
see reptiles diffenetly

   Apr 15

The uncommon blue striped garter snake

Typically, when people think about the garter snakes, the first member of the genus they think of is the eastern garter snake, Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis.

This member of the Thamnophis genus is quite common and has a broad range here in North America with many color phases. They can be found in just about any habitat that has a water source where there typical prey of frogs, toads, and other amphibians can be found, and are often found in backyards, gardens, city parks, and other suburban areas.

However, there is another subspecies of garter snake, the blue striped garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis similis) that is far less common, has a much smaller range and in my opinion is a very beautiful snake. The blue striped garter snake, as its name implies, is a dark colored snake, almost black, with a distinct blue stripe on both sides of its body and sometimes a faint blue dorsal stripe.

This subspecies lives in coastal regions of the eastern Florida panhandle and down trough the Big Bend down the Gulf Coast. It is often found in marshes and even in salt marsh habitat where its principle prey is also small amphibians like frogs, toads, tree frogs, and even aquatic salamanders.

We recently discovered a large female blue striped garter snake while hiking a trail in North Florida. They are are a very beautiful species to see in person. This one was basically black with neon blue stripes. She had been basking in the open when we spotted her so she was fast and alert and was not easy to collect for photographs, but after a few minutes of chasing her through vine tangles, briars, a saw palmetto, and even a couple of cactus, we were able to secure her for a few photographs.

She showed her displeasure by repeatedly biting my herping partner and smearing him with an extremely pungent musk. It was all worth it, of course, to be able to get pictures of such an incredibly beautiful and not so common garter snake! …read more
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   Apr 15

Antivenom made from opossums may reduce cost of treating snake bites

Some costly antivenoms may soon be replaced by opossum blood.

From Chemistry World:

But treatments are costly and inaccessible for many people. Most antivenoms are made by injecting dilute venom into a mammal, such as a horse or rabbit. This results in an immune response, and the animal’s serum is then processed so that it can be injected into snakebite victims to scavenge toxic molecules in their blood. Such treatments typically cost $100-150 (£60-100) per dose, a prohibitive price for many people in developing countries.

But a team led by Claire Komives from San Jose State University has identified a protein from the blood of opossums – animals known for their ability to survive snake bites – that can be produced in large quantities by engineered bacteria, and shows promise as an antivenom.

In studies carried out on venom-exposed mice, those that were given just the venom died within 12 hours, while those that received the same amount of venom but were treated with the opossum peptide exhibited no ill effects. ‘Basically, the venom was completely neutralised,’ explains Komives, who was speaking at the 249th ACS National Meeting & Exposition in Denver, US. The peptide could protect the mice from the venoms of western diamondback rattlesnakes and Russell’s vipers.

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   Apr 15

Antivenom made from opposums may reduce cost of treating snake bites

Some costly antivenoms may soon be replaced by opossum blood.

From Chemistry World:

But treatments are costly and inaccessible for many people. Most antivenoms are made by injecting dilute venom into a mammal, such as a horse or rabbit. This results in an immune response, and the animal’s serum is then processed so that it can be injected into snakebite victims to scavenge toxic molecules in their blood. Such treatments typically cost $100-150 (£60-100) per dose, a prohibitive price for many people in developing countries.

But a team led by Claire Komives from San Jose State University has identified a protein from the blood of opossums – animals known for their ability to survive snake bites – that can be produced in large quantities by engineered bacteria, and shows promise as an antivenom.

In studies carried out on venom-exposed mice, those that were given just the venom died within 12 hours, while those that received the same amount of venom but were treated with the opossum peptide exhibited no ill effects. ‘Basically, the venom was completely neutralised,’ explains Komives, who was speaking at the 249th ACS National Meeting & Exposition in Denver, US. The peptide could protect the mice from the venoms of western diamondback rattlesnakes and Russell’s vipers.

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   Apr 15

Herp Photo of the Day: Sidewinder

Poised and ready to make a sideways retreat this Crotalus cerastes shows us it’s beauty in our herp photo of the day, uploaded by user Ryan-reptilian!

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   Apr 14

World’s second most endangered turtle on road to recovery

By Herp News

60 captive-raised Myanmar roofed turtles—a species once thought extinct—have been released into their native habitat in Myanmar, conservationists report. The Myanmar roofed turtle (Batagur trivittata) was believed extinct until 2001, when two researchers found a single shell from a recently killed turtle at a village along the Dokhtawady River. Subsequently, live individuals were discovered at a wildlife market in China and in the ponds of a pagoda in Mandalay. These turtles formed the nucleus of the captive assurance colony which was established.

