This year will be a defining year for British reptile keepers.
This year the UK will see the publication of the list of species to be banned from private ownership under the EU Invasive Alien Species Regulations. This is a defining moment in history. Never before has the UK banned the private ownership of any animal. The number of species affected is initially likely to very small, but there will be the inevitably push from the “antis” have more and more species added.
The EU is also the source of a debate to implement a positive list of approved reptile species. Keepers in Belgium and the Netherlands are very much at the forefront of this insidious push by the antis to ban keeping of non-approved species. There’s nothing positive about a positive list.
2015 will also finally answer a argument that has been raging for more than 20 years – are UK reptile shows are legal or not. The question will finally be answered this year by the British High Court.
Despite these threats, our hobby continues to grow. 2014 saw more reptiles and amphibians kept in the UK than ever before. There was also an increase in the number of pet shops licensed to sell reptiles, and this growth is set to continue and 2015. Although business has been tough, we’re bucking the trend of many other sectors. Growth was strongest in the frozen food sector (rodents) with an increase of about 11 percent, and live foods by about 7 percent.
A belated happy New Year to everyone and I hope it is a prosperous time for everyone.
Photo: 1999 International Herp Society Fall Expo, Walsall, U.K. – courtesy Jeff Barringer
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