake

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   Aug 14

Painted Turtles

By Turtle Times

A female painted turtle who came out of the water to lay her eggs

Guide to Painted Turtles: Everything You Need to Know

If you’re a beginner looking to learn more about these incredible creatures, you’ve come to the right place. Painted turtles, scientifically known as Chrysemys picta, are captivating reptiles found throughout North America.

In this beginner’s guide, we will take you on a journey to explore everything you need to know about painted turtles. We will comprehensively overview these fantastic creatures from their physical characteristics, habitat preferences, diet, and unique behaviors.

So, let’s dive in and discover the enchanting

Where They Originate From

Painted turtles have quite an adventurous spirit when it comes to their origins. These charming reptiles are found all over North America, from Canada to Mexico. They’ve even been spotted in unexpected places, like urban ponds and backyard gardens!

You might wonder how these turtles made such a vast range their home. Well, they’re excellent swimmers, so they’ve had no problem exploring different bodies of water. Painted turtles have adapted to various habitats, from freshwater lakes and ponds to slow-moving rivers and marshes.

But don’t think they’re just water lovers! Painted turtles are also known to bask in the sun on logs and rocks along the water’s edge.

It’s their way of warming up and soaking in those rays. Who can blame them for wanting a little sunbathing session?

So, painted turtles are versatile creatures, whether lounging in the water or catching rays on land. It’s no wonder they’ve managed to carve out their unique place in the hearts of nature enthusiasts everywhere.

Choosing and Buying

Here’s what you need to know before bringing one home:

Tank Time:

Painted turtles need a spacious tank with plenty of room to swim and explore. Think of it as their underwater playground!

Water Works:

Fill their tank with clean, chlorine-free water and maintain a temperature between 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit. Remember, these turtles like to be warm and cozy.

Land Ho!:

Provide a basking area with a heat lamp where your turtle can sunbathe and dry off after swimming. It’s like having their very own mini beach resort!

Munchies Galore:

Painted turtles have an omnivorous diet, so feed them a balanced mix of commercial turtle pellets, leafy greens, and occasional protein treats like worms or small fish. Bon appétit, little turtle!

Hide and Seek:

Create hiding spots with rocks, logs, and plants in their tank. It gives them a sense of security and a chance to play a sneaky hide-and-seek game with you!

Spa Day:

Give your painted turtle a little spa treatment now and then. Gently scrub their shell with a soft toothbrush to keep it clean and shiny. You’ll have the most pampered turtle on the block!

How To Care For Them

Proper care and attention are crucial to keeping your painted turtle happy and healthy. Here are some tips to ensure you’re the best turtle parent ever:

Habitat Heaven:

Create a comfortable and spacious tank with clean, warm water. Give your turtle a cozy basking area to soak up the sun.

Nutritional Goodies:

Feed your turtle a balanced diet of commercial pellets, leafy greens, and the occasional protein treat. It’s like a buffet for your …read more
Read more here: Turtle Times

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   Aug 14

Painted Turtles

By Turtle Times

A female painted turtle who came out of the water to lay her eggs

Guide to Painted Turtles: Everything You Need to Know

If you’re a beginner looking to learn more about these incredible creatures, you’ve come to the right place. Painted turtles, scientifically known as Chrysemys picta, are captivating reptiles found throughout North America.

In this beginner’s guide, we will take you on a journey to explore everything you need to know about painted turtles. We will comprehensively overview these fantastic creatures from their physical characteristics, habitat preferences, diet, and unique behaviors.

So, let’s dive in and discover the enchanting

Where They Originate From

Painted turtles have quite an adventurous spirit when it comes to their origins. These charming reptiles are found all over North America, from Canada to Mexico. They’ve even been spotted in unexpected places, like urban ponds and backyard gardens!

You might wonder how these turtles made such a vast range their home. Well, they’re excellent swimmers, so they’ve had no problem exploring different bodies of water. Painted turtles have adapted to various habitats, from freshwater lakes and ponds to slow-moving rivers and marshes.

But don’t think they’re just water lovers! Painted turtles are also known to bask in the sun on logs and rocks along the water’s edge.

It’s their way of warming up and soaking in those rays. Who can blame them for wanting a little sunbathing session?

So, painted turtles are versatile creatures, whether lounging in the water or catching rays on land. It’s no wonder they’ve managed to carve out their unique place in the hearts of nature enthusiasts everywhere.

Choosing and Buying

Here’s what you need to know before bringing one home:

Tank Time:

Painted turtles need a spacious tank with plenty of room to swim and explore. Think of it as their underwater playground!

Water Works:

Fill their tank with clean, chlorine-free water and maintain a temperature between 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit. Remember, these turtles like to be warm and cozy.

Land Ho!:

Provide a basking area with a heat lamp where your turtle can sunbathe and dry off after swimming. It’s like having their very own mini beach resort!

Munchies Galore:

Painted turtles have an omnivorous diet, so feed them a balanced mix of commercial turtle pellets, leafy greens, and occasional protein treats like worms or small fish. Bon appétit, little turtle!

Hide and Seek:

Create hiding spots with rocks, logs, and plants in their tank. It gives them a sense of security and a chance to play a sneaky hide-and-seek game with you!

Spa Day:

Give your painted turtle a little spa treatment now and then. Gently scrub their shell with a soft toothbrush to keep it clean and shiny. You’ll have the most pampered turtle on the block!

How To Care For Them

Proper care and attention are crucial to keeping your painted turtle happy and healthy. Here are some tips to ensure you’re the best turtle parent ever:

Habitat Heaven:

Create a comfortable and spacious tank with clean, warm water. Give your turtle a cozy basking area to soak up the sun.

Nutritional Goodies:

Feed your turtle a balanced diet of commercial pellets, leafy greens, and the occasional protein treat. It’s like a buffet for your …read more
Read more here: Turtle Times

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   Aug 14

Slider Turtles

By Turtle

A Red-eared Slider Turtle sunning itself

Slider Turtle Care: Navigating Food, Tank Size, and Compatibility

Are you considering adding a slider turtle to your family? If so, you’re in luck!

Slider turtles can make wonderful pets that bring joy and fun to their owners. Caring for these fascinating creatures does require some work, though. You’ll need to consider food, tank size, and compatibility if you want your pet to be happy and healthy. Luckily, this guide will help you navigate the nuances of slider turtle care.

With the correct information and preparation, you can look forward to years of fun with your new pet!

Where do They Originate From?

Slider turtles are native to North America, including the United States and Canada. These charming creatures can be spotted in freshwater habitats like ponds, lakes, rivers, and swamps. They have adapted well to their surroundings by having sturdy shells and webbed feet that allow them to glide through the water gracefully.

How did slider turtles become popular pets?