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   Apr 14

Darwin the tortoise opens new lab

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A tortoise called Charles Darwin munches his way through a ribbon of rocket lettuce to officially open a new science laboratory at the University of Lincoln.

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   Apr 14

Expedition in the Congo rediscovers lost primate

By Herp News

The last time there was a sighting of Bouvier’s red colobus disco was all the rage, the Internet was non-existent, and Madonna still referred solely to the mother of God. But then the African monkey vanished and conservationists feared it had gone extinct—a victim of the bushmeat trade. For years, research groups called for an expedition to find out if Bouvier’s red colobus still survived.

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   Apr 14

The color shifting whipsnake

The leaf green hatchling rusty whipsnake is persistently arboreal.

There are several snake species in Amazonia that undergo extreme color changes as they progress from hatchling/neonate to adulthood.

The orange to green color changes of two, the two species of emerald tree boa, are well known. However, there is a lesser known species, the rusty whipsnake, Chironius scurrulus (a colubrine) about which you seldom hear, that undergoes color changes as great as, but exactly the opposite of, those of the boas.

This slender snake, adult at over six feet in length, is leaf green and largely arboreal as a hatchling. Predominantly terrestrial (actually a largely river-edge, frog eater that swims well and fast) it is rusty brown as an adult. Between these two color extremes the snake appears more faded, a rather nondescript greenish-gray and then grayish-red.

It is a species that we always enjoy finding on our Amazonian Peru tours.

But enough talk. Meet the rusty whipsnake.
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   Apr 14

Did primate vision develop to detect snakes?

Human and other primates may have evolved keen eyesight to detect dangerous snakes.

From NPR:

In a new paper published in the journal Primates, author William C. McGrew, a former professor of evolutionary primatology at the University of Cambridge, reports a high rate of venomous snake encounters by his team of primatologists seeking to observe unhabituated wild chimpanzees in Mount Assirik, Senegal, West Africa.

McGrew’s snake-encounter analysis in the paper Snakes as hazards: modelling risk by chasing chimpanzees is one test of what’s known as the snake-detection theory of primate origins, a set of hypotheses that suggest we (along with other primates) owe certain features of our evolution to the risks posed by death and injury from snakes.

During the 609 days that make up the core period of the analysis, McGrew and his team encountered a snake in Assirik, on average, once every 4.3 days — totaling 132 snake encounters. During the entire study period of four years, 142 snakes of 14 different species were identified. Of these, 64 percent were venomous: 33 cobras, 27 vipers and 24 rear-fanged snakes.

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   Apr 14

Herp Photo of the Day: Prairie rattlesnake

We continue our week of love for all that rattles with this perfectly poised Crotalus viridis in our herp photo of the day, uploaded by user akcoldbliss!

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   Apr 14

Cat-eating Nile Monitor Lizards creating havoc in Florida

By Herp News

A cat-eating species of monitor lizard, originally from Africa, is creating a havoc in Florida. The state wildlife officials are taking steps to locate and completely eliminate the Nile monitor from the state — particularly along the canals in North Miami — since the creature is posing a danger to the state wildlife. The impact of the five-feet-long, mottle brown, yellow or olive coloured …

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   Apr 13

Rare turtle, thought extinct, reintroduced into wild

By Herp News

Conservationists have brought the Myanmar roofed turtle, the world's second most endangered turtle, back from the brink

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   Apr 13

The common bronzeback tree snake

Recently India has been facing a lot of weather and climatic changes. Sometimes it’s really hot in winter and sometimes it rains in summer. I usually avoid herping during the summers as the climate is very hot and humid, and the forests are dried up to a certain extent.

In my city, it rained many times in March. A group of herpetologist friends and I decided to go herping in some nearby hills. Four of us were all set for herping.

Me and my group of friends have been into rescuing, conservation, and study of snakes for the past five years, and all of them are part of a new generation of Indian reptile hobbyists. So I would like to introduce them: Akshay Parahalkar (Axy), metalhead and a snake rescuer and studying reptiles; Anirudh Rathod, a newcomer who has been doing great work in snake rescuing; Riyaz Khoja, who I mentioned in my previous article, a very good wildlife photographer and snake rescuer who always helps me with his magnificent photographs for my articles.

