In 2014, West Virginia enacted a Dangerous Wild Animal (DWA) law that resulted in the proposal of a regulation/rule that would create an absurdly long list of DWAs. For example, the proposed DWA list initially included all turtles and salamanders (except native W. Virg. species).
Months of hard work by reptile, amphibian, and other exotic owners in the state and across the U.S. has resulted in an opportunity to overturn West Virginia’s DWA Act. On the third day of the 2015 legislation session, four senators submitted SB 247 to repeal the DWA Act. One of these senators had voted in favor of the DWA law in 2014. In a single sentence, SB 247 will remove every single word of the DWA Act as if it never existed. That will be a turning point for state legislation.
USARK and its associated chapter in W. Virg. have been coordinating efforts to fight against the state’s DWA law and proposed rule for approximately 10 months.
The opportunity to create a clear turning point in anti-reptile legislation is within reach. With their hundreds of millions of dollars, anti-pet groups like HSUS and PETA will certainly continue to campaign against your ownership of pet reptiles and amphibians. It is what they do. It is an integral part of their business model.
The repeal of the DWA law in W. Virg. would set a precedent that would be very influential in our continued battles against our extremist animal rights adversaries. This is an opportunity for the reptile nation to make a big statement. The question is whether the reptile and amphibian owners in W. Virg. and across the U.S. will capitalize on this opportunity by actively engaging in the legislative process.
How to help
If you are a W. Virg. resident, you should sign up to help repeal the DWA Act by sending your contact information to USARK will be posting action alerts for everyone to help with repealing the Act, as well as responding to proposed legislation and regulations across the country.
The first step for W. Virg. residents is to identify your senatorial district and your two senators. Please immediately call your senators and email them asking them to cosponsor SB 247. It would be helpful to add a note about how this law has upset your life.
Also, please ask at least two of your exotic animal friends in W. Virg. to do the same thing, and for them to ask two more people (and so on), so we create a pyramid and each of the state’s 34 senators is contacted multiple times by a constituent to sponsor SB 247. …read more
Read more here: King Snake