Well, it all began when people realized how adorable and fascinating they are. With their faces and distinctive markings on their shells, slider turtles quickly won over the hearts of countless animal enthusiasts.

Nowadays, slider turtles can be found in households around the globe. People adore having them as pets because they require upkeep and are relatively easy to care for. Moreover, these delightful creatures entertain with their behaviors and playful personalities.

Choosing and Buying

Choosing and buying a slider turtle can be exciting, but it’s essential to research and make informed decisions. Here are some key points to consider:

Turtle Size Matters:

Before bringing a slider turtle home, consider how big it can get. These turtles can grow to be around 10-12 inches long, so you’ll need a tank to accommodate their size. Don’t be fooled by their small size as babies – they’ll need room to grow!

Turtle Compatibility:

Slider turtles can be social creatures but may not get along with other turtle species. It’s best to house them alone or with different sliders of the same size and gender. Remember that males can be territorial, so be prepared for potential conflicts.

Finding a Reputable Breeder:

It’s essential to purchase your slider turtle from a reputable breeder. This ensures that you’re getting a healthy and well-cared-for turtle. Avoid buying from pet stores that may not provide proper care or from online sellers with questionable practices.

Watch Out for Red Flags:

When choosing a slider turtle, look for signs of illness or distress. Make sure their eyes are clear, their shells are smooth, and they’re active and alert. Avoid turtles with any signs of injury or illness, indicating poor care.

Plan for the Long Haul:

Slider turtles have a long lifespan, often 20-30 years or more. Ensure you’re ready for the commitment and responsibility of caring for a turtle for their entire life. They’ll need proper nutrition, regular tank maintenance, and veterinary care.A baby turtle sunning on a log next to a larger turtle.

How To Care For Them?

Proper care is essential for the health and …read more
Read more here: Turtle Times

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   Aug 14

Slider Turtle

By Turtle

A Red-eared Slider Turtle sunning itself

Slider Turtle Care: Navigating Food, Tank Size, and Compatibility

Are you considering adding a slider turtle to your family? If so, you’re in luck!

Slider turtles can make wonderful pets that bring joy and fun to their owners. Caring for these fascinating creatures does require some work, though. You’ll need to consider food, tank size, and compatibility if you want your pet to be happy and healthy. Luckily, this guide will help you navigate the nuances of slider turtle care.

With the correct information and preparation, you can look forward to years of fun with your new pet!

Where do They Originate From?

Slider turtles are native to North America, including the United States and Canada. These charming creatures can be spotted in freshwater habitats like ponds, lakes, rivers, and swamps. They have adapted well to their surroundings by having sturdy shells and webbed feet that allow them to glide through the water gracefully.

How did slider turtles become popular pets?

Well, it all began when people realized how adorable and fascinating they are. With their faces and distinctive markings on their shells, slider turtles quickly won over the hearts of countless animal enthusiasts.

Nowadays, slider turtles can be found in households around the globe. People adore having them as pets because they require upkeep and are relatively easy to care for. Moreover, these delightful creatures entertain with their behaviors and playful personalities.

Choosing and Buying

Choosing and buying a slider turtle can be exciting, but it’s essential to research and make informed decisions. Here are some key points to consider:

Turtle Size Matters:

Before bringing a slider turtle home, consider how big it can get. These turtles can grow to be around 10-12 inches long, so you’ll need a tank to accommodate their size. Don’t be fooled by their small size as babies – they’ll need room to grow!

Turtle Compatibility:

Slider turtles can be social creatures but may not get along with other turtle species. It’s best to house them alone or with different sliders of the same size and gender. Remember that males can be territorial, so be prepared for potential conflicts.

Finding a Reputable Breeder:

It’s essential to purchase your slider turtle from a reputable breeder. This ensures that you’re getting a healthy and well-cared-for turtle. Avoid buying from pet stores that may not provide proper care or from online sellers with questionable practices.

Watch Out for Red Flags:

When choosing a slider turtle, look for signs of illness or distress. Make sure their eyes are clear, their shells are smooth, and they’re active and alert. Avoid turtles with any signs of injury or illness, indicating poor care.

Plan for the Long Haul:

Slider turtles have a long lifespan, often 20-30 years or more. Ensure you’re ready for the commitment and responsibility of caring for a turtle for their entire life. They’ll need proper nutrition, regular tank maintenance, and veterinary care.A baby turtle sunning on a log next to a larger turtle.

How To Care For Them?

Proper care is essential for the health and …read more
Read more here: Turtle Times

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   Aug 14

Softshell Turtles

By Turtle

Softshell Turtle crawling on the ground

Meet the Incredible Softshell Turtle: Habitat, Features, and Behavior

Have you ever heard of a creature that’s like a ninja but lives underwater? Well, let me introduce you to the amazing Softshell Turtle! These fantastic reptiles may not wear black suits but can move swiftly and silently through the water.

Softshell turtles have a unique superpower – their shells are soft, like pancakes! Unlike other turtles with hard shells, these water-loving ninjas can easily bend and twist their bodies. This unique feature makes them excellent swimmers. They can glide through the water like fish, making it hard for predators to catch them.

But wait, there’s more! Softshell turtles also have long noses that look like snorkels. They use these snouts to breathe while staying hidden underwater. It’s like having a built-in scuba diving mask! How cool is that?

These turtles are known for their funny faces, too. Their big, round eyes and broad smiles always seem up to some mischief. Maybe they’re secretly planning their next prank!

In this guide, we will embark on a journey to explore the incredible softshell turtle’s habitat, features, and behavior.

Where They Originate From

Softshell turtles can be found in various parts of the world, including North America, Asia, and Africa. They are often seen in freshwater habitats such as rivers, lakes, and ponds.

These turtles are adaptable and can live in both warm and cool climates. So whether they’re chilling in the swamps of Florida or exploring the rivers of China, softshell turtles have made themselves at home in different corners of the globe.

It’s amazing how these incredible creatures have survived and thrived in such diverse environments. So next time you’re near a body of water, watch for these ninja-like turtles lurking beneath the surface!

Choosing and Buying

If you’re thinking about getting a softshell turtle as a pet, there are a few things you should consider. Here are some tips to help you choose and buy your new underwater ninja friend:

Do Your Research:

Before bringing home a softshell turtle, know their care requirements. These unique creatures have specific needs, so being well-informed is essential.

Find a Reputable Breeder or Pet Store:

Look for a seller who

Check the Turtle’s Health:

When you see a potential turtle, look at it. Make sure its eyes are bright and clear, its shell is smooth and free from any deformities or cracks, and it is active and alert.

Get the Right Setup:

Softshell turtles need a spacious tank with a filtration system and a basking area to dry off. Make sure you have everything set up and ready before bringing your turtle home.