So coming back to my story, we started herping at 7 AM so we could see some of our reptilian friends basking in the sun. It did not take much time to find one.

Axy and Anirudh were the ones to spot this amazing snake called the common bronzeback tree snake, Dendrelaphis tristis, one of the beautiful tree snakes of India. The common bronzeback is thin and long with flat elongated head and large eyes with round pupils. A brown or bronze stripe runs along top of body from head to tail. The underside is yellowish, bluish-green, or light green.The upper lip scales are light yellow.The size varies from 3.5 ft to 5.5 ft, and is viviparous by nature.

After finding this beauty, Riyaz clicked these beautiful photographs and we continued with our herping.

Photos: Riyaz Khoja …read more
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   Apr 13

The First Five Lizard Wizarding Minutes Of Son Of Nor

By Herp News

In the beginning gods created lizard-man and man. Then lizard-man learned magic, and things pretty much go downhill from there in Son of Nor . Read more…

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   Apr 13

Paleontologist forces smugglers to plead guilty

A Canadian paleontologist identified the remains of several endangered species smuggled from Hong Kong.

From the Calgary Herald:

Don Brinkman, a paleontologist at the Royal Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller, has been studying turtles for three decades and had assisted with previous investigations by Environment Canada.

But this case — which involved combing through a container with 945 turtle plastrons (bottom part of the shell), 2,454 turtle shells, and 52 bags of turtle fragments within 815 cartons, followed by a second container with 224 bags of fragments in 842 cartons — was the biggest Brinkman has ever worked on.

After three days in a Vancouver warehouse sifting through piece after piece, the lone scientist in a room full of officers, Brinkman helped bring the probe to a conclusion by identifying five endangered turtle species and three endangered tortoise species.

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   Apr 13

Herp Photo of the Day: Western diamondback

In celebration of the Texas Rattlesnake Festival, we are kicking our week off with the most iconic of rattlesnakes. Crotalus atrox thanks those this weekend who hopefully prevented rattlesnakes from being tread on in our herp photo of the day, uploaded by user kevinjudd!

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   Apr 13

Reptile and Amphibian Discovery Center opens at Lehigh Valley Zoo

By Herp News

It was a packed house, not just because of the spring-like weather, but also because of a new addition to the Lehigh Valley Zoo. “We have reptiles and amphibians representing the whole world,” General Curator at the Lehigh Valley Zoo, Richard Rosevear said. Those reptiles and amphibians are part of the zoo's new Reptile and Amphibian Discovery Center, also known as the RAD Center. From snakes …

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   Apr 13

Lehigh Valley Zoo unveils reptile, amphibian center

By Herp News

The Lehigh Valley Zoo held a sneak preview Thursday of its new indoor Reptile and Amphibian Discovery Center, which houses more than 50 snakes, lizards, turtles, crocodilians, frogs and salamanders.

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   Apr 13

Lehigh Valley Zoo unveils reptile, amphibian center

By Herp News

The Lehigh Valley Zoo held a sneak preview Thursday of its new indoor Reptile and Amphibian Discovery Center, which houses more than 50 snakes, lizards, turtles, crocodilians, frogs and salamanders.

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   Apr 11

Ocean myth busted: ‘Toddler’ sea turtles are very active swimmers

By Herp News

It turns out sea turtles, even at a tender 6-18 months of age, are very active swimmers. They don’t just passively drift in ocean currents as researchers once thought. Researchers say it’s an important new clue in the sea turtle ‘lost years’ mystery. Where exactly turtles travel in their first years of life, before returning to coastal areas as adults to forage and reproduce, has puzzled scientists for decades.

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   Apr 11

World's Second Most Endangered Turtle on Road to Recovery

By Herp News

WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) and the Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA) announced today that 60 captive-raised Myanmar roofed turtles–a species once thought extinct–have been released into their native habitat in Myanmar.

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   Apr 11

Turtle Beach up 4.8% after launching PC gaming keyboards/mice

By Herp News

Turtle Beach (NASDAQ: HEAR ) has launched a line of PC gaming keyboards, mice, and mousepads to complement its PC/console gaming headsets. The products are “available at select North American retail outlets.”