Feed Them a Balanced Diet:

Softshell turtles are carnivorous, so they need a diet of live or frozen prey like fish, shrimp, and insects. You can also supplement their diet with commercial turtle food.

Be Prepared for a Long-Term Commitment:

Softshell turtles can live for several decades, so make sure you are ready for the responsibility of caring for them for their entire lifespan.

How To Care For Them

Caring for your softshell turtle doesn’t have to be a turtle-ly tricky task! Here are some …read more
Read more here: Turtle Times

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   Aug 14

Softshell Turtle

By Turtle

Softshell Turtle crawling on the ground

Meet the Incredible Softshell Turtle: Habitat, Features, and Behavior

Have you ever heard of a creature that’s like a ninja but lives underwater? Well, let me introduce you to the amazing Softshell Turtle! These fantastic reptiles may not wear black suits but can move swiftly and silently through the water.

Softshell turtles have a unique superpower – their shells are soft, like pancakes! Unlike other turtles with hard shells, these water-loving ninjas can easily bend and twist their bodies. This unique feature makes them excellent swimmers. They can glide through the water like fish, making it hard for predators to catch them.

But wait, there’s more! Softshell turtles also have long noses that look like snorkels. They use these snouts to breathe while staying hidden underwater. It’s like having a built-in scuba diving mask! How cool is that?

These turtles are known for their funny faces, too. Their big, round eyes and broad smiles always seem up to some mischief. Maybe they’re secretly planning their next prank!

In this guide, we will embark on a journey to explore the incredible softshell turtle’s habitat, features, and behavior.

Where They Originate From

Softshell turtles can be found in various parts of the world, including North America, Asia, and Africa. They are often seen in freshwater habitats such as rivers, lakes, and ponds.

These turtles are adaptable and can live in both warm and cool climates. So whether they’re chilling in the swamps of Florida or exploring the rivers of China, softshell turtles have made themselves at home in different corners of the globe.

It’s amazing how these incredible creatures have survived and thrived in such diverse environments. So next time you’re near a body of water, watch for these ninja-like turtles lurking beneath the surface!

Choosing and Buying

If you’re thinking about getting a softshell turtle as a pet, there are a few things you should consider. Here are some tips to help you choose and buy your new underwater ninja friend:

Do Your Research:

Before bringing home a softshell turtle, know their care requirements. These unique creatures have specific needs, so being well-informed is essential.

Find a Reputable Breeder or Pet Store:

Look for a seller who

Check the Turtle’s Health:

When you see a potential turtle, look at it. Make sure its eyes are bright and clear, its shell is smooth and free from any deformities or cracks, and it is active and alert.

Get the Right Setup:

Softshell turtles need a spacious tank with a filtration system and a basking area to dry off. Make sure you have everything set up and ready before bringing your turtle home.

Feed Them a Balanced Diet:

Softshell turtles are carnivorous, so they need a diet of live or frozen prey like fish, shrimp, and insects. You can also supplement their diet with commercial turtle food.

Be Prepared for a Long-Term Commitment:

Softshell turtles can live for several decades, so make sure you are ready for the responsibility of caring for them for their entire lifespan.

How To Care For Them

Caring for your softshell turtle doesn’t have to be a turtle-ly tricky task! Here are some …read more
Read more here: Turtle Times

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   Aug 14

Sideneck Turtles

By Turtle

 A Sideneck turtle swimming

The sideneck turtle has a unique look with its side-tucked head, unlike other turtles. Many people love its constant “smiling” appearance. If you’re thinking of having one as a pet, they’re lovely but need some extra care. However, if you’re a committed beginner, they can be good for you. Just remember, with the right care, they can live up to 50 years.

Where They Originate From

The term “side-necked turtle” encapsulates a variety of species that come under the suborder Pleurodira. This group includes turtles from the families Chelidae, Pelomedusidae, and Podocnemididae. The terminology stems from their unique defense mechanism. When faced with threats, these turtles don’t retract their heads into the shell; they lay their head and neck to the side, tucked under the shell’s edge. Another distinguishing feature among most of them is the presence of a mesoplastron, a piece of bone embedded in their plastron or bottom shell. Furthermore, their pelvic girdle is fused to the plastron.

Tracing back their lineage, Pleurodires are nothing short of ancient, first appearing on Earth during the late Triassic Period around 220 million years ago. Modern side necks are mainly found in the Southern Hemisphere, in regions including Africa, Madagascar, Australia, and South America. Some even inhabit a handful of islands in the Indian Ocean. Their habitats range from fully aquatic to semi-aquatic ecosystems. Notably, during the Paleogene and Neogene periods, a specific group of these turtles dwelled in marine and estuarine environments located in the Northern Hemisphere.

Dietarily diverse, Pleurodires majorly lean towards omnivorous tendencies. Yet, it’s not uncommon to find herbivorous or carnivorous members within the over 70 species of side necks. They also exhibit a broad spectrum of shell dimensions. For instance, the tiny African dwarf mud turtle, or Pelusios nanus, has a shell measuring around 12 cm (about 5 inches). In stark contrast, the massive giant South American river turtle, known as the Arrau (Podocnemis expansa), boasts a shell exceeding 90 cm (around 35 inches) in length.

Choosing and Buying Sideneck Turtles

Budget and Availability

When considering adopting a side-neck turtle, it’s crucial to plan a budget that includes both the initial cost and the long-term expenses associated with their care. On average, these turtles are priced between $50 and $100. This price is influenced by factors like the turtle’s age, size, and overall health.

The side-neck turtle is a popular choice among turtle enthusiasts, making them readily available in various pet stores across the country. However, for those who prefer a wider selection or are looking for specific characteristics, online marketplaces offer an array of options. The internet brings breeders and sellers from various locales within easy reach.

Reputable Breeders

For potential owners who prioritize the health and well-being of their future pets, sourcing from reputable breeders is paramount. These breeders ensure the turtles have been raised in hygienic, spacious, and enriching environments, which contributes to their overall health and vitality. Moreover, renowned breeders provide a wealth of knowledge about the turtle’s lineage, health history, and care requirements. A few breeders even …read more
Read more here: Turtle Times

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   Aug 14

Sideneck Turtle

By Turtle

A Sideneck turtle swimming

The sideneck turtle has a unique look with its side-tucked head, unlike other turtles. Many people love its constant “smiling” appearance. If you’re thinking of having one as a pet, they’re lovely but need some extra care. However, if you’re a committed beginner, they can be good for you. Just remember, with the right care, they can live up to 50 years.

Where They Originate From

The term “side-necked turtle” encapsulates a variety of species that come under the suborder Pleurodira. This group includes turtles from the families Chelidae, Pelomedusidae, and Podocnemididae. The terminology stems from their unique defense mechanism. When faced with threats, these turtles don’t retract their heads into the shell; they lay their head and neck to the side, tucked under the shell’s edge. Another distinguishing feature among most of them is the presence of a mesoplastron, a piece of bone embedded in their plastron or bottom shell. Furthermore, their pelvic girdle is fused to the plastron.