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   Apr 11

Turtle Beach Corporation's New PC Gaming Accessories Now Available At Retail

By Herp News

SAN DIEGO, April 10, 2015 /PRNewswire/ – Turtle Beach Corporation (NASDAQ: HEAR) announced today that its new lineup of PC gaming accessories, including gaming keyboards, mice and mousepads, is available at select North American retail outlets. Turtle Beach, the 40-year strong…

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   Apr 11

Turtle Beach +10.3%; SA author sees "victim of circumstance"

By Herp News

Beaten-down Turtle Beach (NASDAQ: HEAR ) is “on the cusp of a multi-year new generation console super cycle,” says Charles Moscoe in an SA PRO column now out of embargo. “Only 19% of new generation console sales have been made.

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   Apr 11

Turtle Beach (HEAR) in Focus: Stock Surges 12.8% – Tale of the Tape

By Herp News

Turtle Beach Corporation (HEAR) was a big mover last session, as the company saw its shares rise nearly 13% on the day.

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   Apr 11

Tortoise and pit bull become best friends in Texas

By Herp News

Ben Hooper FORT WORTH, Texas, April 9 (UPI) — A Texas veterinarian has made viral stars out of her tortoise and dog with a video of the unlikely best friends playing chase in a yard.

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   Apr 11

Lehigh Valley Zoo unveils reptile, amphibian center

By Herp News

The Lehigh Valley Zoo held a sneak preview Thursday of its new indoor Reptile and Amphibian Discovery Center, which houses more than 50 snakes, lizards, turtles, crocodilians, frogs and salamanders.

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   Apr 11

Lauderdale looks to lift the darkness from its beach

By Herp News

Moving sea turtle eggs could be Fort Lauderdale's answer to a brighter beach.

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   Apr 11

Fitch Rates Tortoise Energy Infrastructure Notes 'AAA'; Affirms Existing Ratings

By Herp News

Fitch Ratings assigns 'AAA' ratings to the following senior unsecured notes issued by Tortoise Energy Infrastructure Corp :

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   Apr 11

Evolve's Latest Weekend Challenge Revealed

By Herp News

Turtle Rock will offer free DLC if the community can complete a special in-game challenge this weekend.

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   Apr 10

Striped coral snake: A perfect example of nature's beauty

When I started with my studies on Indian snakes, I was really surprised when I read that India has five species of coral snake. I used to believe these highly beautiful snakes were only found in American countries.

I can find a few in my area, but I have to be lucky enough to get one, and never got a chance to rescue any. Whenever I go herping, I always tell my fellow companions that for a particular period of time they have to search only for coral snakes.

The striped coral snake is very rare to find as compared to other venomous snakes, and very shy by nature. I have never seen an aggressive coral, and to be frank I still don’t know how coral snakes attack because I haven’t seen any of them attacking.

That’s why, despite being venomous, coral snakes are not included in the “Indian Big Four” as they are not highly harmful as compared to vipers and cobras.

The striped coral snake, Calliophis nigrescens, is thin, very long, and has a cylindrical body with short tail. The body is blackish-blue, bluish-purple, or reddish-brown. There are 3-5 stripes on their body, but they are extremely faint in blue and black individuals.

The head is black with a light streak behind the eyes. The underside is red and the scales under tail are partly white.

Striped coral snakes are found mainly under dried leaves. They curl up their tail as a threat display when they are disturbed. They feed mainly on other snakes and viviparous by nature. These snakes are endemic to certain parts of western hilly areas of India.

I have encountered this snake only twice on my herpings. When I found the striped coral snake ,it was really unbelievable and I forced my companions to pinch me so I could believe I’d really found this beautiful creature.
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   Apr 10

Herp Photo of the Day: A boy and his pet

This is what our community is about, our love of the animals. Happy weekend! We hope you enjoy you like your reptile pets as much as this boy likes his snake in our herp photo of the day, uploaded by user Tom_AF_Guy!

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   Apr 09

Australia becomes first country to ban lion trophies

By Herp News

Last month, Australia became the world’s first country to ban the import or export of lion trophies, often taken from so-called canned hunting where lions are raised solely to be shot by foreign hunters.

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   Apr 09

'Twas a great night for herping

Four Days Before Christmas, and all through the ‘hood,

The rain was torrential, conditions were good.

Jake said, “It’s the night. We really should go.”

I checked the computer, barometer’s low.

So off in the storm, wipers on high,

The rain still fell in sheets from the lowering sky.

Traffic was heavy on roads, wet and black,

But for 50 long miles we stayed right on track.

We turned toward the pond, it had been a long ride,

But the “sallys” were active. We’re both glad we tried!

Road herping central Florida style with Jake: December 21, approximately 67 degrees Fahrenheit, and heavy rain.