Tracing back their lineage, Pleurodires are nothing short of ancient, first appearing on Earth during the late Triassic Period around 220 million years ago. Modern side necks are mainly found in the Southern Hemisphere, in regions including Africa, Madagascar, Australia, and South America. Some even inhabit a handful of islands in the Indian Ocean. Their habitats range from fully aquatic to semi-aquatic ecosystems. Notably, during the Paleogene and Neogene periods, a specific group of these turtles dwelled in marine and estuarine environments located in the Northern Hemisphere.
A Sideneck turtle swimming

Dietarily diverse, Pleurodires majorly lean towards omnivorous tendencies. Yet, it’s not uncommon to find herbivorous or carnivorous members within the over 70 species of side necks. They also exhibit a broad spectrum of shell dimensions. For instance, the tiny African dwarf mud turtle, or Pelusios nanus, has a shell measuring around 12 cm (about 5 inches). In stark contrast, the massive giant South American river turtle, known as the Arrau (Podocnemis expansa), boasts a shell exceeding 90 cm (around 35 inches) in length.

Choosing and Buying Sideneck Turtles

Budget and Availability

When considering adopting a side-neck turtle, it’s crucial to plan a budget that includes both the initial cost and the long-term expenses associated with their care. On average, these turtles are priced between $50 and $100. This price is influenced by factors like the turtle’s age, size, and overall health.

The side-neck turtle is a popular choice among turtle enthusiasts, making them readily available in various pet stores across the country. However, for those who prefer a wider selection or are looking for specific characteristics, online marketplaces offer an array of options. The internet brings breeders and sellers from various locales within easy reach.

Reputable Breeders

For potential owners who prioritize the health and well-being of their future pets, sourcing from reputable breeders is paramount. These breeders ensure the turtles have been raised in hygienic, spacious, and enriching environments, which contributes to their overall health and vitality. Moreover, renowned breeders provide a wealth of …read more
Read more here: Turtle Times

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   Aug 14

Wood Turtles

By Turtle

Wood turtle climbing on a stone in the river

Wood Turtles Unveiled: Care Tips, Habitat, and More

Have you ever heard of the majestic Wood Turtle? These intriguing creatures are a species of semi-aquatic turtles found in the United States and Canada.

Wood Turtles are both fascinating and beautiful to observe in their natural habitat. Whether you want to add one to your home or learn more about these incredible animals, we will cover everything you need to know. From how to care for them to their habitat and diet, you’ll be a Wood Turtle expert in no time!

So, let’s dive into the beautiful world of Wood Turtles.

Where They Originate From

Wood Turtles are native to the United States and Canada, specifically the northeastern parts of North America. They can be found in various habitats, from forests and wetlands to rivers and streams. These turtles have a unique ability to adapt to different environments, allowing them to thrive in diverse regions.

Originating from these beautiful landscapes, Wood Turtles have developed a strong sense of adventure. They enjoy exploring their surroundings and soaking up the sunshine, all while charming onlookers with their charismatic presence. Whether traversing through lush forests or gracefully gliding through the water, Wood Turtles bring a touch of wonder to the world around them.

So, next time you encounter a Wood Turtle, take a moment to appreciate their origin and the remarkable journey that brought them to your neck of the woods. It’s a story of resilience, adaptation, and the sheer beauty of nature.

Choosing and Buying

So, you’ve decided you want to bring home a Wood Turtle? Well, get ready for a new and exciting adventure! Before you rush off to buy one, here are a few things to consider:

Turtle Time:

Wood Turtles have a long lifespan, so be prepared for a long-term commitment. They can live up to 58 years, so ensure you’re ready for a lifelong friend.

Tank or Not Tank:

Wood Turtles need space to roam and explore. A spacious outdoor enclosure with both land and water areas is ideal. Just think, your turtle will have its mini paradise!

Diet Dos:

These turtles are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and meat. From leafy greens and fruits to worms and insects, Wood Turtles have quite the palate. Just provide a balanced diet to keep them healthy and happy.

Choosing and buying a Wood Turtle is a big responsibility, but the joy and wonder they bring to your life is worth it.

How To Care For Them

Now that you have your Wood Turtle, it’s time to learn how to care for these charming creatures. Don’t worry. It’s more complicated than it may seem. Here are some simple tips to keep your Wood Turtle happy and healthy:


Your Wood Turtle needs a spacious enclosure with both land and water areas. Think of it as their private resort! Ensure to provide hiding spots and plenty of vegetation for them to explore.

Temperature Control:

Wood Turtles are sensitive to temperature, so maintain a warm and cozy environment. A basking area with a heat lamp and a water heater will do the trick. They’ll …read more
Read more here: Turtle Times

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   Aug 14

Terrapin Turtles

By Turtle

Small Terrapin Turtle crawling in the sand

Terrapin Turtles: The Ultimate Guide to This Remarkable Creature

Terrapin turtles are fascinating creatures that live both on land and in water. They have a hard shell called a carapace, which protects them from predators. These cute little turtles can be found in various parts of the world, including North America, Europe, and Asia.

Terrapin turtles are known for their unique ability to retract their heads and legs inside their shells when they feel threatened. It’s like they have their built-in hiding spot! Imagine if we humans could do that, too. We would never have to worry about being caught doing something silly!

These turtles have webbed feet, which make them excellent swimmers. They can glide gracefully through the water, almost like they’re doing a synchronized swimming routine! If there was an Olympic event for turtle swimming, I’m sure the terrapin turtles would win gold every time.

Let’s take a closer look!

Where They Originate From

Terrapin turtles originate from various parts of the world, including North America, Europe, and Asia. These fantastic creatures have managed to spread their charm across continents!

They can be found in marshes, ponds, rivers, and coastal areas. Imagine a terrapin turtle taking a vacation by the beach, soaking up the sun with its webbed feet.

These turtles have become skilled travelers, adapting to different environments with ease. Whether it’s the wetlands of North America or the rivers of Asia, terrapin turtles have made their mark everywhere they go.

So, next time you encounter one of these adorable turtles, remember their well-traveled journey!

Choosing and Buying

When choosing and buying a terrapin turtle, there are a few things you need to consider. These little creatures may be adorable but require special care and attention. So, before you rush off to the pet store, here are some tips to help you make the right decision:


Start by doing your homework. Learn about the different types of terrapin turtles and their specific needs. Some require more space, while others thrive in smaller tanks. Knowing what you’re getting into will ensure you can provide the best possible care.

Find a Reputable Breeder or Pet Store:

Look for a breeder or pet store that specializes in turtles. You want to ensure you’re getting a healthy turtle from a reliable source. Ask for recommendations or read reviews online.

Observe the Turtle:

When you visit the breeder or pet store, observe the turtles. Look for signs of good health, such as bright eyes, a smooth shell, and active behavior. Avoid turtles that appear lethargic or have visible injuries.

Consider the Setup:

Terrapin turtles need a proper habitat to thrive. Ensure you have the necessary equipment, such as a tank with a basking area, UVB lighting, and a filtration system. Creating a comfortable and safe environment for your new turtle is essential.

Ask Questions:

Don’t be afraid to ask the breeder or store staff any questions. They should be knowledgeable and willing to guide you on turtle care. If they can’t answer your questions or seem uninterested, it’s best to look elsewhere.

How To Care For Them …read more
Read more here: Turtle Times

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   Aug 14

Terrapin Turtle

By Turtle

Small Terrapin Turtle crawling in the sand

Terrapin Turtle: The Ultimate Guide to This Remarkable Creature

Terrapin turtles are fascinating creatures that live both on land and in water. They have a hard shell called a carapace, which protects them from predators. These cute little turtles can be found in various parts of the world, including North America, Europe, and Asia.

Terrapin turtles are known for their unique ability to retract their heads and legs inside their shells when they feel threatened. It’s like they have their built-in hiding spot! Imagine if we humans could do that, too. We would never have to worry about being caught doing something silly!

These turtles have webbed feet, which make them excellent swimmers. They can glide gracefully through the water, almost like they’re doing a synchronized swimming routine! If there was an Olympic event for turtle swimming, I’m sure the terrapin turtles would win gold every time.

Let’s take a closer look!

Where They Originate From

Terrapin turtles originate from various parts of the world, including North America, Europe, and Asia. These fantastic creatures have managed to spread their charm across continents!

They can be found in marshes, ponds, rivers, and coastal areas. Imagine a terrapin turtle taking a vacation by the beach, soaking up the sun with its webbed feet.

These turtles have become skilled travelers, adapting to different environments with ease. Whether it’s the wetlands of North America or the rivers of Asia, terrapin turtles have made their mark everywhere they go.

So, next time you encounter one of these adorable turtles, remember their well-traveled journey!

Choosing and Buying

When choosing and buying a terrapin turtle, there are a few things you need to consider. These little creatures may be adorable but require special care and attention. So, before you rush off to the pet store, here are some tips to help you make the right decision:


Start by doing your homework. Learn about the different types of terrapin turtles and their specific needs. Some require more space, while others thrive in smaller tanks. Knowing what you’re getting into will ensure you can provide the best possible care.

Find a Reputable Breeder or Pet Store:

Look for a breeder or pet store that specializes in turtles. You want to ensure you’re getting a healthy turtle from a reliable source. Ask for recommendations or read reviews online.

Observe the Turtle:

When you visit the breeder or pet store, observe the turtles. Look for signs of good health, such as bright eyes, a smooth shell, and active behavior. Avoid turtles that appear lethargic or have visible injuries.

Consider the Setup:

Terrapin turtles need a proper habitat to thrive. Ensure you have the necessary equipment, such as a tank with a basking area, UVB lighting, and a filtration system. Creating a comfortable and safe environment for your new turtle is essential.

Ask Questions:

Don’t be afraid to ask the breeder or store staff any questions. They should be knowledgeable and willing to guide you on turtle care. If they can’t answer your questions or seem uninterested, it’s best to look elsewhere.

How To Care For Them

When …read more
Read more here: Turtle Times

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   Aug 14

Snapping Turtles

By Turtle

A female common snapping turtle

Meet the Aggressive Yet Fascinating Creature!

Prepare to encounter the captivating world of the snapping turtles – a creature that embodies both aggression and fascination. With its powerful jaws and tenacious nature, the snapping turtle has earned a reputation as one of the most formidable reptiles in the animal kingdom.

Meet Chelydra serpentina, the scientific name for this intriguing species. From its rugged appearance to its impressive size, the snapping turtle commands attention and piques curiosity.

We will uncover the captivating traits of the snapping turtle, from its physical characteristics and preferred habitats to its aggressive behavior and unique adaptations.

Let’s take a closer look!

Where They Originate From

The snapping turtle can be found in various habitats across North America. From the freshwater lakes and rivers of Canada to the swamps and marshes of the southern United States, these resilient creatures have adapted to various environments.

But don’t be surprised if you stumble upon a snapping turtle in your backyard! These crafty reptiles have a knack for making themselves at home and can even be found in urban areas. So, next time you go for a walk, keep an eye out for this intriguing creature.

No matter where they originate from, snapping turtles are genuinely one-of-a-kind. Let’s continue our journey and delve deeper into their captivating world!

Choosing and Buying

So, you’ve decided to dive into the world of snapping turtles? Well, get ready for an adventure! But before you bring one home, you should consider a few things.

Size Matters:

Snapping turtles can grow quite large, with some reaching up to 18 inches in shell length. Make sure you have enough space to accommodate their needs.

Tank Talk:

Snapping turtles need a spacious tank with plenty of water to swim and explore. A tank size of at least 75 gallons is recommended. Remember to provide a basking area too!

Feeding Frenzy:

These turtles have quite an appetite and will eat just about anything in their mouths. Their diet is diverse, from fish and insects to plants and even small mammals. But be prepared for some exciting smells in your home!

Be Prepared:

Snapping turtles have powerful jaws and can be pretty aggressive. Make sure you handle them with care and always wash your hands afterward. You want to avoid becoming their next snack!

Remember, owning a snapping turtle is a commitment but can also be a rewarding and fascinating experience.

How To Care For Them

So, you’ve decided to bring home a snapping turtle? Get ready for a wild ride! These fascinating creatures require proper care and attention to thrive. Here are some tips to help you become the best snapping turtle owner ever:

Create a Snappy Habitat:

Set up a spacious tank with clean, dechlorinated water. Add a basking area, complete with a heat lamp and UVB light. Your turtle will love sunning itself!

Feed Like a Pro:

Snapping turtles have an appetite for anything they can get their jaws on. Offer a variety of foods, including live prey, fruits, vegetables, and commercial turtle pellets. Be prepared for some exciting smells in your kitchen!

Stay Clean and Hydrated:

Snapping …read more
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   Aug 14

Snapping Turtle

By Turtle

A female common snapping turtle

Meet the Aggressive Yet Fascinating Creature!

Prepare to encounter the captivating world of the snapping turtle – a creature that embodies both aggression and fascination. With its powerful jaws and tenacious nature, the snapping turtle has earned a reputation as one of the most formidable reptiles in the animal kingdom.

Meet Chelydra serpentina, the scientific name for this intriguing species. From its rugged appearance to its impressive size, the snapping turtle commands attention and piques curiosity.