Species seen: mole salamander, Ambystoma talpoideum; tiger salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum; spring peeper, Pseudacris crucifer. Also seen: southern toad, green treefrog, and southern leopard frog.
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   Apr 09

Simple steps can help nesting sea turtles survive

Remind your friends in Florida to leave nesting sea turtles alone, and avoid using bright lights near the turtles.

From WINK News:

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) asks people not to get too close, shine lights on, or take flash photos of nesting sea turtles.

Spring is the beginning of sea turtle nesting season in Florida. From now through the end of October, thousands of sea turtles will land on Atlantic and Gulf coast beaches to lay their eggs. With Florida hosting one of the largest loggerhead nesting aggregations in the world, this becomes an opportunity for residents and visitors to play an important role in conserving these long-lived reptiles. People can help by taking turtle-friendly precautions on the beach.

“Take care when you’re on a Florida beach at night and do not disturb the nesting sea turtles,” said Dr. Robbin Trindell, who leads the FWC’s sea turtle management program. “People can help save threatened and endangered sea turtles by giving them enough space and privacy to safely and successfully lay their eggs. It’s as simple as keeping your distance and avoiding shining lights or taking flash photos of the nesting sea turtles.”

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   Apr 09

Herp Photo of the Day: Double trouble

Two species that have been in the news as of late, anaconda and reticulated python, together as pets in their home share the spotlight in our herp photo of the day, uploaded by user hansbury!

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   Apr 08

New group hopes to raise global profile of the peace-loving bonobo

By Herp News

Of the world’s six species of great ape (not including us), it’s safe to say that bonobos (Pan paniscus) are the least studied and least known publicly. But a new organization, the Bonobo Project, is hoping to change that. To the untrained eye, a bonobo looks little different from their closest relative, the chimpanzee. But the differences between these two cousins are actually quite large.

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   Apr 08

Why Floridians Are Accidentally Drowning Baby Tortoises

By Herp News

The gopher tortoise is a land animal and cannot swim, officials noted.

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   Apr 08

The unexpected Gulf Coast box turtle

As winter fades back into a dormant state until next year, spring means herps are on a journey to find the perfect mate for breeding season in the southeast. This means several things to different species that will all be simultaneously doing the same thing at once: moving.

We were traveling to southwestern Mississippi from Alabama in search of black pine snakes (Pituophis melanoleucus lodingi) on a late March afternoon, and decided to stop at a rest area to stretch out our legs for a few minutes.

While walking around in this coastal lowland and surrounded by shallow swampy marsh habitat type, we stumbled upon a pair of Gulf Coast box turtles (Terrapene carolina major) breeding, with the female completely flipped over on her back and the male upright, which apparently is nothing out of the ordinary.

Reaching sexual maturity anywhere between 7-10 years, box turtles breed in the spring and females start seeking out nests June-July to lay a single clutch of 3-8 eggs at a time. It is also more than very likely that the same Gulf Coast box turtle we came across will lay her eggs near the water she was found around, and nest several different times this year with more clutches.

This subspecies of North American box turtles is one of six others that exist, and also un-mistakenly the largest. They are generally described as being matte brown or almost black in coloration with a distinct yellow stripe down their backs, but can also have thin or thick blotches .

It is also noted that if you happen to see one trying to cross the road, please feel obligated to help it do so safely but to also not relocate it so that it doesn’t get back into the road trying to go to where it was originally traveling to! …read more
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   Apr 08

Frogs from Madagascar immune to deadly fungus?

Chytridiomycosis is present in frogs from Madagascar, but for some reason they haven’t developed the disease.


Madagascar has the 12th highest rate of amphibian species richness in the world, with more than 400 species, 99% of which are indigenous to the region. But this biodiversity hotspot is already under severe pressure—a quarter of its species are under threat, according to the latest Global Amphibian Assessment. It’s rightly feared that the arrival of Bd, as reported in the journal Scientific Reports, could bring about mass amphibian decline—and even extinctions—as has been seen elsewhere.

Testing of the samples of the Bd fungus found in Madagascar reveals the strain is closely related to BdGPL, the hyper-virulent lineage behind all the known outbreaks of the chytrid fungus pathogen that have decimated amphibian populations. However, what’s interesting is that the rate of infection is extremely low and there’s no clinical signs of chytridiomycosis—the frogs have the fungus, but they haven’t developed the disease.

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