We will uncover the captivating traits of the snapping turtle, from its physical characteristics and preferred habitats to its aggressive behavior and unique adaptations.

Let’s take a closer look!

Where They Originate From

The snapping turtle can be found in various habitats across North America. From the freshwater lakes and rivers of Canada to the swamps and marshes of the southern United States, these resilient creatures have adapted to various environments.

But don’t be surprised if you stumble upon a snapping turtle in your backyard! These crafty reptiles have a knack for making themselves at home and can even be found in urban areas. So, next time you go for a walk, keep an eye out for this intriguing creature.

No matter where they originate from, snapping turtles are genuinely one-of-a-kind. Let’s continue our journey and delve deeper into their captivating world!

Choosing and Buying

So, you’ve decided to dive into the world of snapping turtles? Well, get ready for an adventure! But before you bring one home, you should consider a few things.

Size Matters:

Snapping turtles can grow quite large, with some reaching up to 18 inches in shell length. Make sure you have enough space to accommodate their needs.

Tank Talk:

Snapping turtles need a spacious tank with plenty of water to swim and explore. A tank size of at least 75 gallons is recommended. Remember to provide a basking area too!

Feeding Frenzy:

These turtles have quite an appetite and will eat just about anything in their mouths. Their diet is diverse, from fish and insects to plants and even small mammals. But be prepared for some exciting smells in your home!

Be Prepared:

Snapping turtles have powerful jaws and can be pretty aggressive. Make sure you handle them with care and always wash your hands afterward. You want to avoid becoming their next snack!

Remember, owning a snapping turtle is a commitment but can also be a rewarding and fascinating experience.

How To Care For Them

So, you’ve decided to bring home a snapping turtle? Get ready for a wild ride! These fascinating creatures require proper care and attention to thrive. Here are some tips to help you become the best snapping turtle owner ever:

Create a Snappy Habitat:

Set up a spacious tank with clean, dechlorinated water. Add a basking area, complete with a heat lamp and UVB light. Your turtle will love sunning itself!

Feed Like a Pro:

Snapping turtles have an appetite for anything they can get their jaws on. Offer a variety of foods, including live prey, fruits, vegetables, and commercial turtle pellets. Be prepared for some exciting smells in your kitchen!

Stay Clean and Hydrated:

Snapping …read more
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   Aug 14

UVB Light In Turtle Tanks

By Turtle Times

Turtle swimming inside the aquarium

Ok, this one gets talked to death, but we still don’t have a consensus. So let’s discuss it here under its heading. Here is some factual information about the light spectrum.

Light is generally considered an electromagnetic wave.
Wavelength is measured in Nanometers (1/1000000000 meter)
IR is 700nm – 1500nm
Visible light is 400nm – 700nm
UVA is 320nm – 400nm
UVB is 286nm – 320nm
UVC is 200nm – 286nm
VUV is 100nm – 200nm (vacuum UV)

Window glass through at least 50 websites I reviewed tonight, ranging from hobbyist, manufacturers to collegiate physics presentations on the web all agree that there isn’t a significant amount of UVB light passed through. The problem with this statement is that the majority of sights just take this as common knowledge and move on. A few sites refer to the state of the energy. I will give a quick explanation

Light hits a “transparent” object, and if the energy level of the light matches it doesn’t pass through. Glass lets through the light that is above 350nm in general. This is to say that a lot of the light is absorbed or reflected, but what I can’t find is how much is absorbed and reflected.

At this point, it requires a major study of the chemical makeup of glass and the intensity of the light and a bunch of heavy math that I am not capable of doing at this time.

What I have discovered through Melissa Kaplan’s fine site is a couple of charts that give us a breakdown of natural sunlight and things it passes through
A single pane window should transmit about 5% UVB, modern double pained windows will allow about half that, if they’re tinted even less. If the light goes through a screen or a tank wall cut even more. So with a single pane window with access to direct sunlight for part of the day, you get the same output as a Reptisun 5.0 bulb at 12 inches away.

Now onto some theories…

Barb Reader has had Timmy the Cooter for nearly 43 years. He started as a dimestore turtle. For the majority of Timmy’s life, he has had just a window light. From Barb’s story, it took Timmy several years to reach adult size.

I have had Uzumaki the Cooter for 8 months. He has had a Reptisun 5.0 bulb on for 14 hours a day, and he usually sits about 5 inches away. My turtle started at 1.75 inches and is now 4.5 inches. At his current rate of growth, he will be a full-grown adult this time next year.

My theory is that turtles grow a lot faster when subjected to longer and more regular UVB exposure. The amount of UVB given off by the light and the assumption that the window was single paned is close, just the actual amount of time the turtle is exposed differs.

So is this form of accelerated growth good? normal?
Does anybody have a turtle before these new crops of lights came out …read more
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   Aug 14

Mud Turtles

By Turtle

Black and yellow Mud turtle

Marvelous Mud Turtles: Exploring the Life of Aquatic Wonders

Diving into muddy waters, a small and enigmatic creature reigns supreme – the Mud Turtle. Hailing from wetland wonderlands, these diminutive turtles hold the key to a captivating world hidden beneath the surface.

With their rugged shells and unassuming demeanor, Mud Turtles might seem like unexplored treasures waiting to reveal their secrets. Imagine a world where ancient meets modern, as these aquatic wonders navigate ecosystems that have stood the test of time.

Mud Turtles gracefully glide through their muddy realms in this aquatic ballet of life, showcasing adaptations that have evolved over eons. Their unpretentious presence serves as a reminder that even in the murkiest of environments, intricate beauty thrives.

Join us as we embark on an expedition to uncover the mystique of Mud Turtles. from their remarkable survival strategies to their role in maintaining the delicate balance of wetland ecosystems.

Let’s dig into the captivating saga of Mud Turtles and unearth the stories that lie beneath the mud.

Where They Originate From

Mud turtles are native to North America, particularly the eastern and central regions. These little aquatic wonders can be found in freshwater habitats such as ponds, swamps, and slow-moving streams.

They have adapted to various environments, from dense forests to open meadows. It’s fascinating how these mud-loving creatures can thrive in such diverse settings! They are excellent diggers who burrow into the soft mud to find food or hide from predators.

Mud turtles are like the superheroes of the wetlands, with their ability to live and flourish in muddy habitats that others might find inhospitable. It’s truly remarkable!

Choosing and Buying

So, you’ve decided that a mud turtle is your perfect pet. Great choice! But now comes the fun part – choosing and buying your new aquatic buddy. Here are a few things to consider:

Research, Research, Research:

Before buying a mud turtle, know what you’re getting into. Learn about their habitat requirements, dietary needs, and lifespan. Knowledge is power!

Find a Reputable Breeder or Pet Store:

It’s essential to buy your mud turtle from a trusted source. Look for breeders or stores with a good reputation for providing healthy turtles and proper care information.

Check for Signs of a Healthy Turtle:

When choosing your mud turtle, look for bright, clear eyes, a smooth, intact shell, and active movement. Avoid turtles that show any signs of illness or injury.

Don’t Forget the Essentials:

Along with your mud turtle, you’ll need a suitable habitat, heating and lighting equipment, and good-quality turtle food. It’s better to be prepared and have everything ready before bringing your turtle home.

Buying a pet is a big responsibility, so take your time and choose wisely. Your mud turtle will be an excellent addition to your life. Ensure you’re ready to provide them with a happy and healthy home!

How To Care For Them

Taking care of your mud turtle is as crucial as choosing the suitable superhero cape for them! Here are some essential tips to ensure your little aquatic wonder stays happy and healthy:

Provide a Spacious Habitat:

Mud turtles need plenty of room to …read more
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   Aug 14

Spotted Turtle

By Turtle

Spotted Turtle crawling on the grass

Spotted Turtle

The Spotted Turtle, scientifically termed Clemmys guttata, holds the distinction of being one of the tiniest semi-aquatic turtles favored by enthusiasts to keep as pets. Spanning from the Eastern and Midwestern stretches of the United States to the southern tips of Canada, these turtles have carved a niche for themselves in the hearts of many.

Often their captivating appearance, moderate size, and adaptability to both indoor and outdoor environments contribute to their popularity. However, a word of caution: considering a “Clemmy” for a pet is a long-term commitment. These turtles are not only high-maintenance but also have a remarkable lifespan. Some members of this species have been known to celebrate their 50th birthday!

Where They Originate From

Spotted turtles aka Clemmys guttata, are also called Small freshwater turtles belonging to the family of Emydidae. These are usually found from southern Canada to the southern and central United States. Their distribution pattern is extensive, ranging from regions like southern Maine, Quebec, and Ontario, down the eastern US corridor to Florida, and stretching to central zones like Indiana and Ohio. Notably, there are isolated populations in places like central Illinois, Georgia, North and South Carolina, and even Indiana.

Their preferred habitats are swamps, marshes, woodland streams, and wet meadows. They’re also known to inhabit brackish water streams influenced by tidal movements and even vernal pools and sedge meadows. Their favorite spots typically include areas with soft mud, water lilies, moss, and cattails.

Choosing and Buying

While the appeal of the Spotted Turtle is undeniable, it’s worth noting that they’re rare, and unfortunately, some populations are extinct. Their rarity, combined with their unique aesthetics, often pegs their price higher than that of common turtles. On average, a hatchling may set you back by $99, while young and mature turtles can cost anywhere from $300 to over $1000.

If you’re set on getting one, research is crucial. Always opt for a credible breeder or a reputable rescue organization. Any Spotted Turtle you bring home must be captive-bred, ensuring that the wild populations remain undisturbed. By opting for a specialist breeder who is both passionate and knowledgeable, the chances of you getting a healthily raised turtle are significantly higher.

There are also dedicated rescue organizations that seek loving homes for turtles in distress. Platforms like can be instrumental in linking you with a turtle awaiting adoption in your vicinity.

Lastly, it’s essential to be aware of regional regulations. For instance, in some US regions, the sale of turtles with a shell size of less than 4 inches is prohibited. This makes acquiring a hatchling Spotted Turtle from most breeders a tad bit challenging.

How To Care For Them


The Spotted Turtle, native to North America, can either grace your indoors or decorate your backyard. However, they show a marked inclination towards flourishing outdoors, especially when they come of age.

An imperative point to remember is that these turtles aren’t ace swimmers. Ensuring they aren’t surrounded by deep waters is crucial; we wouldn’t want our little friends to tire out or …read more
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   Aug 14

Box Turtles

By Turtle

Box turtle crawling on the ground

Box turtles, often called box tortoises, are special turtles mainly found in the US and Mexico. They’re an important part of North America’s wildlife and have been known and loved for a long time.

Primary Species

Going into the world of box turtles, we find that there are primarily four species that have been recognized in this genus. These are:

The Common box turtle: As the name suggests, this turtle is the most frequently encountered species among its peers.

Coahuilan box turtle: Native to the deserts, this species exhibits certain distinct features and behaviors that set it apart.

Spotted box turtle: Distinguished by its unique patterns, the spotted box turtle is an exquisite sight in the wild.

Ornate box turtle: Adorned with intricate patterns, the ornate box turtle is truly a testament to nature’s artistry.

A standout characteristic of the box turtle, which is often a source of fascination for observers, is its domed shell. But it’s not just the shape that captures attention; the lower section of its shell possesses a special hinge. This remarkable adaptation allows the turtle to pull its body in and shut its shell almost completely, much like closing a box. This tight closure serves as an effective defense mechanism, protecting the vulnerable turtle from would-be predators and environmental threats.

Where They Originate From

The roots of the box turtle are deeply entrenched in the landscapes of North America. Specifically, these turtles have evolved and thrived across various regions of the United States and Mexico. Their habitats vary widely, from lush forests to arid deserts, showcasing their adaptability and resilience. The rich history and distribution of box turtles in these regions suggest that they have been a longstanding part of North America’s ecological fabric. This origin story not only speaks to their survival prowess but also underlines the importance of preserving their habitats for future generations to appreciate and study.

Choosing and Buying

Box turtles, with their unique appearance and captivating behaviors, are frequently sought after as pets. However, their dwindling populations worldwide have raised significant concerns. With a considerable decline in their numbers, many states have taken the initiative to implement laws that restrict individuals from keeping wild box turtles in their homes. Opting for a captive-bred box turtle from a credible breeder or rescue organization should be a priority for several reasons:

Conservation: By choosing a captive-bred turtle, you contribute to the conservation efforts by not putting further strain on the wild populations.

Knowledge: Acquiring a turtle from a reputable source ensures that you have access to detailed information about its lineage, past care, and any pre-existing health conditions. This understanding can prove invaluable in offering your pet the best care possible.

Adaptability: Wild-caught turtles are often not adept at adjusting to a domesticated environment. The resultant stress can be fatal, leading to a shortened lifespan and multiple health complications.

Look out for any unusual bumps, redness on the shell, or nasal/mouth mucus. Cloudy eyes could be indicative of potential health problems. A sturdy shell without any swelling is a good sign. Additionally, it’s advisable to refrain from adopting a turtle during fall …read more
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   Aug 14

Musk Turtles

By Turtle

A musk turtle crawling on the ground

A Closer Look at Musk Turtles: Small Wonders of Aquatic Realms

Beneath the gentle ripples of aquatic realms, a tiny wonder roams – the Musk Turtle.

Musk Turtles are nature’s aquatic artisans with a shell that tells tales of ancient waters and a demeanor as peaceful as a tranquil pond. Their mystique beckons us to dive into their world – where serenity meets survival, and the secrets of watery landscapes are cradled in their delicate movements.

Join us as we dip into the waters of discovery, uncovering the captivating story of the Musk Turtle in all its aquatic splendor.

Where They Originate From

Musk Turtles are not just any ordinary creatures. They come from some pretty exciting places! These small wonders of the aquatic world have a fascinating origin story.

They can be found in the freshwater habitats of North America, from the eastern United States up to Canada. It’s like they’ve claimed the entire neighborhood as their own! Musk Turtles love to explore everything from calm ponds to lazy rivers.

They even have a talent for finding hidden hideouts, like fallen logs or underwater vegetation. It’s like they have their secret hideaway club!

So, if you ever find yourself in their neck of the woods, keep an eye out for these little adventurers. You never know where they might pop up next!

Choosing and Buying

So you’ve decided to bring a Musk Turtle into your life, huh? Well, buckle up and get ready for some awesome turtle-y turtles adventures! Here are a few things to consider when choosing and buying your very own Musk Turtle:

Tank Size:

Musk Turtles like their space, just like us. Ensure they get a tank big enough to swim around and explore. Remember, they love their aquatic playgrounds!

Habitat Setup:

Create a cozy and inviting home for your Musk Turtle by adding rocks, plants, and even a little hiding spot. It’s like designing a tiny turtle oasis! But hey, stay moderate with the interior design – we don’t want the turtles to think they’re in a luxury hotel!

Feeding Time:

These little guys have a big appetite! Treat them to a menu with turtle-friendly food like insects, fish, and yummy veggies. Don’t be surprised if they start doing a little turtle dance during mealtime!

The Adventure Begins:

Now that everything is set up, bringing your Musk Turtle home is time. Just be warned, they might be a little shy at first. But with some patience and love, you’ll soon have a new scaly sidekick ready to take on the world with you!

How To Care For Them

Taking care of Musk turtles is easier than it may seem. With the proper knowledge and effort, you can provide a happy and healthy life for these small wonders of aquatic realms.

Here are some tips to help you care for them:

Create a Suitable Habitat:

Musk turtles need a spacious tank with clean water, a basking area, and appropriate lighting and heating.

Feed Them a Balanced Diet:

Offer a variety of foods, including commercial turtle pellets, live or frozen insects, and leafy greens.

Keep the Water Clean:

Regularly clean and maintain …read more
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   Aug 14

Cooter Turtles

By Turtle

Baby River Cooters

Getting to Know Cooter Turtles: A Beginner’s Guide

Cooter turtles, scientifically known as Pseudemys, are popular among beginner turtle enthusiasts. These aquatic reptiles are native to North America and are commonly found in freshwater habitats such as ponds, lakes, and slow-moving rivers.

Cooter turtles are well-loved for their friendly and docile nature, making them ideal pets for children and adults. Their distinctive features include a smooth, olive-colored shell with yellow markings and a streamlined body that allows them to glide through the water effortlessly.

This beginner’s guide will explore the fascinating world of cooter turtles, including their habitat requirements, diet, behavior, and general care tips. Let’s dive in!

Where They Originate From

Cooter turtles, also known as Pseudemys, originate from the beautiful freshwater habitats of North America.

These charming creatures can be found lounging in ponds, lakes, and slow-moving rivers, soaking up the sun and enjoying the serene waters. It’s like they have their little turtle paradise!

Just imagine these little fellas basking in the warmth of the sun, surrounded by lush greenery and tranquility. They have the perfect setup for relaxation and leisure. No wonder they’re such calm and friendly pets!

So, next time you see a cooter turtle swimming gracefully through the water, take a moment to appreciate where they come from – the picturesque landscapes of North America. It’s a turtle’s dream come true!

Choosing and Buying

Ready to bring a cooter turtle into your home? Here’s what you need to know about choosing and buying your new scaly friend:

Turtle Shopping:

Check out local pet stores or reptile expos when looking for a cooter turtle. You might even find them available online. Just remember to do your research and make sure the seller is reputable.

The Perfect Shell:

Look for a turtle with a smooth and undamaged shell. Avoid turtles with any signs of injury or discoloration. You want your cooter to be in top shell shape!

Personality Matters:

Spend some time observing the turtles and see which one catches your eye. Look for one that seems friendly and active. You don’t want a turtle that’s a total shellfish!

Tank or Not to Tank:

Decide whether you want to keep your cooter in a tank or a pond. Turtles need plenty of space to swim and explore, so ensure you have the right setup.

Don’t Forget the Accessories:

Don’t forget to get all the necessary accessories for your new pet. A heat lamp, a UVB light, a basking dock, and a water filter are all essentials. Let’s make sure your cooter feels like a pampered turtle superstar!

The Big Reveal:Cooter turtle

Once you’ve chosen the perfect cooter turtle and gathered all the necessary supplies, it’s time for the big reveal! Introduce your new buddy to their new home, and get ready for a shell of a good time!

Bringing home a cooter turtle is a long-term commitment, so ensure you’re ready for the adventure. But trust me, with their charming personalities and funny antics, these little reptiles will have you shell-berating every day!

How To Care …read more
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   Aug 11

Herp Photo of the Day: Happy Rattlesnake Friday!

Happy Rattlesnake Friday! This Crotalus tigris, found and photographed in AZ, is keeping her eye on you in our herp photo of the day, uploaded by user kevinjudd ! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

Upload your own reptile and amphibian photos photos at, and you could see them featured here! …read more
Read more here: King Snake

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   Aug 10

Herp Photo of the Day: Alligator

May this wild Alligator on the Peace River in Florida in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user JonathanH bring you a peaceful monday. Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

Upload your own reptile and amphibian photos at, and you could see them featured here! …read more
Read more here: King Snake

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   Aug 09

Herp Photo of the Day: Chuckwalla

How cute is this pair of baby Chuckwallas in our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user dvl?! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

Upload your own reptile and amphibian photos photos at, and you could see them featured here! …read more
Read more here: King Snake

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   Aug 08

Herp Photo of the Day: Garter Snake

As you can see from our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user TomDickinson, garter snakes come in an amazing variety of colors! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

Upload your own reptile and amphibian photos photos at, and you could see them featured here! …read more
Read more here: King Snake

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   Aug 07

Herp Photo of the Day: Turtle

The cutest of our angry creatures, this great field shot of a Snapping Turtle takes the spotlight our Herp Photo of the day, uploaded by user anuraanman ! Be sure to tell them you liked it here!

Upload your own reptile and amphibian photos photos at, and you could see them featured here! …read more
Read more here: King Snake

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